There are 2 user folders on that Windows machine: One with user@old_server and user@new_server. When old server died I created new (4.5.2 on than moment) and updated Spark client to 2.9.2. So I think new Spark creates history. Latest history files dated with 29th Jan.

UPD2: I deleted Spark in Roaming folder and we tested history. Folder in Roamnig was recreated and now folder Transcriptions contains only Conversations.xml

I found machine with 2.9.2 and there ARE history files latest dated 15 FEB! And it DO appear in chat window!

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It works well for me but it might be a bit too heavy handed in the number of event listeners it removes. As always, vet any scripts you are given online. I suggest running it past chatGPT. I also suggest checking your license agreement with OpenAI to ensure it is compatible.

When adding a third person to the group chat call, the third person is not able to see the previous chat of the group. The person is only able to see the chat messages that will be exchanged during their existence in the group chat. So when you remove this person from the chat afterwards and readd them a second time by calling them (maybe the next day), they still only see the chat massages that were exchanged during the time when they were in the conference call the first time.

I started a video call with A, by clicking the call button in the existing text chat thread with A. We decided that we should talk to B and C. I clicked the people icon and invited B and C to join us. We talked. It was fine.

Whaaat? So it appears that when you invite people to a video chat, Teams makes some decision about the best-matched existing chat group, and adds the extra people, without asking if they should have access to the chat history.

On the desktop it's showing, the message has been read by 2 , however on the phone app, it's showing its been read by 4. So which one is correct? I am bit confused as I want to know if someone has actually read the previous chat history or not . Please reply

For example, if during a chat conversation, the agent determines a ticket is necessary and manually creates a ticket for the customer, we want the chat conversation/history to be included in the ticket activity.

I tried looking at my chat history with customer support, but I was told that only support staff can see chat history from previous service cases. Is that accurate? I'm not doubting that I may have been wrong about something I was told, but I would still like to be able to look back and be sure. I pulled up my past service chats, and there is a line that says chat history, but nothing is there.

Actually, it was there all along. Just go into the main help page and find the small 'speech bubble' icon on the bottom-ish right. If you click that then your whole chat history will come up. In fact that might be the only way you can continue any kind of conversation with Adobe helpdesk reps.

There is a glaring loophole in chat history logging that has been present for years since the chat logging system started. It involves changing your name via Twitch's name change feature. Once someone has changed their name, you can no longer reliably pull up their entire chat history. It is effectively halted for the old name, and wiped for the new name so long as you do not have their original name.

Let's say I have actual years of chat logs under the name "desertp" on "examplechannel"


All of them would show here for a moderator, right? Right. Years of logs since the system was implemented. Everything is there. This is Good.


Let's say I then change my name to "dezartp" via twitch's name change system.


All chat logs are totally gone, even if its the same account. It's as if this user never existed before.

Why is that?

This is because Twitch is pulling data not from their established userid, which is like a series of numbers, which is a universal indentifier outside of the actual username, but only pulls directly from the name itself -- which is superficial. 

This basically is a loophole that allows people to erase their entire chat history, so long as you don't know what their original name was, and cant prove they were their old name -- and it becomes a tiresome process of trying to figure out someone's identity that may be causing problems and abusing the system to change names to obsfucate their information. It's a headache that could be very easily fixed by tying a user's chat history to their userid, and looking up any of the names associated with said userid pulls up all their messages. You don't even need to reveal the userid to do this, you could mask it.

I'm not sure why this is like this.

Basically, when I want to look up someone's chat history when I am modding to determine if this person is a problem for the chat, especially in large chats that go very rapidly and it's hard to keep track of people, it would be extremely helpful to see all of their chat history tied to that account's user_id.

Obviously if someone changed their account completely, that's another issue entirely, and a lot more rare. Most of the time this is about people just changing their names, and sometimes it's not even done maliciously either. It's just annoying to keep track of who is who and their history when they can just wipe it clean every month. Some people change their names very very often and it makes them hard to keep track of. There are some communities where this is a problem more than others and it would be a heavily appreciated change to how chat is logged.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.QuestionZoebug AgrawalPosted May 9, 2018Zoebug AgrawalResident  20Share Posted May 9, 2018(edited) Is the a way to retrieve old chat and im messages going back a month, beyond that which is the viewer chat logs and on my computer. I have no intention of sharing with 3rd parties,or breaking the TOS, except maybe Linden Labs if that is allowed.A couple of recent friends are accusing me of stuff I would never do, and spreading untruths about me, I have no idea what they might do next.I might sadly need to defend myself.Edited May 9, 2018 by Zoebug Agrawal

minorLink to commentShare on other sites More sharing options...10 answers to this questionSort by votesSort by dateRecommended Posts2Lindal KiddPosted May 9, 2018Lindal KiddAdvisor and Baker of Cookies 20.9kShare Posted May 9, 2018 Note: There will not be any chat or IM logs on your computer unless you have configured your Preferences to save them.

Second note: The nearby chat log file, named chat.txt, can become quite large. All your log files are appended to, every time you have a conversation. Since local chat is always going on, this file will become larger every time you log in to SL. I try to remember to edit mine...every few months I'll open it, cut off everything but the last three months, and save the earlier material in a file with a different name.

