I'm now learning Python, and I understand that it too can create GUIs, including browser-based ones. I would like to try to use Python to write a chess-GUI (and in the long-run a neural-net based chess engine). Do you know of any disadvantages to using Python for these sorts of projects?

As for neural-net based chess engines, this has been done before (with pretty weak playing strength). I plan to use a normal GUI and a legal-move enforcement module wrtitten in the usual hand-coded rule-based approach. That should be the easy part. The actuall move selection will be performed by a multi-layer (back-propagating) neural net trained on GM games. I realize that the learning curve will likely be extremely slow and inconsistent (if at all). But I've always wanted to learn to create a neural net, so I'll be happy if my chess neural-net can just accumulate a plus score against a random move generator!

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As you rightly pointed out, what I really like is full control so that all my dirty little needs can be fulfilled. I have written it, so I understand it. Modifying programs of others is not the answer for me, because there can always be hidden traps which only come out if an outsider modifies the program who does not understand its logic fully. This happened to Stockfish, when it was modified to play atomic chess ( Atomkraft ). The program is terribly strong among atomic chess engines, but it crashes a lot. Stockfish is too elaborate a program to be modified by outsiders in a foolproof way.

This is not a security problem with Java. This is a problem with the idea that every time you load a Java applet, a general purpose computer program, it can do anything on your computer that any other program you download can do. As we all know, you should only run programs from sources you trust. We trust Chess.com. The problem is that if Chess.com gets hacked, the hackers could replace the chess applet with a duplicate chess applet (so you don't realize anything is wrong, you can still play chess!) but that also contains a trojan payload, infecting your computer and allowing malicious abuse of your computer.

Quote from this thread. That provides a good summary of the problem. The shorter version is that chess.com is either too lazy or incompetent to get their Computer vs Human java applet signed, and in doing so they are putting their users at risk as well as making the program unusable for people using the newest version of java.

There are two solutions at the moment. You can either downgrade to an older version of java, or you can turn your java security level down to medium from the default (high). Turning it down to medium worked for me. You may also have to add and to your exception site list. Both of these settings can be found in your java control panel. I reccomend turning your security level back up to high when you are done.

... and so on. By radiating out one square at a time, you would simply inspect the square (ensuring you are within chessboard boundaries) and see if it is occupied. If it is, determine whether it is a friendly or opponent piece. Just because we have hit an opponent's piece does not necessarily mean our threatened square is under attack.

With everything in place, all that is required is to use a couple of nested for loops. The outer one to iterate through all directions, the inner one to radiate out one square at a time until we hit the edge of the chessboard or hit a piece, whichever comes first. Here is the algorithm for sliding pieces. Knight are abit different than sliding pieces but the general ideas presented here also apply.

Im just trying to display some unicode chess symbols in eclipse using java, however it just prints out the random rectangles, and unless chess pieces have taken a radical change in style lately- i dont think its what i want. Help is much appreciated!

Instead of using raw (x,y) coordinates, you could create a class to define a Location in the board. This could provide you with methods to translate a Location into "chess coordinates" as used in chess literature. A Location would be constructed as new Location(x, y).

Two major issues in the whole concept of making chess game are:1. How you eliminate moves which exposes your own king to check. Sometimes pieces can't move at all.2. How you allow a piece to move only for protecting your king in check situations. Meaning if for.ex bishop is threatning your king and you can move some piece to block that threat but nowhere else.

I'm writing a basic Java chess game and have written the following classes: Game, Player, Board, Square, Piece (superclass of each of the specific pieces), and each specific piece class (e.g. Pawn, Knight, Bishop, etc.)

I'm writing a chess game. My basic design is to have a 2d array (8 x 8) consisting of square objects. Squares have a number of fields: int height, int width, Piece piece (null if empty, some type of Piece object otherwise.

