Hi I just started clash of clans yesterday. Was looking up some strategy guides and saw all the links for gem/gold/elixir hacks. Are these real? Cause if so they kinda make the game useless to play as I'm sure alot of people will be using them. Might as well start now then instead of building up honestly.

HELP!!! My husband is on his phone ALL the time playing clash of clans. We have been married 7 years and have 3 wonderful children together. A little over a year ago, we decided to cave and get smart phones. Shortly after we got our new phones, he downloaded clash of clans and was playing it quit a bit. Wasn't too concerned at first. Well, now things have changed. I am VERY Concerned, aggrivated, sad, not happy at all.

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It's frustrating because I do ALL the house chores, laundry, dishes, cook meals, clean house, grocery shop, everything. But now, I am doing outside chores as well. Cuz he is on his **** phone. I used to mow the yard once a year, if he needed me too. Well, this year I mow most of the time. He has maybe mowed twice this year. I pulled all the weeds out the grass. I usually don't do yard work unless it's landscaping. But I feel like our yard is not looking as good because of clash of clans.

My biggest eye opener was when we were on vacation, we went out to eat and we were all done eating. Kids and I left the restaurant while he was still sitting at our table playing clash of clans. Another customer sitting at a table by ours, saw me stare at my husband and get ****y and storm out with the kids. My kids and I are vying for attention. Anything from him. Help, conversation, laughter, anything would be nice. But instead we see his face glued to his phone.

i HATE clash of clans. it has overtaken my boyfriend's life. he plays three different characters on three devices at the same time. now he has taken to playing Boom Beach too. I just recently found out he has spent over $800 in just a month's time buying gems. He doesn't know I know about this yet and I don't know how to bring it up because I had to be "snoopy" to get the information, which makes me feel like sh**. I thought we were trying to build a life together, but he's spending money he doesn't even have to play this **** game. My girls (from a previous relationship) love him to death, but he has his nose glued to the game the minute he walks in the door. They ask him all the time why he plays on the computer so much or make remarks about him sitting there all the time. He will stop for meals and sometimes even grant me an hour to an hour and a half of tv time, although he does bring his phone and ipad so he can while spending "quality time" with me. He says that it shouldn't matter if he's playing the game while sitting next to me watching TV...he's "there." I totally feel your pain and I feel worthless and insignificant. I know where his priorities are...and I'm not one of them. :(

I have started to despise smart phones and definitely clash of clans!! My husband is on it all the time too, along with other games and websites :( I hate being ignored for a game, and he spends money on it too. He once spent $200 in one weekend on clash of clans!!! Luckily, the money spending has died down to almost nothing, but he has now added TONS of games. Just looked at our iPad and he has at least 20- not to mention any he has on his phone :/

Kind of glad to see I'm not alone in this struggle. I feel for all of you. I knew my husband was playing clash of clans excessively, but today I saw a few gift cards to the google play store and asked him what they were for. He told me it was for clash of clans. I found it concerning because it added up to a few hundred dollars, but figured it was his money so I don't have a right to criticize him. Something didn't add up though and after some snooping I have found that not only has he spent over $2,500 on this game this month alone but that its been going on for 3 or 4 months now. This just happened and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it and figure out how to best approach this. I honestly had no idea people even spent money on the game much less thousands of dollars! I thought we had a mutual agreement that we were saving money so we could move and he could start a different career in which he isn't at work all the time. He works 12 hr days every single day, but has a lot of time on his hands while at work (hence the game addiction). I feel betrayed and like I don't know this man I'm married to. Anyone here have any success in the matter and talking with their s.o. about it? Any advice is appreciated:)

Hi. I just wanted to say my piece. I'm 27, married and had daughter in DEC 12. I started playing clash of clans march 13 so I could stay up and nurse my daughter without falling asleep. It has been a massive part of my life, and sadly my daughters. I had a maxed base all from farming (ie I didn't buy resources). Checked my base all day long.

The main reason I quit was I went on holiday with my parents and daughter. It was my "time off" and I spent all my spare time playing clash of clans. I was so ashamed of myself. When I returned, I had a good long look and then just decided to take action. Change the password. There's no return.

