To learn Celestialism, once must first acquire the Celestial Aura. Achieving this aura is instrumental in learning the magic, as this magic relies on the summoning of Familiars with said aura. The aura can be achieved with the Imbuement Ritual, performed by someone with a [TA] in the Celestialism Magic. This spell passes the spark of light that exists within the Celestial Aura to someone else, allowing their own greater aura to manifest. The Imbuement Ritual can only be cast on those who have an intimate connection with this void, this intimate connection requires that a mage has previously mastered at least one voidal magic, and only knows voidal magic. Dark Magic is considered a detractor from the pure dedication Celestialists have towards the way of the void, and it thus interferes with the unique connection required to form the Celestial Aura; making learning Celestialism impossible. Celestialism being a magic from the void, upon dawning any other magical connection which you draw from another source will temporarily prevent you practicing the magic until that connection is removed. This restricts anything other than voidal mages from practicing celestialism.

This isn't how the magic worked previously or how the void acted, it can be flavour for your lore yes but it now locks out old celestialism players and bans them from using the magic. This includes players of runesmithing which several key players of celestialism have.

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