I don't see "train track switching" in the video you gave. All I see is another train route. I'm not sure if modded train track files can be allowed by the server, but doing so would result in crappy sync anyway. MTA scripting, on the other hand, allows full control over vehicle's movement. Scripts can set vehicle's position, rotation and velocity, and that means full control. I once made a script (though I don't have it anymore) that made the trams drive on both tracks in SF and since server was aware of tracks, the trams didn't need client-side syncing to move. With more scripting, branched tracks could be made. That's it. Pure MTA, no CLEO.

We're talking about two different concepts here, one is simply allowing CLEO scripts to be ran and the other is the addition of a method to make MTA handle and act as an advanced CLEO library with its own security measures, and of course I much more prefer the latter.

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Server-side CLEO script downloading, hypothetically, it would work pretty much the same way as resource download, but instead of dumping said scripts into the normal San Andreas directory, they would automatically be dropped into a secure folder inside MTA's resource directory. Once the player joins the server, said scripts would be called by it and loaded, preventing intrusive scripts that are not listed in the server's meta file to be ran.

Good point about the sync allthough I would have thought sync would be possible it just by having all players running the same script file simultaneously, but as i stated above we're talking about two different methods of handling CLEO.

However this brings me to a much better question not related to CLEO scripting. I'm wondering if it be possible to use those functions you mentioned above in order to create a functional simple-to-use train path designer plugin for MTA Map Editor.

And intrusive scripts that are listed in the server's meta file could be ran. The first step towards security would be disabling arbitrary memory writing by CLEO. Which would take away most of its power and destroy the whole purpose of such idea.

Whatever, whichever and whenever you run any type of thing on client end, it is always a security risk no matter what you do, what you try to prevent and what you try to stop the script from doing. There is no way in earth any system can prevent something happening, because it is being ran on the client's machine, which they can modify as much as they want - even run their own OS if they prefer it that way. It is absolutely waste of time to enable CLEO modifications to be ran securely when there is no secure way to enable that functionality. That would mean wasting resources and time on making an entirely new, pure CLEO resource system that is totally its own huge subject, which would need hundreds of commits to make any near completion/public release.

Scripts should not be made in 5 minutes; you should spend months reading about your subject and researching new things, testing out things. Then you spend months making the script. Then you spend months doing performance testing and optimization, plus debugging and what else. Of course this might be faster in a team of developers with their own areas to cover in the project. Also remember public testing and public reviews, you need to consider those for the rest of your life and alter the code afterwards.

This is ridiculous to say that MTA does not have the resources to run whatever you want. You can do whatever you want with the exception that you need to spend just more time on it. Of course you can always argue about "optimal environment" - is it worth it to spend the same amount of time to a script that you would to make a simple game engine? I do not really care, but I can tell you, that there are so many things people have not yet tried out on MTA, or maybe they have tried, but have not publicly announced about anything, or maybe have not had the time.

On the train path designer idea, I meant being able to generate code, or rather, compose and output code using GUI button pressing in order to make a usable train track with working junctions, similar to one of your NPC path scripts, except, it would be used by a player and not an NPC. But I will assume since it can be done for an NPC, it should be even simpler to make it work for a player.

whenever i create a script it lags when it gets to if-jf series.. like 5 or so.. for example... i make a script that checks if i pressed K U O H B M L and does something different on each key press (the code will be something like "if K jf > if U jf > if O jf > etc and returns to the first check right?) but i have to hold 'U', for example, for about a sec until it gets to that label and checks the press... and i have seen scripts that have a lot more of this "jump if false" series (like 10+ or so) and dont lag anything (react almost instantly) i verified this with 2 computers: one 2GHz 1.5GB ram lowest settings, with my scripts and lags... and one 1.5 GHz 1GB ram lowest settings, other scripts with 10+ jump series and dont lag... and tested they on the 2GHz computer and they also didnt lag.. what am i doing wrong???? there is a wait 0 ms at the beginning of each label... I verified it 0 MILISECONDS... and still lag... hope you can help im getting mad at this sh!t

Well... i dont know where i read that a script may crash unexpectedly if you dont put a wait at the start of every label... or when the first opcode of the label is a check (if)... i dont remeber where...

This doesn't affect the thread which created it at all. I've found out that [opcode]0A93[/opcode] simply does nothing when used in this thread (still use end_thread to end this thread). I was hoping that CLEO would end the whole script, providing a pretty useful feature, but I guess it might work by patching the thread name.

I've put together my first CLEO script over the last few days, and while the code is functioning well, I feel like it could be optimized. I'm also new to CLEO scripting and may have missed some obvious things, and wanted to make sure my script won't break anything.

Of course, I realize there exist scripts to spawn 100 packages and can easily collect those to get to 100 packages collected, but I am stubborn and wanted to find that last package that I missed in my playthrough. So I set about to create a CLEO script to help me with that.

Before starting, I envisioned a script that would highlight packages on the map that I had missed. But I quickly discovered the game doesn't keep track of exactly which packages have been picked up, only how many out of the total # of packages defined. So I had to settle on another approach.

After finding all the hidden package coords in main.scm, the first version of my script simply displayed the coords on the map in groups of 10, but after playtesting I felt it would work better as a mission where it moves from one package to the next. This allows for a methodical search and also to display some text for each package about where it can be located and how to access it (ie: if helicopter is required, etc).

The script I ended up creating is a Hidden Package mission that guides the player to all hidden packages on the map from #1 - #100 in sequence. Checkpoints are created at each coord, along with a description on screen of where to find each package. Once the player reaches the checkpoint, the next package is automatically highlighted. The point of this script is to help a player locate packages they have missed, as in my case.

After much code cobbling it is working to my satisfaction, however as it's my first CLEO script, I'm sure it could be optimized. Right now the list of packages is hard-coded, but if possible it would probably be better to have a file with a list of co-ordinates, and have some re-usable code that can cycle through that list.

I also added a warning to not save the game while this script is active. I realize the blip created could be permanent if game is saved while it's active, so I added a warning when the mission is started to that effect.

Using custom global variable names in a cleo script will corrupt something, maybe it won't matter, but it could break the save, and would be hard to tell the difference without play testing everything. However, if you decompile your compiled script without using Sanny's special SCM Info the raw script should show you which global variable numbers your script highjacked. Then you could check how those variables are used in the main.scm script. Figure that all global variables are owned my main.scm. If you are writing a cleo script then you can only use global variables in context with main.scm. Normally, you can safely use the $Player_Char and $Player_Actor handles as expect, and change the $OnMission flag on and off as required. If you are messing with anything else then you'd better know what you are doing or something will break. 2351a5e196

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