Other convenient features of this app include blacklisting programs, enabling blacklisted tools, disabling keyboard detection and landscape, and setting a timer to automatically hide the sidebar. It also features a database setting where you can back up, restore, and clear or reset all settings and databases. You can even choose to automatically activate the program upon booting your device and unlock its pro features in the main setting menu.

No idea where to post this. In the Dashboard, there are a couple items that have a red circle with an I next to them. I have no idea what this circle means, and when I click the item, for example Bluehost or Insights, there is nothing to tell me why the circle is there.

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My Finder looks like this - the icons for local and external volumes are shown correctly in column view, on Get Info and on the desktop but in sidebar Locations all (except for boot volume) are all just plain circles:

This question How to reset default sidebar favourites icons in Finder? suggested deleting ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist and restarting Finder. Sure enough this works and the sidebar icons are corrected but after a reboot they are back to being circles.

A math instructor who teaches class right after lunch notices that students have difficulty concentrating. Most of the students in this class are repeating the course and there are at least eight young people who have problems controlling their behavior. When the teacher first introduced Community Building Circles, there were sidebar conversations, despite the use of a "talking piece" that serves as a reminder that only one person may speak at a time. After conducting the circles a few times, the young people have started to settle down and seem to take a real interest in the process by asking their own sets of questions.

Each series of linked text boxes is called a thread and is identified by the shared color of the circle at the top of each text box. Numbers in the circles indicate the order of the text boxes in the thread. You can add and remove text boxes from a thread, change their order in the thread, move them to a different thread, and more.

If you see a different number or if the color matches an existing thread, the text box was linked to an existing thread instead. To make it the start of a new thread, click its circle and choose Create New Thread.

Change the style of all text: Click anywhere in the text of the thread (to place the insertion point), press Command-A (on a Mac) or Control-A (on a Windows computer) to select all the text, then make your changes in the Style tab of the Format sidebar on the right.

Change the style of all text boxes: Control-click one of the text boxes, choose Select All Text Boxes in Thread from the shortcut menu, then make your changes in the Style tab of the Format sidebar on the right.

Imagineers avoid dead ends in their designs, and Charney said the same could apply to classrooms -- any tangential topics should circle back around to the discussion at hand instead of leading to a dead end.

Two years ago we introduced Slack Connect, a secure way to collaborate with people outside your organization. If a channel had Slack Connect enabled, a double-diamond icon appeared next to its name in the sidebar, indicating that external collaborators might be present.

To tailor your sidebar even further, you can adjust your preferences or add custom sections at any time. Otherwise, start enjoying a better Slack experience thanks to our streamlined sidebar, rolling out to all customers starting on June 8.

Clicking on the Settings (gear) button at the bottom of the left sidebarprovides access to Contacts app settings. This field shows allavailable address books, certain options for each address book, and enables youto create new address books, simply by specifying an address books name:

For all these reasons, Nextcloud supports Circles, a feature embedded in the Contacts app, where every user is able to create its own circle, a user-defined aggregate of accounts. Circles can be used later on to share files and folders, added to Talk conversations, like a regular group.

In the left menu, click on the + next to Circles.Set a circle nameLanding on the circle configuration screen, you can:- add members to your circle- clicking on the three dot menu next to a user allow you to modify its role within the circle.

This sidebar enables you to add graphic annotations to a screen capture of your application. It also enables you to examine the characteristics of the user interface elements in your application and detect defects in their layout and color.

The Collections panel shows a list of collectionsand can be used to control the visibility of collections in the viewport.If a collection contains objects, there is a circle to the left of the collection name.If a collection is empty, there is no circle to the left of the collection name.

This guide describes a five-step process for adding or editing submitters to a collection in cIRcle. Use this function to authorize users to upload items to a specific collection or to remove authorizations. Only users with a cIRcle login can be added as a submitter. It is recommended that you remove authorizations for submitters who are no longer affiliated with the collection or university. This function is restricted to cIRcle users with collection administrator status. If you have any questions about authorizations, please contact cIRcle staff at ubc-circle@lists.ubc.ca. ff782bc1db

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