Most of what we taste is actually sensed by our olfactory system, which is used for smell. Humans have about 40 million olfactory receptors. When a cold occurs, humans get congested, which leads to a stop in airflow to the olfactory receptors. Without odor compounds being able to make it to olfactory receptors, the sense of smell is significantly weakened to a point where it barely works.

Having a cold occurs when a rhinovirus invades your body and your immune system kicks into overdrive to get rid of it. You experience nasal drip, coughing, and sneezing, because these are ways the body uses to get rid of foreign bodies such as viruses. When your nose gets clogged up with mucus, it makes it quite difficult for you to smell. Believe it or not, this can actually lead to loss of taste.

Download Catch Cold By Flavour


As if a runny nose, coughing, and a sore throat weren't bad enough, you and millions of others coping with a cold can't even savor the flavor of homemade soup. Your inability to taste anything when you have a cold is closely related to all the sniffling that keeps you inside and under the blankets.

When you have a cold, your nasal passages become inflamed and produce excess mucus that can make you feel stuffed up. Keeping your nasal passages and sinuses moist can help decrease congestion. Using a humidifier, taking long showers, drinking lots of fluids, or using a saline nasal spray can all help to ease congestion. You can also irrigate your nasal cavity with salt-water or use warm compresses on your face. Over-the-counter medications like decongestants or antihistamines can help, too.

With so much crossover of current symptoms between COVID and a cold, it can be difficult to know what is making us unwell. Here are our tips for how to tell the difference between the viruses, and when you should get tested.

Cold viruses hit on average three or four times a year. When people catch cold they feel terribly tired and their sense of smell and taste deteriorates. As a result, it is suddenly no longer possible for us to smell rotten food. Smell is a genetically predetermined program. It used to be essential for survival, as the only possible way to distinguish what was edible from what was inedible was through smell. If the sense of smell stops working, the eyes need to take over, both in looking for mould and other traces as well as in reading the small print of the expiry date.

It may sound strange at first, but in addition to the sense of taste, the eyes also play a major role in deciding whether something tastes good or not. In contrast to the other senses, the sense of taste is very weak: while it is possible for us to distinguish thousands of colours with our eyes, we have the ability to distinguish only five flavours: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami, which roughly translates to meaty, a natural flavour enhancer, which is found especially in tomatoes, cheese, and meat. But as already mentioned, the sense of taste does not only rely on the tongue, but also on the eyes. For example, yellow, orange, and especially red food is considered sweeter than food of other colours. Even professional wine connoisseurs have been fooled in the past. When French researchers offered them white wine dyed with red food colouring, nine out of ten professionals could not distinguish it from ordinary red wine.

However, diacetyl is banned as an ingredient from e-cigarettes and e-liquids in the UK. It had been detected in some e-liquid flavourings in the past, but at levels hundreds of times lower than in cigarette smoke. Even at these levels, smoking is not a major risk factor for this rare disease.

E-cigarette liquid is typically composed of nicotine, propylene glycol and/or glycerine, and flavourings. Unlike cigarettes, there is no side-stream vapour emitted by an e-cigarette into the atmosphere, just the exhaled aerosol.

I do apologise, Dan, as I did not express myself clearly. Of course smoking e cigs is preferable to tobacco. What I was referring to is the impact that smoking (both tobacco and e cigs) have on peoples lifestyles. If you are somewhere where you can't smoke/vape, but you want to, you are under stress. (Strange how a habit that people think relaxes them actually stresses them). People who have a habit that forces them to go outside and stand in the cold have a second class lifestyle, and this is why people should free themselves from vaping. That is what I meant when I said you may as well smoke; you have the same restrictions placed upon your lifestyle and freedom of movement. When I quit smoking (60 to 100 a day) I was over the moon. I had my freedom back. Had I turned to e cigs I would have had exactly the same restricted lifestyle that I had before, and the frustrations that went with it. I recently went to lunch with a friend and she spent more time standing outside the restaurant than she did inside. I have seen people sitting outside coffee shops shivering in the cold because their coffee and smoking habit is so strong. In my neighbourhood vaping isn't allowed anywhere (that I frequent), so people have to leave the company they are in and go outside to vape. I would not wish to live like this. Smoking anything just imprisons people and forces them to live life on the outside. As for the scientific evidence, it depends which experts you listen to and believe. At least with e cigs you are not inhaling tar. Nicotine is a deadly poison but you only inhale tiny amounts and it is quickly expelled from the body. One thing I can say is that many people feel sick when they inhale the fumes from e cigs, including myself, and as no-one knows what chemicals they are inhaling (and that is an absolute fact that can't be argued with) no one can say what the long term impact on an e cig users health will be. Given that e cigs haven't been around for that long I would say that any scientist pronouncing them safe is perhaps being a tad rash and hasty. I quit smoking in 2002 and have never had so much as a craving to put a cigarette between my lips. To quit a smoking habit only to find yourself with an e cig habit isn't the best option as it will continue to curtail your freedom. Every time I see someone smoking I think "thank God I don't do that anymore." That is real freedom.