I have 2 classes: public class ChessSquare { and public class ChessBoard {. ChessSquare class has a constructor that construct a chess board square given parameters x-coordinate, y-coordinate and type (wether its a Pawn, empty square, king, queen, so on...) from the ChessBoard class.

ChessBoard class is a swing interface 8x8 grid that holds 64 buttons (using ChessSquare constructor). Simply put it resembles proper chess board, where all 64 buttons have actionListener implemented to them and are working as intended.

The problem I'm experiencing is moving chess pieces around the grid. According to the guidelines, I need to create a moveTo() method in a ChessSquare class that would look as following: pieceThatIWantToMove.moveTo(destinationSquare){ where pieceThatIWantToMove and destinationSquare are variables that hold information about piece you want to move and destination square correspondingly.

Here is how it is written in the guideline: "Write a moveTo method for your ChessSquare class. This should take another ChessSquare as a parameter. When invoked, this method should move the chess piece on that chess square to the chess square provided as a parameter."

I am in the process of building a chess engine in Java using bitboards. I know C/C++ is more optimal for this but I have no knowledge of either so I'd rather attempt to do it with Java for now. I have two questions about storing generated moves.

My answer is not about chess, just as your question only superficially is about chess. The questions you ask are really about other things, and you may be better advised to try to address that part of the question in forums dedicated to Java.

Question 1. The considerations are internal to your chess code, and you 'should' select a representation that makes it inexpensive to perform the operations you need: create moves, access the constituent parts of a move, etc. Unless you are fairly experienced you can't select the 'right' representation without knowing what your code needs. Choose something, and wrap in in your own class to make it easy to change implementation later without changing the class interface.

It's basically a library written in Java that represents the game chess. You can create a board, make moves on it, kill pieces, check if a move is valid, castle kings and rooks, etc. It could be used to make a chess game in java, create a chess AI, create an online chess server, etc.

This is my second question regarding my chess engine. I can search up to depth 6 but it takes >=30 seconds for the AI to move. Currently my engine uses alpha-beta pruning, zobrist hashing, null move pruning, and quiescence search. For move generation I'm using bitboards, which is one of the things I'm pretty sure isn't causing the bottleneck. My guess is that it has something to do with my move ordering and some of the data structures I'm using that might be taking up a lot of memory (ie. ArrayLists instead of arrays).

Jin is an open source, cross platform, graphical client for chess servers, written in Java. Jin can runeither as a standalone application (available at this website) or as an applet, directly from your browser (available at the chess server's website).

In this project, you will implement a chess game simulator. Yoursimulator will take as input a file that describes the initiallocations of pieces on the board and a series of moves of thosepieces. Your simulator will then set up the board and execute thosemoves, checking that all the moves are legal and, at the end, printingthe state of the game board.

This project will also give you a little practice withthe essential software engineering skill of solving programmingproblems by finding library code to do what you want. We'll give yousome hints, but fewer than in the last project. So you'll need tospend some time searching on Google and poking aroundthe JDK11 API. Most of the methods you want are probably in thefollowing: java.base  java.io java.lang java.util But, if you want to get fancy, you can use other parts of the API,e.g., java.nioor java.util.regex. Inthis and all other projects, you are allowed to use any part of theJDK 11 API you like.

Hint: The hardest part of the, in a technical sense, iswriting the code to model the moves of all the chess pieces. The restof the project has much less code, but you will need some time tounderstand all the design patterns we've crammed into the project. Andyes, there are too many design patterns here, but hopefully not asmany as this factorialimplementation that's been design patterend to death.

Your simulator will be run via the command java Chess layout moves where layout is the name of a file describing the initiallocations of pieces on the chessboard, and moves is the nameof a file describing a sequence of moves. We've given you one exampleeach of the layout and move files, layout1 andmoves1, respectively, where layout1 contains thestandard setup of chess pieces on the board. For ideas of other waysyou could lay out chess pieces initially, search the web for chesspuzzles or chess problems. e24fc04721

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