I wish you gamers luck in quitting, and family/friends strength in helping the gamers quit. I just wanted to share in case there's another mum out there who thinks Shes alone. Certainly none of my mummy friends were addicted to clash of clans

My husband started playing Clash of Clans and soon played all the time; all hours of the night, day at work etc. my two young girls and I begged him so many times to stop playing just for a little while and pay attention to us, but he started getting angry when we asked and soon did very little with us and nothing around the house. We booked our first out of country, tropical family vacation and I asked him to put the phone away and focus on me and the girls to which he agreed, but that didn't happen! The whole two weeks we were there he played almost all night after the girls and I went to bed, for hours every morning, and in the bathroom. The low point of the trip was when he went out for the day alone (as our girls were too young for what he wanted to go do), got back to the resort, and refused to watch a movie at the theater because he was tired and wanted to sleep. When we got back to our room after the movie he was on his phone!!! He had been playing for six months at this point. When we arrived home from our trip he insisted the girls and I visit my parents and started acting weird, days later he informed me we were no longer wanted and to never come home as we didn't love him enough and HE felt ignored! Two weeks later; on our 13 year anniversary he finally confest to an online afair with another gamer from his clan, I was devastated as in 13 years we never even argued, he was my best friend and I though we had the perfect marriage. Although I begged him daily for the next month not to be unfaithful he flew to the country she was in and shacked up with her (she is married too with two daughters, her husband was deployed in the army at the time). At the end of the week they broke up realizing that the realashonship was based on fiction and hormones and he begged me not to divorce him. We did eventually work things out but Clash of Clans continued to be an issue which fed my insecurities and led to me telling him it was me and the girls or the game (I packed the kids up and told him after everything he was still cheating on me with a game and I wanted a divorce). He admited it had become an addiction and after a couple weeks he finally managed to stop and found ways to block himself out of the game, which is really hard to do and you almost need to be a genious to figure it out (we are both good with tech and it took both of us to figure it out). He knows he could create a new account and start playing again, but so far has refrained, it's been a couple months. In the 8 months he played he spent over $3000 on Clash of Clans! My once perfect marriage is now full of doubt, insecurity and fear. Although he admits it all started because he was in a negative place and all the problems he tried to say we're my and the kids fault were really his own (he got counciling) I still worry all the time that he will relapse or get too involved in other games and if he plays a game for more than a few minutes I become paranoid and monitor all his gaming, emails, Facebook, etc. I forgave him, but I don't know if I will ever be able to forget and trust him.

I went out of town for a family emergency and came back to a different man. He was distant and always on his phone playing Clash of Clans. He never stopped. He snuck off all of the time to rooms and stuff with his phone and I realized something was going on. He left his phone to go into the store for a moment and I stayed with our children in the car. I picked up his phone to check my email because my son had my phone. I saw right there... emails. Tons of emails. From and to this woman he met in clash of clans. My heart was shattered and it's been an ongoing process over the last 5 months to repair the damage that was done. They had plans to meet up at a hotel and everything. He went into therapy and was diagnosed with depression and compulsive lying. The Depression is something he has apparently always had and use to be on depression meds but just quit one day. My own pyschologist expressed to me that men get online and create this fantasy world and some how mentally separate it from reality to make it so as not to be really cheating. But it is. And it's not good.

My husband, one of the most brillant people I have ever known has become addicted to Clash of Kings! When it first began I was convince he was cheating. The only problem with the senario is that he would have had to be out of my presence in order to do that! He was rarely gone. In fact, my husband had decided to change careers and go back to college. It was a bold move at our age. ( am his second wife) After he finished up in the first degree and had just moved on to grad school which we decided together he would do online for the most part and then fly out to the campus a few times a year for testing and different things so that he would not have to leave the family, I was noticing that my husband was spending a lot of time out on the back porch till wee hours of the night. Now, my husband, as I stated is a brillant man and not much intimidates him so I didn't think he was avoiding he school work. Then I realized about 4 months into it that he was NOT doing his work at all. He was sitting out on our back deck playing a video game. Well that was over 3 years ago! Since that time my husband has dropped out of grad school, he was unemployed the entire time until 6 months ago. Our 10th Anniversary was a little over 2 weeks ago. I have been talking about for months. I was so excited about it. Well I spent it at my mothers house moving in with her because I feel so emotionally neglected. He ended up calling me with in 10 minutes of dropping me off to my mothers house and volunteerily saying that he would delete the game if I would just please let him come back and get me. So the next day we did a "do over" for our Anniversary Celebration since it was the weekend. He took me to Apple Bee's. (yea, that was my big 10 year celebration) and got me desert, no dinner because we had already eaten and he was too busy being parked at Kroger parking lot playing Clash of Kings to come home from work on time. The entire time I sat at the table, silent while he messed with his phone pretending to be doing something other than play his game! (like I am stupid) So what happened to deleting it if I would just come home? Even as I lay here in our bed at 2am and he has to be up early for work, he is sitting her next to me playing Clash of Kings. That is what he has been doing since he came home! He would rather have his wife leave him then put the game down and you know what? I am about ready to do just that! I am an attractive woman! I am not ugly, I am not stupid am my son is 17 years old and an honor roll student! I am not carrying a bunch of baggage! Why does this man think i have to stand for this???? I understand addiction! So does he.His degree is in substance abuse counseling! Don't you just love the irony? But because we do understand it, that is why this is unexceptable! To know you have a problem and do nothing about it means you just don't care! ff782bc1db

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