CKEditor 5 provides every type of WYSIWYG editing solution imaginable. From editors similar to Google Docs and Medium, to Slack or Twitter-like applications, all is possible within a single editing framework.

The editor comes with a well-designed UI and perfect UX, so users can easily manage media and tables as well as use advanced features, such as auto-formatting, mentions, Paste from Word or Markdown support.

Download Ckeditor 4


This module will allow Drupal to replace textarea fields with the CKEditor 4 - a visual HTML editor, usually called a WYSIWYG editor. This HTML text editor brings many of the powerful WYSIWYG editing functions of known desktop editors like Word to the web. It's very fast and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer.

Due to the long-term strong relations between CKEditor and Drupal, the support for CKEditor 4 in Drupal is going to be provided by the end of 2023 by CKSource. We recommend however migrating to CKEditor 5 in the nearest future, to avoid last-minute upgrades at the end of the year.

Some CKEditor 4 plugins developed by CKSource are available in Drupal thanks to contributed modules. CKSource will be supporting module maintainers and provide updated versions of CKEditor 4 plugins whenever there is a security update concerning plugins they are depending on until the end of 2023.

To ease the transition to CKEditor 5 (in Drupal 9.5 and Drupal 10.0), it is possible to use the 1.0.x branch of this project until contributed and custom modules are ready. Once CKEditor 4 no longer receives security updates (the end of 2023), this project will be marked unsupported.

If you are interested in getting security updates for CKEditor 4 beyond that date (up until December 2026), please check the CKEditor 4 LTS module, where a special edition, CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support"), is available under commercial terms ("Extended Support Model") for anyone looking to extend the coverage of security updates and critical bug fixes.

CKEditor is the far superior successor of FCKeditor. The editor has been rebranded and completely rewritten. It is now much faster (the code has been optimized), loads faster (the number of files has been reduced, so the browser will perform less HTTP requests) and developer-friendly.

If you are using CKEditor 4.1+, you may need to adjust Advanced Content Filter settings. You can do this by editing the CKEditor profiles and going to the Advanced Content Filter section, where it is possible to disable ACF completely as well as set "Extra allowed content".

To use CKEditor in Drupal, you may need to download CKEditor (the library which this module relies on). This would not be necessary starting from version 7.x-1.14 (not released yet - 24 April, 2014), where the installation has been simplified and CKEditor from official CDN is available by default.

To avoid confusion, read this (mainly Drupal 6 users): the module ckeditor that is available here for download is a wrapper for the editor downloaded from the site (for Drupal 7, this step is no longer needed as CKEditor is taken by default from CDN). After the two archives are downloaded and unpacked, you end up with two folders having the same name, a 'module' and a 'program'. The module contains an folder called ckeditor that contains a text file that instructs you install the *contents* of the ckeditor folder that came from into this almost empty ckeditor folder.

In version 6.x users were forced to define the set of include/exclude rules based on the ID of textarea or the path to the page. In version 7.x things are now much more simple. All you have to do is to pick up the input formats where CKEditor should be enabled :-)

As of 30 June 2023, CKEditor 4 is considered end-of-life (EOL) software. That means there are no new security patches, bug fixes, features or releases coming out for CKEditor 4. We strongly encourage you to upgrade to CKEditor 5 to get the latest, most secure version of our editor.

The final public security patches for CKEditor 4 were delivered by 30 June 2023. If you want to continue using CKEditor 4 beyond this date, we recommend buying our Extended Support Model Package. This gives you access to essential security fixes for CKEditor 4 until December 2026.

Upgrading from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5 gives you all the benefits of our leading-edge editor, completely rewritten in TypeScript. Follow our step-by-step upgrade guide to get started. More questions? Contact our support team.

The CKEditor Long Term Support (LTS) Package is the version of CKEditor 4 exclusively for people who have purchased our Extended Support Model Package. Customers who buy the Extended Support Model get a new license key for activating the LTS Package.

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that can fit a wide range of use cases: from Word-like documents with large toolbars to simple toolbars with a limited set of features used for emails or instant messaging.