Yvonne: If you ask a manufacturer of e cigs what is in their "flavour" you will get nowhere. They have no idea what chemicals are in the flavour, nor the safety of them. These chemicals may be tested individually but not jointly. Millions of people around the world are made ill by commonly used chemicals - for instance Air Freshener - and these are the same chemicals that go in to e cigs flavour. I do not want to inhale this, and I do not want the users of e cigs to puff these chemicals all over me. Also, smoking is largely habit , not addiction to nicotine. NRT doesn't work because the hand to mouth action of smoking is missing. If all people needed was nicotine NRT would work, but it doesn't. E cigs provide that action and people become addicted to them. You read about people quitting smoking using e cigs, but then smoking e cigs for 3 years! It is substituting one bad habit for another. People who smoke are socially ill at ease. Why can't people have the confidence to go out for a drink or have a meal in a restaurant without the need to puff on a cigarette or e cig? It seems to me that Government wants to make the smoking of e cigs acceptable in public places like bars and restaurants. I cannot stand the stench of e cigs and don't think anyone should be allowed to inflict the smell upon me.

Agreed Grinner, incorrect beliefs held due to misinformation, ignorant press and successive governments ludicrous statements in regard to a matter they know nothing about, simply because they buy the ignorant catch all phrase "drugs bad". Alcohol is many hundreds of times more addictive than cannabis, it is also hundreds of times more harmful, not only to the drinker, but to families and society as a whole. But because booze can be taxed, booze is good !

Whilst cannabis cannot be controlled (it grows in the wild if allowed to) and the drug companies won't do the research into it's benefits, cancer and M.S. treatment, only because they can't then patent and own the product as it grows freely in nature, it will remain on the "drugs bad" list as it isn't profitable to "big pharm'" or governments.

I started to smoke at the age of 13, because back in the day it was cool to smoke. Kept smoking till I was 43, and I was then smoking an average of 20 a day. Like most vapers, I started with a simple vape pen with what I now consider an awful 1.8mg liquid. I kept vaping, initially out of stubbornness, but after 2 weeks I started to notice very small differences. I didn't wake up coughing anymore, and was able to go upstairs without having to stop in the middle to catch my breath. I thought to myself "Can it be?..."

I decided to invest in a better kit and was lucky enough to find a shop where they knew what they were talking about. I was recommended a better equipment but also taught about the quality of the liquids and that it would be beneficial to use a lower strenght liquid with this new kit. Which I did. Two more weeks and all of a sudden I rediscovered food. Everything became so more tasteful! As an added bonus, I was even able to reduce the amount of salt I was putting in my food, which helped with my blood pressure! And my lady, for the first time in ages, told me : " You smell nice today!..."

No more nasty ashtray smell at home or in my clothes, or in my car, no more disgusting ashtrays full of cigarette butts, even my dog is happier because all of a sudden I enjoy taking him out again!

Risks? Yes, there are some. But the rewards are worth it. And I am not saying vaping is a good thing, or that you should feel encouraged to start vaping just from what I said. I'm just sharing my personal experience, which I hope will help shed some light on so many lies and false propaganda about vaping.

Oh, final note, I am now down to 0.3mg nicotine, after 2 years. 006ab0faaa

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