A client is a computer or a program that, as part of its operation, relies on sending a request to another program or a computer hardware or software that accesses a service made available by a server (which may or may not be located on another computer).[2] For example, web browsers are clients that connect to web servers and retrieve web pages for display.[2] Email clients retrieve email from mail servers. Online chat uses a variety of clients, which vary on the chat protocol being used. Multiplayer video games or online video games may run as a client on each computer.[2] The term "client" may also be applied to computers or devices that run the client software or users that use the client software.

The term was first applied to devices that were not capable of running their own stand-alone programs, but could interact with remote computers via a network. These computer terminals were clients of the time-sharing mainframe computer.

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A thick client, also known as a rich client or fat client, is a client that performs the bulk of any data processing operations itself, and does not necessarily rely on the server. The personal computer is a common example of a fat client, because of its relatively large set of features and capabilities and its light reliance upon a server. For example, a computer running an art program (such as Krita or Sketchup) that ultimately shares the result of its work on a network is a thick client. A computer that runs almost entirely as a standalone machine save to send or receive files via a network is by a standard called a workstation.

A thin client is a minimal sort of client. Thin clients use the resources of the host computer. A thin client generally only presents processed data provided by an application server, which performs the bulk of any required data processing. A device using web application (such as Office Web Apps) is a thin client.[3]

A diskless node is a mixture of the above two client models. Similar to a fat client, it processes locally, but relies on the server for storing persistent data. This approach offers features from both the fat client (multimedia support, high performance) and the thin client (high manageability, flexibility). A device running an online version of the video game Diablo III is an example of diskless node.

Used in home and corporate networks, a client is any computer hardware or software device that requests access to a service provided by a server. Clients are typically seen as the requesting program or user in a client-server architecture. Client end-user devices typically include desktop computers, laptops and smartphones.

In a client-server architecture, clients interact with servers by making requests for data or resources that the client is not capable of providing. Clients and servers can be located in different areas and connect via a network. They can also be located on the same machine and connect by interprocess communications.

A distributed application framework divides tasks between servers and clients. Tasks that can be completed by the client are typically referred to as client-side, while tasks completed by a server are referred to as server-side.

Servers typically provide resources such as files, data, internet access, external storage or processing power. The server puts one or more programs in charge of distributing those services to requesting clients.

Clients and servers communicate in a request-response messaging pattern defined by a communication protocol, such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The protocol defines the language and dialog patterns used. TCP, for example, maintains a connection between client and server until the end of a message exchange. TCP also determines how to distribute application data, transfers and receives packets, and manages any dropped packets. If a server receives a large number of requests at once, the requests are organized in a scheduling system based on priority. With client access control tools, a user can manage access to servers.

A server, for example, could be an Application Server, a separate computer, a database server or a web server. When a program or device does not have the resources to complete an operation, it will act as a client, making a request to a server, and that operation will happen server-side.

Examples of client-server relationships include web, file and mail servers. A web browser is essentially a client that requests pages from servers all over the web. The browser is the client that sends requests while a server in another location returns the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file. The computer that handles the request and sends back the HTML file is a server.

File Transfer Protocol is a client-server network protocol that is used to transmit files between computers over TCP/IP connections. The client-server protocol relies on two communications channels between the client and server -- a command channel for controlling the conversation and a data channel for transmitting file content.

The Client interface represents an executable context such as a Worker, or a SharedWorker. Window clients are represented by the more-specific WindowClient. You can get Client/WindowClient objects from methods such as Clients.matchAll() and Clients.get().

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Big shout out to @thatsfinsweet for their client-first design system, this is the building block that I have been patiently waiting for someone to create for two years now. Used it for the first time yesterday and it is a fundamental game changer framework for organizing projects

AWS Client VPN is a managed client-based VPN service that enables you to securely access your AWS resources and resources in your on-premises network. With Client VPN, you can access your resources from any location using an OpenVPN-based VPN client.

The end user connecting to the Client VPN endpoint to establish a VPN session. End users needto download an OpenVPN client and use the Client VPN configuration file thatyou created to establish a VPN session.

An IP address range from which to assign client IP addresses. Each connection to the Client VPN endpoint is assigned a unique IP address from the client CIDR range. You choose the client CIDR range, for example,

When you associate a subnet with your Client VPN endpoint, we create Client VPN network interfaces in that subnet. Traffic that's sent to the VPC from the Client VPN endpoint is sent through a Client VPN network interface. Source network address translation (SNAT) is then applied, where the source IP address from the client CIDR range is translated to the Client VPN network interface IP address.

A portion of the addresses in the client CIDR range are used to support the availability model of the Client VPN endpoint, and cannot be assigned to clients. Therefore, we recommend that you assign a CIDR block that contains twice the number of IP addresses that are required to enable the maximum number of concurrent connections that you plan to support on the Client VPN endpoint.

If you enable the client connect handler for your Client VPN endpoint, you must create and invoke a Lambda function. Charges apply for invoking Lambda functions. For more information, see AWS Lambda pricing.

Security advisories (ADVs) and CVEs provide information about the risk posed by these vulnerabilities, and how they help you identify the default state of mitigations for Windows client systems. The following table summarizes the requirement of CPU microcode and the default status of the mitigations on Windows clients.

We provide the following registry information to enable mitigations that are not enabled by default, as documented in Security Advisories (ADVs) and CVEs. Additionally, we provide registry key settings for users who want to disable the mitigations when applicable for Windows clients.

No. Security update 4078130 was a specific fix to prevent unpredictable system behaviors, performance issues, and/or unexpected reboots after installation of microcode. Applying the February security updates on Windows client operating systems enables all three mitigations.

As a general rule, Entity Framework Core attempts to evaluate a query on the server as much as possible. EF Core converts parts of the query into parameters, which it can evaluate on the client side. The rest of the query (along with the generated parameters) is given to the database provider to determine the equivalent database query to evaluate on the server. EF Core supports partial client evaluation in the top-level projection (essentially, the last call to Select()). If the top-level projection in the query can't be translated to the server, EF Core will fetch any required data from the server and evaluate remaining parts of the query on the client. If EF Core detects an expression, in any place other than the top-level projection, which can't be translated to the server, then it throws a runtime exception. See How queries work to understand how EF Core determines what can't be translated to server.

In the following example, a helper method is used to standardize URLs for blogs, which are returned from a SQL Server database. Since the SQL Server provider has no insight into how this method is implemented, it isn't possible to translate it into SQL. All other aspects of the query are evaluated in the database, but passing the returned URL through this method is done on the client.

While client evaluation is useful, it can result in poor performance sometimes. Consider the following query, in which the helper method is now used in a where filter. Because the filter can't be applied in the database, all the data needs to be pulled into memory to apply the filter on the client. Based on the filter and the amount of data on the server, client evaluation could result in poor performance. So Entity Framework Core blocks such client evaluation and throws a runtime exception. 006ab0faaa

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