CKEditor (formerly known as FCKeditor) is a WYSIWYG rich text editor which enables writing content directly inside of web pages or online applications.[2][3][4][5] Its core code is written in JavaScript and it is developed by CKSource. CKEditor is available under open source and commercial licenses.[6]

The first version of CKEditor, under the name FCKeditor, was released in March 2003 by Frederico Caldeira Knabben, the creator of the editor and the project's Benevolent Dictator for Life. After reaching more than 3 million downloads,[citation needed] FCKeditor was completely reviewed and redesigned into CKEditor 3, with special attention given to performance, accessibility and a new UI.[7]

In December 2012, CKEditor 4 was released with an Inline Editing solution, reformatted source code, enhanced DOM and CSS performance. The server-side implementations were removed. Retired in June 2023.[8]

After five years, in 2018, CKEditor 5 first stable version was introduced. With its code rewritten from scratch, CKEditor 5 has a custom data model and architecture. The editor implements Operational Transformation for the tree-structured model as well as many other mechanisms which were required to create a real-time collaborative UX.[9]

CKEditor 5 is a JavaScript framework offering a rich API[10] to develop any editing solution. CKEditor 5 also offers builds, which are ready-to-use editors; there are currently 5 builds available to download: Classic, Inline, Balloon, Balloon block and Document.[11]

CKEditor 4 has features found in desktop word processors such as styles formatting (bold, italic, underline, bulleted and numbered lists), tables, block quoting, web resource linking, safe undo function, image inserting, paste from Word and other common HTML formatting tools. Also CKEditor 4 has built-in spell checker functionality provided as plug-ins by WebSpellChecker LLC. By default, it is available for free with a banner ad.[6] It checks the spelling of the text and marks all errors with a red wavy line and allows the user to choose one of the correct suggestions.

There are currently many plugins available with CKEditor 4 to serve different needs, e.g. CKFinder and Accessibility Checker (the CKSource's plugins). CKFinder is a file manager for including files and images within content created with the editors. It is compatible with both CKEditor 4 and 5 and is available under commercial license.

CKEditor 4 is fully compatible with most internet browsers, including latest stable releases from Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Internet Explorer 10 and 11.[13] In mobile environments, it has close to full support in Safari (iOS6 +) and Chrome (Android).[13]

Essentially I am adding internal links to their link dialog where links I split up between sections and publications. When a user picks a section from a select drop down the publications from that section are populated in a different drop down.

The following code is being modified from the link.js file in the plugin folder. I cut out all the unnecessary bits and left out what I thought was relevant. As you can see in the code below I am defining a select dropdown with the id of 'section' followed by the 'item' dropdown. How do I access the 'item' dropdown, to populate it, in the onChange function of the section dropdown?

I have my ajax code all figured out and working if I hardcode the IDs that end up getting populated in the ID tag on runtime but this changes from editor to editor so I can't rely on hardcoded values.

EDIT: The problem I have is that the CKEditor will change every ID so they are unqiue. Though I name the dropdown "section" CKEditor calls it 176_section but it isn't always the same INT hence why I need to figure out how to grab it during the setup phase.

You must know the id of the dialog page too. (It's outside your example code) I.e. the id of the "top" element in the relevant dialog page (your field may be on another page than the first if you have several pages in the dialog).

So you have 3 steps:1. Change the CKEDITOR.dom.element constructor so you can access the real dom element2. Add a onLoad event to the field you want to access later on and ad a custom attribute3. Access the element by the custum attribute you've set in the onLoad

You likely have an issue with document encoding (while pasting the url in the config.js file), you can check it in the Network tab of your browser developer tool, 404 error happen for sure, try recopying from here or write the url by hand :

Hello guys,

I am trying to integrate mathJax but I cannot get it show in the toolbar. Can you share the steps that you are following? I started from here , but I cannot get it to be displayed in my editor.


The update introduces reusable configuration for CKEditor fields via CKEditor Configs, featuring drag-and-drop toolbar customization and fields for extra CKEditor config options and custom CSS styles. 006ab0faaa

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