Call records provide usage and diagnostic information about the calls and online meetings that occur within your organization when using Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business. You can use the call records APIs to subscribe to call records and look up call records by IDs. A call record is created after a call or meeting ends and the record is retained for 30 days.

A peer-to-peer call contains a single session between the two participants in the call. Group calls contain one or more session entities. In a group call, each session is between the participant and a service endpoint.

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Each session contains one or more segment entities. A segment represents a media link between two endpoints. For most calls, only one segment will be present for each session, however sometimes there may be one or more intermediate endpoints.

In the diagram above, the numbers denote how many children of each type can be present. For example, a 1..N relationship between a callRecord and a session means one callRecord instance can contain one or more session instances. Similarly, a 1..N relationship between a segment and a media means one segment instance can contain one or more media streams.

Important: Only certain devices and carriers support recording calls. This feature isn't available on Pixel. Some laws require all people on the call to consent to being recorded. Before the call begins, call participants are notified that the call is recorded.

To protect the privacy of all users, when you start recording, both parties are notified with a disclosure that the call is being recorded. When you stop recording, both parties are notified with a disclosure that the call is no longer being recorded.

Call records provide usage and diagnostic information about the calls and online meetings that occur within your organization when using Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business. Usage and diagnostic data can be consumed to produce custom reporting for your business to help monitor adoption or to troubleshoot call quality issues.

Organizations can subscribe to changes to call records using the Microsoft Graph webhook subscriptions capability, allowing them to build near-real-time reports from the data or to alert on certain scenarios like emergency calls.

Use discretion when granting the CallRecords.Read.All permission to applications. Call records can provide insights into the operation of your business, and therefore can be a target for malicious actors. Only grant this permission to applications you trust to meet your data protection requirements.

Organizations and partners often have their own tooling for generating reports about calls and online meetings. Using webhooks, they can receive a continuous feed of call records as they are created. This push-model enables organizations and partners to build their own real-time reporting solutions. A call record and its respective notification are created after a call or meeting ends.

Applications can retrieve a call record by its ID. This ID can be determined from a webhook notification, a list of available call records, or retrieved from administrative tools. A call record is generated after a call concludes and the record is retained for 30 days.

Organizations that use Microsoft Teams to connect to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) usually want to track this usage to understand the associated costs. The getPstnCalls and getDirectRoutingCalls functions return a projection of call record data in a tabular format.

9-1-1 call public records requests can be made by phone, email, fax or in person. While using our new Public Records request site is helpful when submitting a public records request for a 9-1-1 call, it is not mandatory. If there is patient protected health information discussed during an incident, a HIPAA release form may be required.

I need to export all our phone call logs (Call detail records) daily as well.

I have no idea how to do this with automation. If anyone can provide me the steps, code, utility, etc I will appreciate it. But so far I am striking out in this forum as a newbie to API. Might be a beer in it for you.

The records obtained by the Justice Department listed incoming and outgoing calls, and the duration of each call, for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters, general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and the main number for AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery, according to attorneys for the AP.

In all, the government seized those records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012. The exact number of journalists who used the phone lines during that period is unknown but more than 100 journalists work in the offices whose phone records were targeted on a wide array of stories about government and other matters.

In a letter of protest sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday, AP President and Chief Executive Officer Gary Pruitt said the government sought and obtained information far beyond anything that could be justified by any specific investigation. He demanded the return of the phone records and destruction of all copies.

"There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of the Associated Press and its reporters. These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP's newsgathering operations, and disclose information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know," Pruitt said.

The government would not say why it sought the records. U.S. officials have previously said in public testimony that the U.S. attorney in Washington is conducting a criminal investigation into who may have leaked information contained in a May 7, 2012, AP story about a foiled terror plot. The story disclosed details of a CIA operation in Yemen that stopped an al-Qaeda plot in the spring of 2012 to detonate a bomb on an airplane bound for the United States.

In testimony in February, CIA Director John Brennan noted that the FBI had questioned him about whether he was AP's source, which he denied. He called the release of the information to the media about the terror plot an "unauthorized and dangerous disclosure of classified information."

Prosecutors have sought phone records from reporters before, but the seizure of records from such a wide array of AP offices, including general AP switchboards numbers and an office-wide shared fax line, is unusual and largely unprecedented.

In the letter notifying the AP received Friday, the Justice Department offered no explanation for the seizure, according to Pruitt's letter and attorneys for the AP. The records were presumably obtained from phone companies earlier this year although the government letter did not explain that. None of the information provided by the government to the AP suggested the actual phone conversations were monitored.

Justice Department published rules require that subpoenas of records from news organizations must be personally approved by the attorney general but it was not known if that happened in this case. The letter notifying AP that its phone records had been obtained though subpoenas was sent Friday by Ronald Machen, the U.S. attorney in Washington.

The Justice Department lays out strict rules for efforts to get phone records from news organizations. A subpoena can only be considered after "all reasonable attempts" have been made to get the same information from other sources, the rules say. It was unclear what other steps, in total, the Justice Department has taken to get information in the case.

News organizations normally are notified in advance that the government wants phone records and enter into negotiations over the desired information. In this case, however, the government, in its letter to the AP, cited an exemption to those rules that holds that prior notification can be waived if such notice, in the exemption's wording, might "pose a substantial threat to the integrity of the investigation."

The May 7 story was written by reporters Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman with contributions from reporters Kimberly Dozier, Eileen Sullivan and Alan Fram. They and their editor, Ted Bridis, were among the journalists whose April-May 2012 phone records were seized by the government.

I have a Pri from a PBX connected to the Adtran. Everything is working fine. When i log into the 908e, i would like to see all the calls which are going thru on a real time (not using a syslog or SMDR setup etc)

This as made a chaos on some of my customers that rely on those records for example to charge back contractual service hours dependent on the amount of time an individual called. Now there is not enough data to track back!

In response to the new information in the reports, the ACLU sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee urging it to end the call detail record authority under Section 215 of the Patriot Act. The ACLU is also calling on the committee to investigate and make public additional information about recent compliance violations.

An incident number is assigned to all calls for service, whether initiated by a 911 call or by a police officer. Incident numbers are the primary identifier of incidents that did not result in a police report. The records available for all incidents are referred to as Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) notes. Requests may be submitted by mail or in person to the location above. You may request the record(s) on the Public Information Request form. If you do not know the incident number, please be sure to include as much information as possible when making your request such as the date, time of day, specific location of incident, type of incident and tag number (if applicable). While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to locate CAD notes without an incident number, we will make every effort to identify the incident based on the information that you provide. 2351a5e196

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