Maggie's villainous reveal came at the very end of the game, after Lisa had killed Hacken and failed to rescue Libby (whose fate is never revealed). As Lisa was leaving to go to the police,Maggie shoved her down the stairs, killing her in the same fashion she killed her sister. She then strapped Lisa to the surgical table in the basement and revived her with the serum, leaving her face as deformed as Libby's. The story cuts back to the framing device (a group of teenage girls being told scary stories around a campfire), where the girls are shocked by the story's ending. When one of the girls asked the storyteller if she was Maggie, she smirked (as it is later revealed that she in fact was).

Reggie Stevenson, the younger sister of Lisa, came across the basement after she and her friend Ashley crash their car on their way to a camping trip, which turns out to be the same one from the game's framing device. Reggie witnessed via security cameras Maggie (offscreen) dragging her unconscious friends away from the campfire, having given them all drugged hot cocoa beforehand. After saving her friend Zoe, who she found tied up to a chair, Reggie found her other friends trapped in a tomb in a nearby cemetery. But before they could flee, Maggie confronted them at the tomb entrance with a gun. Reggie tried to throw Lisa's diary back into the tomb, but Maggie forced her to retrieve it, threatening to kill her friends if she tried anything. But Maggie managed to turn on a warning flame before going back up, where Maggie started to lead all the girls at gunpoint back to her laboratory, intending to make them all test subjects. But Ashley, having seen the flame, rushed out from the bushes toward them. When Maggie turned to shoot Ashley, Reggie tackled her, knocking the gun from her hand.

Download Campfire Legends The Babysitter Full Version

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Lisa is in need of some extra money so responds to a newspaper ad asking for a babysitter. What sounds like easy money soon turns into the most terrifying night of her life as chilling circumstances take shape, heightened by the threats of a macabre caller. Is this all just a sordid prank, or is her worst fear about to come true?

The legend details a teenage girl who is watching television at night while babysitting after the children have been put to bed upstairs. The phone rings; the unknown caller tells her to "check the children". The girl dismisses the call, but the anonymous caller dials back several times, and the girl becomes increasingly frightened. Eventually, the babysitter calls the police, who inform her they will trace the next call. After the stranger calls again, the police return her call, advising her to leave immediately. She evacuates the home and the police meet her to explain that the calls were coming from inside the house and that the unidentified prowler was calling her after killing the children upstairs.[4]

A similar urban legend is The Clown Statue or The Clown Doll.[5][6][7] A babysitter is unnerved by what she assumes is a hideous life-sized statue of a clown in the corner of the room. When the mother or father of the children she is caring for calls home to check in, the babysitter asks if she can cover the clown statue with a blanket. The parent informs the babysitter they do not own a clown statue: the "statue" was really a murderer with dwarfism that dresses in a clown costume.

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The twins don't seem to want her around. At least, Libby doesn't, whose rare skin condition has left her sullen and unfriendly. When strange things happening, Lisa starts to get impatient with the girls... even though Maggie insists everything is the work of Libby's imaginary friend, Nate, who lives in the closet. Kids today, amirite? As Lisa, you'll explore the old house, tracking down objects needed to complete puzzles, and doing important babysitter duties, like making hot chocolate for the twins, assuming the deep, angry male voice on the phone ordering you out of the house is a six-year-old girl playing a prank, and not informing the lady of the house about the figure you saw in the upstairs window before she leaves. Atta girl, Lisa. It's always important to provide a good role model for young girls who might someday want to be knocked unconscious by a madman.

Libby and the babysitter meet up in the lab right before the chase. The babysitter says something like, "We have to get out of here!" and something happens to Libby. Someone tell me what happened to her please?

Reggie and Ashley are on their way to surprise the campfire girls when a sudden accident strands them deep in the middle of nowhere. As Reggie wakes up from the blackout, she realizes Ashley is gone. The car isn't going anywhere and Reggie's phone is dead; the only sign of life is a small light emanating from a mysterious mansion...

We like to think of Nightmare as a safe space for everyone to come together and enjoy a few good scares. So cuddle up close to our campfire, roast a marshmallow, and let us regale you with these delightful works. ff782bc1db

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