Because chart URLs are built by string concatenation, you can create a QuickChart URL in any programming language by building a URL string. In most cases it is not necessary to use a library.

Let's get creative!You can use all static customization options available in Chart.js.Visit our chart gallery to see different chart types and plugins: bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and much more.

Download Chart Js As Image

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The ui.Chart.image module contains a set of functions for reducing Imageobjects by region(s) and rendering charts from the results. The choice offunction dictates the arrangement of data in the chart, i.e., what definesx- and y-axis values and what defines the series. Use the following functiondescriptions and examples to determine the best function and chart type foryour purpose.

The following examples rely on a FeatureCollection composed of threeecoregion features that define regions by which to reduce image data. TheImage data are PRISM climate normals, where bands describe climate variablesper month; e.g., July precipitation or January mean temperature.Learn how this asset was created.

In this example, image bands representing average monthly temperature arereduced to the mean among pixels intersecting each of three ecoregions. Theresults are plotted as columns per month by ecoregion, where column heightindicates the respective mean monthly temperature.

The isStacked chart option specifies whether chart columns are stacked or not.Several optionsare provided for stacking. The following examples demonstrate the use of the'absolute' and 'relative' options.

An absolute stacked bar chart relates the total of a numeric variableby increments of a contributing categorical variable series. For instance, inthis example, total precipitation is plotted as the accumulation of monthlyprecipitation over a year, by ecoregion. Monthly precipitation totals arederived from image bands, where each band represents a grid of average totalprecipitation for a given month, reduced to the mean of the pixels intersectingeach of three ecoregions. The isStacked chart option is set to 'absolute' toformat the results as absolute values.

Convert the previous absolute stacked bar chart to a relativestacked bar chart by changing the isStacked chart option from 'absolute' to'relative'. A relative stacked bar chart relates the proportion ofcontributing categorical variable series to the total of a numeric variable.For instance, in this example, monthly precipitation is plotted as a proportionof the annual total precipitation, by ecoregion.

Mean January and July temperatures for a random sample of locations inthe state of Colorado are plotted as a function of elevation. A DEM is sampledusing the sample function which returns a FeatureCollection with a geometryand elevation property. The resulting FeatureCollection is then used as theargument to the regions parameter of the ui.Chart.image.byRegion function.Series are defined by selected bands of the input climate normals image.

For three ecoregions in a ee.FeatureCollection, the respective meantemperature and precipitation for June are plotted. The results are derived fromthe region reduction of an image where each band is a grid of climate normalsdescribing monthly precipitation and temperature; bandsrepresenting June temperature and precipitation are subset. Since precipitationand temperature are in different units,two y-axesare used by setting series and vAxes options. Note the use of theseries.targetAxisIndex option to define which variable is plotted to the rightand left y-axis. Series-specific symbols (points and columns) are used to moreeasily distinguish the two variables as having different units.

The ui.Chart.image.regions function accepts a list that allowsyou to control the label and order of band names along the x-axis byassigning numerical values to them. The following charts use thisoption to set band names as month labels and sort them in chronologicalorder for average monthly precipitation.

This chart shows total average precipitation per month for three ecoregions.The results are derived from the region reduction of an image where each band isa grid of average total precipitation for a given month. Bands are plottedalong the x-axis and regions define the series. Note the client-side operationsused to define inputs for the xLabels and ticks chart options forcustom arrangement of the x-axis; client operations are required because optionsprovided to the setOptions function must be client-side objects(see Client vs. Server to understand the distinction). Toconvert to a bar chart, use 'BarChart' as the .setChartType() input.

The ui.Chart.image.byClass function plots band value statistics forpixels within classified regions of a "class band". In this example, it is usedto display the spectral profile of three ecoregions. Ecoregion features arerasterized and added as a band to a MODIS surface reflectance (SR) image. Foreach ecoregion class and reflectance band, the respective pixel mean iscalculated and plotted to the y-axis. The central wavelengths of the MODIS SRbands define the x-axis ticks and labels. Note that thecurveTypeline chart option is set as 'function' to smooth the lines.

Of course, this leaves you with the MS Project interface in the image as well. So you then need to trim the image in Powerpoint. Alternatively, you can go to full-screen in Project before doing Ctrl-PrtScn.

There is also (or at least there used to be - I can't check whether it is still there in 2010 at the moment) a snapshot button in Project itself which captures an image of the current chart without Project's interface. The button looks like a camera.

Another possible alternative is to print to PDF. This would then let you either insert direct to PowerPoint or open and copy a selected part of the image. Though this isn't at all easier than doing a screen capture!

A little Copy Picture dialog will then appear and you can choose how you want to export your image.If you use the defaults (just hit OK), it will copy an image to your clipboard for pasting into another tool such as PowerPoint.

The screenshot works if all of your lines fit on the screen. If you're trying to display a detailed or moderately sized project plan this quickly becomes cumbersome, but you do have other options such as the "copy image" option (below)

If you use the "Copy image" and you have a lot of lines (more than 100-ish), the image is larger than 22" long and starts to blur for whatever reason. Project gives you the option of keeping the full size, rescaling to 22", or cropping to 22". I usually either keep the full size or rescale while locking the aspect ratio (height:width). By the time you hit 300 lines, it is nearly unreadable regardless of the option, so this option goes out the window as well. In these cases I've done a couple other options:

If you use MS OneNote 2013 or later (maybe 2010?), you can print the file directly to OneNote (change your page layout in print options to fit by 1 page wide by X pages long), then copy the images (multiple pages, unfortunately) from OneNote to wherever you're trying to go

In Micro$oft Excel, there is an option in the right click menu of a chart to save it as an image. Is there similar functionality in LibreOffice Calc? Right now I have to save my Calc document as *.xls, open it in Excel, then save my chart as an image that way, which is somewhat cumbersome to say the least.

I recently had a customer write in with a request: Once a week, they wanted to post a chart from a Google Sheet to a Slack Channel to keep everyone in the loop on the recent progress their team had made.

Once a week, it will post a message and upload the current state of the image of the chart to a specific channel in Slack. Of course, you can also send the image of the chart to any app that has a File field, like Dropbox or Google Drive.

I have been trying to do something similar to this - but with the added feature of re-publishing the image to Discord each time the chart is updated. It is working, with one exception - Zapier keeps posting only the original version of the chart. I can hit the chart URL and see that it has been updated, but I presume Zapier (or Discord?) must be caching the original image.

A canvas element has the method of toDataURL, which returns a base64 string of the image. However, when I do that, the image it renders is just a transparent rectangle with the dimensions of the chart, and it does not include the chart contents.

Reproducing happens when you copy or recreate an image, table, graph or chart that is not your original creation. If you reproduce one of these works in your assignment, you must create a note underneath the image, chart, table or graph to show where you found it. You do not include this information in a Reference list.

When reproducing images, include copyright information in the citation if it is given, including the year and the copyright holder. Copyright information on a website may often be found at the bottom of the home page.

Figure X. Description of the image or title of the image. From "Title of Article," by Article Author's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name, year, day, (for a magazine) or year (for a journal), Title of Magazine or Journal, volume number, page(s). Copyright year by name of copyright holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment. If the image has been changed, use "Adapted from" instead of "From" before the source information.

Figure x. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of web page," by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given, Title of Website. Retrieved Month, day, year that you last viewed the website, from url. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment. If the image has not been changed but simply reproduced use "From" instead of "Adapted from" before the source information. 006ab0faaa

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