This proposal sets out a voluntary EU-wide framework to certify carbon removals generated in Europe. It sets out criteria to define high-quality carbon removals and the process to monitor, report and verify the authenticity of these removals. With this certification framework, our aim is to boost innovative carbon removal technologies and sustainable carbon farming solutions, while fighting greenwashing.

The EU carbon removal certification framework will ensure transparency, environmental integrity, and prevent negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, especially concerning resource or energy-intensive industrial solutions. The objective is to provide assurance about the quality of the carbon removals and make the certification process reliable and trustworthy to combat greenwashing.

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In order to demonstrate that carbon removals comply with the EU quality criteria, operators of carbon removal activities will need to apply to a public or private certification scheme that has been recognised or approved by the Commission. The activities of carbon removal operators will be regularly verified and certified by independent certification bodies that will check compliance with EU rules. This process will result in the issuing of certificates of compliance and in the recording of carbon removal units in public registries managed by certification schemes.

As an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is responsible for measurement science, standards, and technology in a way that promotes safety and collaboration for industry and government alike. NIST has a significant influence on worldwide standards and provides a framework cybersecurity professionals can use to analyze and strengthen their ability to identify, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks. In this Express Learning certificate, explore the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) as you learn to apply it to your organization, large and small, using a matrix that incorporates all of the popular technical standards.

Express Learning certificate created by industry experts are designed to quickly address a hot topic or trend in cybersecurity. This certificate serves as an overview of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. You will be asked to read through lessons, participate in learning activities, and partake in knowledge checks designed to reinforce learning.

All learning modules must be completed, including the course evaluation and a score of 70% or above earned on the final assessment, to receive your certificate of completion and earn 2 Group A CPE Credits towards your ISC2 credentials.

Cybersecurity certification requires the formal evaluation of products, services and processes by an independent and accredited body against a defined set of criteria and standards, and the issuing of a certificate indicating conformance. As such, cybersecurity certification plays a key role in increasing trust and security in products, services and processes. Cybersecurity certification in the EU serves the purpose of providing notice and assurance to users about the level of conformity against stated requirements. EU cybersecurity certification schemes serve as the vehicle to convey such requirements from the EU policy level to the level of industrial service provision and further to the users and conformity assessment bodies.

As set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/881, the EU cybersecurity certification framework lays down the procedure for the creation of EU cybersecurity certification schemes, covering ICT products, services and processes. Each scheme will specify one or more level(s) of assurance (basic, substantial or high), based on the level of risk associated with the envisioned use of the product, service or process.

The European Union aims to develop a framework of cybersecurity certification schemes demonstrating that certified ICT solutions have the right level of cybersecurity protection for the European Digital Market.

In fact, effective and efficient cybersecurity certification allows certificates to be composed using different cybersecurity certificates as building blocks to certify complete solutions and also (parts of) systems and specific technologies.

The installation of .NET framework 4.6.2 has to be done on several production systems so, are the above-mentioned steps standard? I mean, could it create problem to install the same certificate on several systems? When the systems will be connected to the internet at some point, could it create conflict?

I recently ran into this issue with systems behind a firewall that didn't have internet access. I ran /extract on the .NET Framework 4.6.2 MSI and was able to run the x64 installer directly without the certificate check. Maybe not the "right" way to go, but it worked.

When you connect the system to the internet and do the update it could download a pack of trusted certificates. These certificates will be added to the trusted root store. Existing ones will simply be IMO simply replaced.

another simple solution that worked for me to install net 4.8 in a fresh win 7sp1 is using the rootsupd.exe to update the certificates, you can download it from here ://

Just wanted to say that I had a similar issue with trying to install .NET 4.7.2 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. I had to first upgrade it to Win 2k8r2 SP1, then add the prerequisite update for the d3ddecomplier.dll (KB4019990), THEN I had to load the certificate store as outlined above. It was only after all that that I was able to finally install .NET 4.7.2.

Had the same problem, almost. visual c++ error 0x800b010a could not find the certificates to download. Installed firefox and then retried to install c++ and problem fixed. Must be firefox browser installs these certificates.

Certification plays a crucial role in increasing trust and security in important products and services for the digital world. At the moment, a number of different security certification schemes for ICT products exist in the EU. But, without a common framework for EU-wide valid cybersecurity certificates, there is an increasing risk of fragmentation and barriers between Member States.

The certification framework will provide EU-wide certification schemes as a comprehensive set of rules, technical requirements, standards and procedures. The framework will be based on agreement at EU level on the evaluation of the security properties of a specific ICT-based product or service. It will attest that ICT products and services that have been certified in accordance with such a scheme comply with specified requirements.

The resulting certificate will be recognised in all EU Member States, making it easier for businesses to trade across borders and for purchasers to understand the security features of the product or service.

The System.Net classes support several ways to select and validate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections. A client can select one or more certificates to authenticate itself to a server. A server can require that a client certificate have one or more specific attributes for authentication.

A certificate is an ASCII byte stream that contains a public key, attributes (such as version number, serial number, and expiration date) and a digital signature from a Certificate Authority. Certificates are used to establish an encrypted connection or to authenticate a client to a server.

A client can select one or more certificates for a specific SSL connection. Client certificates can be associated with the SSL connection to a web server or an SMTP mail server. A client adds certificates to a collection of X509Certificate or X509Certificate2 class objects. Using email as an example, the certificate collection is an instance of a X509CertificateCollection) associated with the ClientCertificates property of the SmtpClient class. The HttpWebRequest class has a similar ClientCertificates property.

Even if certificates are added to a collection and associated with a specific SSL connection, no certificates will be sent to the server unless the server requests them. If multiple client certificates are set on a connection, the best one will be used based on an algorithm that considers the match between the list of certificate issuers provided by the server and the client certificate issuer name.

A remote server can verify that a client certificate is valid, current, and signed by the appropriate Certificate Authority. A delegate can be added to the ServerCertificateValidationCallback to enforce certificate validation.

If a delegate is present, always use the result from the delegate as the client certificate to select. Try to use a cached certificate when possible, but do not use cached anonymous credentials if the delegate has returned null and the certificate collection is not empty.

If this is the first challenge for a client certificate, the Framework enumerates the certificates in X509Certificate or the X509Certificate2 class objects associated with the connection, looking for a match between the list of certificate issuers provided by the server and the client certificate issuer name. The first certificate that matches is sent to the server. If no certificate matches or the certificate collection is empty, then an anonymous credential is sent to the server.

The Winhttpcertcfg.exe tool can be used to configure client certificates. The Winhttpcertcfg.exe tool is provided as one of the tools with the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. This tool is also available as a download as part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools at

The HttpCfg.exe tool can be used to configure server certificates for the HttpListener class. The HttpCfg.exe tool is provided as one of the support tools for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Service Pack 2. HttpCfg.exe and the other support tools are not installed by default on either Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP. On Windows Server 2003. the support tools are installed separately from the following folder and file on the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM: 2351a5e196

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