It's weird. For many years I've turn off chat logs by redirecting them to a small ramdisk. It's all lost when I turn off my computer. My memory is good enough that I can tell other people - paraphrased in my own words - what has happened.

OP, chat logs are not a defense, they are editable, unreliable, and 100% drama. Forget they exist and your SL will be much happier. When you have friends who are spreading malicious rumours about you, shrug it off and head off to find new friends. After all, you know the rumours are false, so why bother defending yourself? Just say "Meh" and kick those people from your life with a mute/ban ... because, the harder you defend something, the more guilty you look.

The chat and IM logs on your own computer are the only accessible records of your conversations. Linden Lab has their own logs but you cannot get them. "Defending" yourself often does nothing more than bring on more drama. Having logs probably won't make much difference if tempers are hot. Just take time to let people calm down.

The logs are plain text files. Over time they can get large and slow the viewer. I make a year folder (e.g., 2017) and move the large chat files into it. The viewer will create a new, empty version of the file and be a bit faster. The Local Area chat file, chat.txt, can get huge.

Defending yourself online using the idea of 'evidence' simply does NOT work. Your chat logs are 'editable' text files. So, a person can make them say anything they want or remove whatever they do not like.

When another's behavior becomes harassment you can file Abuse Reports. The Lindens can review server logs, which depending on who you talk to include chat logs too. But, those logs may only last a couple of days on busy servers. Including exact time and date with the Abuse Report is critical. Without it the process slows.

I'll admit it, I've been lazy with giving back to the ServiceNow Community, but after a brief conversation with John Roberts a few weeks ago, I definitely feel motivated to get off my tuches and get back to writing. To begin, I wanted to outline my solution for expanding on Chat Actions and the use of Ajax, specifically to solve the obvious problem that creating an incident from chat does not include the chat history.

Before continuing I do need to state that I'm assuming you've already turned on the Chat plugin and are familiar with creating Chat Actions. If you don't know about Chat Actions, take a look at this wiki article =Adding_Actions_to_the_Chat_Window_Menu. Once you've read the wiki and are ready to go, continue reading (don't cheat and continue if you haven't read the Wiki, I'll know)...

When it comes extending Chat, specifically pulling the chat history, you need to know a little bit about the chat tables. "chat_queue_entry" is a table that houses information for the chat queues. "chat_room" contains information on the status of available rooms and references "chat_queue_entry." "chat_message" is the table that houses chat message information and reference the "chat_room" table by the field of "Chat channel." The reason I'm listing these tables is because to find chat history, each of these three tables need to be queried. Another important thing to note is that users with the ITIL role do not have access to read from these tables. To get this method to work, I had to add in ACL's to at least make the tables readable. Another thing to keep in mind is once users can read from these tables, chat history technically isn't private. I believe in 100% transparency, but not everyone may agree with that philosophy and additional security may be required to try and be selective on what people can and can't read.

Alright, getting into more code. Since the chat runs from the client it's best practice to build the action using Ajax with a script include (make sure you also check out the Ajax wiki article =GlideAjax). I'll admit that my first instinct for this solution was NOT to use Ajax, so once again I need to give credit to Tyler Jones for pointing me in the right direction. I've been getting more into script includes and I have to say, Ajax is the way to go to prevent the browser from freezing and causing problems. My first step was to build a script include called ExtendedChatFunctions (I think I intended to add more to the script include, but for right now it only works to include chat history). This script include does all the work on the back-end that basically follows this sequence:

1. Find the corresponding chat queue in "chat_queue_entry" table. This is done by matching the short_description and sys_created_by fields from the g_chat.getProperty('short_description') and g_chat.getChatQueueUser() methods, and ordering by sys_created_on to take the latest record from the table (which should be the entry from the current chat session).

2. Once the chat_queue_entry record is found, using that record to query "chat_room."

3. Once chat_room has been found, using that record entry to search "chat_message" and order the messages as they would show in the history. Also, the query on chat_message filters out any system messages to automated responses aren't included.

Awesome, you now have the chat messages. What now? Obviously, they need to be inserted into the incident record. But with Ajax, it can be tricky with returning data to the client that called the Ajax script include (I know, I have dents in my wall from figuring this out). This also plays out that Ajax is meant to be asynchronous (obviously), yet the data needs to be returned in order to run the "" function that ultimately creates the incident, and waiting for data to be returned from the Ajax call defeats the purpose of using Ajax. This is where things get a little funky.

After digging through some of the javascript source code, I found more information from the WINDOW_CREATE_DOCUMENT function. So, instead of using the Live.Events.WINDOW_CREATE_DOCUMENT, I had to rebuild part of the function from within the chat function. The reason for this is because from within the chat action, I passed the Ajax call into a function. Once the scripting goes to that function, LiveEvents doesn't seem to "exist" to the script anymore and errors out. I'm not sure if it's the best approach for such a function, especially if ServiceNow changes the method and can potentially break this customization, but (so far) it's been the only way I could find in order to actually pass the chat history into the incident.

Now that the general code is figured out, the sky is almost the limit for what you can pull from ServiceNow and place into the incident. For example, I also can run a query on the sys_user table to include user information into the incident record. On the horizon I would also like to expand chat actions to include an "update history" action that could take any chat history created since the incident was created, and update the incident with the "new" history. 2351a5e196

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