I am trying to draw an animation. To do so I have extended View and overridden the onDraw() method. What I would expect is that each time onDraw() is called the canvas would be in the state that I left it in and I could choose to clear it or just draw over parts of it (This is how it worked when I used a SurfaceView) but each time the canvas comes back already cleared. Is there a way that I can not have it cleared? Or maybe save the previous state into a Bitmap so I can just draw that Bitmap and then draw over top of it?

I'm not sure if there is a way or not. But for my custom views I either redraw everything each time onDraw() is called, or draw to a bitmap and then draw the bitmap to the canvas (like you suggested in your question).

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Your expectations do not jib w/ reality :) The canvas will not be the way you left it, but it blank instead. You could create an ArrayList of objects to be drawn (canvas.drawCircle(), canvas.drawBitmap() etc.), then iterate though the ArrayList in the OnDraw(). I am new to graphics programming but I have used this on a small scale. Maybe there is a much better way.

I am trying to make an app using canvas and a surfaceview, and I am worrying that in the future I would have many problems with it because I am not sure if the canvas is proportional with every device. currently I can only use my emulator since my phone's usb cable doesn't work(I know.. I have to get a new one..).

anyways, i would like to know if the canvas would transfer my coordinates and make everything proportional, what I mean by that is that if i have something in point a, lets say (10, 10) on a device that the screen of it is 100 X 100 (this is just an example for easy calculation) it would be on point (1, 1) on a 10 X 10 device.

No, the unit on the screen (whether you are using canvas or OpenGL) is a pixel. You can get the size of your canvas using Canvas.getWidth() and Canvas.getHeight() if you need relative coordinates, but your Canvas drawing methods are also in Pixels, so I guess you will need to convert coordinates in OpenGL only and not while using Canvas.

I am just loving Clip Studio Paint. My work has really gotten better over the last 5-6 months using it, but I really want to know if there is a shortcut to flip my canvas so I can check my anatomy and also draw some things better. I know there has to be a way as I have accidentally done it twice now. I know about the flip under Edit>Transform, but that breaks my flow, and is not the same thing as that flip also flips the thumbnails in the layer view. When I accidentally flip the canvas, only the viewport is flipped, not the layers thumbnails. An on screen button like the undo or a gesture would be preferable.

I am drawing bitmaps, lines and shapes onto a Canvas inside the OnDraw(Canvas canvas) method of my view. I am looking for help on how to implement smooth scrolling in response to a drag by the user. I have searched but not found any tutorials to help me with this.

No need for the activity to be restarted! (Per prepbgg's Jan 27 10 reply to his Jan 17 10 'answer') Rather than recycling the bitmap and incurring the overhead of having the activity reloaded, you can avoid having the application loaded by putting the 'android:configChanges' attribute shown below, in the 'activity' element of the AndroidManifest.xml file for the app. This tells the system the the app will handle orientation changes and that it doesn't need to restart the app.

I'm looking to change the canvas size in Android (mobile, more specifically on a Google Pixelbook). I know I can resize a layer with Transform. I want to change the overall canvas size however: Expand the size of the overall image or crop the overall image.

Definitely can be useful, but just think if you mistakenly make in too small and your image gets badly cropped, and when you change it back it's gone forever! For now, maybe we should stick to screenshotting it and then layering it on a new canvas...

I was able to toggle canvas mode on and off before but yesterday it just disabled itself to where I can't anymore. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Spotify so it's up to date and it's still not working.

For several months I had canvas enabled and it was working perfectly. Then all of a sudden canvas stopped working, and when I go to the settings to enable it, it appears disabled and grayed-out so I cannot interact with it. I do not think this is a region issue since it was working before, and I have already tried updating the app, clearing data and cache, turning data saver off, relogging to my account, and updating and restarting my phone. This is really frustrating and canvas is a very important feature for me. Please let me know if this is a known issue and if there is a fix.

Turns out it had to do with my phone's data saver setting. I had turned off data saver in the Spotify app, but not on my phone. Once I turned it off on my phone as well, the canvas option was enabled.

You can order canvas prints of your Google Photos. The canvas prints feature a 1.5-inch (3.81 cm) gallery-style wrap and are made of premium satin finish canvas material. The canvas prints arrive with a pre-installed wire hanger and rubber bumpers.

Important: You might receive a warning message for low-resolution images, but you can still print the photo. Low-resolution images might appear blurry or grainy when printed on the canvas.

I checked your project again and see that the problem is not with sprite. This time I started deleting all the sprites from the beginning and the canvas only started working when I got to the letter sprites. After that, I added 5-6 sprites and the canvas still worked.

I'm using Android Studio and am aware that the size() method doesn't work, so I tried removing it altogether, but my canvas is super small within the emulator. Anyone know how to force it to be fullscreen?

Changing the canvas size will change the size of the canvas without changing the size of the image itself (if there is an image already on the canvas). Using this option is helpful if you need more space for drawing.From the Edit menu selecting Canvas Settings will bring up the option to edit the Canvas Size.

Drawing to a canvas is better when your app needs to regularly redraw itself. Apps, such as video games, should draw to the canvas on their own. This practical shows you how to create a canvas, associate it with a bitmap, and associate the bitmap with an ImageView for display.

The drawSomething() click handler responds to user taps by drawing an increasingly smaller rectangle until it runs out of room. Then it draws a circle with the text "Done!" to demonstrate basics of drawing on canvas.

I am writing a android game using Canvas as the way to draw everything, the problem is that when i run it on different android phones the canvas dosn't change size i tried using canvas.scale() but that didn't make a i difference. The code i use for drawing is ...

Is it possible to allow sites to extract canvas data in any way (excluding modifying the source code) on Android version? Maybe some hidden about:config option, or something? I want to enable this only on one site but will settle on a global switch if the former is not possible.

Head over to Play Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone) and search for the Spotify app. If a newer app version is available, tap the Update button to install it. Following this, Spotify will start showing artist canvases for songs.

The Path class represents a compound geometric path that can be drawn to Canvas. A path can include multiple straight lines, quadratic or cubic curves, or simple geometric shapes like arcs, circles, and rectangles. It can be drawn via Canvas#drawPath() in custom views, in drawables, or to bitmaps (if the canvas was backed by one). A path can also be drawn either filled or stroked, depending on the style of the paint used for drawing.

Well, it adds the information that the question is about one of the in 1. stated topics. We also have the html5-canvas, so canvas provides no additional information if html5-canvas is also added.

However, if the canvas is only meant to be used as tag for HTML5 canvas question, then it is merely a synonym to html5-canvas. I don't see a reason to keep both, canvas and html5-canvas, I'd prefer to burninate the ambiguous canvas tag and keep the html5-canvas tag. ff782bc1db

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