Need to find a call from a new contact? Or a specific customer call? With Dialpad's call logs, you don't have to scroll all the way down the call history list to find that one call. Filter by outgoing or incoming calls, call duration, and more.

Your communications platform or phone system should work with the other apps you're using. Dialpad integrates with tools like Google Workspace, Salesforce, and HubSpot to automatically log call activity like incoming and outgoing calls, voicemails, and more.

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Don't keep data to yourself! Whether you're sharing call logs with agents or executives, your communications platform or service provider should let you easily convert this data into Microsoft Excel or CSV files if needed so that other teams can use these insights.

Is there a way to see the call history for a specific contact without having to scroll all the way through all my recent calls? Would love to have their history paired with the contact itself in my contacts.

I'm not interested in having to research this with my carrier any time I want to know some history. The data is in my phone (until I chose to delete it), it's just not conveniently sorted and accessed.

I'm looking to do this right on my phone at the point in time where another unknown number call has just come in (when did this number last call me, and how often?) It's a way of guarding against someone being stalker-ish, or reviewing how often someone has tried to reach me (or vice versa.) I could do it easily on my previous phone (an ancient flip phone!) Each number still in 'recents' had a single tap link to all connected history for the same number (completed in or out, and missed calls.) If a contact had multiple numbers, clicking the most recent call log history tag pulled up all the related calls in a list as far back as the recent file went (usually about 30-60 days worth.)

It seems as though Apple doesn't see the value in having the recent call data sorted and available by number, despite how easily it could be done with a bit of software. I've submitted the feedback. If there isn't anther easy way to do this, I guess I'll be considering Android phones further.

I've had my first iPhone for less than a week, and the weird organization of recents and history is already making me crazy. Doing a search here and elsewhere, it's obvious this is an issue for a lot of folks.

If I go to Analytics & Reports, Usage Reports, selecting "Teams usage" and "Teams user activity" does not show what I need. I basically need what is shown in the call history in the user's Teams page, except for 90 days.

Are your referring to the UCP call history or the CDR call listing?

If the CDR, I agree it is pretty useless as written. I was the one that started that posting. Basically the response from 1 or 2 people was that it was great as is. I have 20-25 duplicate entries for each call.

The UCP shortfall is only calls to that one extension are listed.

I wish that the old CDR was available or at least a check box to eliminate all of those duplicate entries.

Asterisk is a Back to Back User Agent. This means that the call comes in, gets handled by the PBX, and then new calls are spawned in response to the requirements of that call. Those calls to the extensions are then managed individually and bridged (at the last second) to complete what appears to be a single call.

There may be a reason why some specific call is getting presented in a way that violates the rule of least astonishment. My expectation is that UCP should only report calls that were delivered to this extension, so if you are getting 8 different presentations, it could be a problem with your configuration, a problem with the way UCP interacts with CDR, or simply a problem in the way UCP displays the information.

Hi I have been given a request to monitor the following Cisco Cli command outputs. We are going to add new traffic to the Cisco Cubes and we need like to get a base line to see if we have the capacity to add the new traffic. But it very difficult to obtain the information and Cisco is not much help. I was able to get Call leg incoming and outgoing and total calls handled.

I have try to create a custom poller to add to the Device view , the OID I am searching only give you a peice of the information needed. Show call History details and sip history is what I am told is needed.

The following documents describes the steps to enable for call history to be present in the MS Team app for WEbex app. I couldn't find the "Centralized Call History" option under the service management.

We recently switched to Zoom Phone in our company. All in all it works great but one issue I noticed is that company-wide contacts only seem to be recognized by the app (i.e., the name only shows up) the moment a call goes out or comes in. As soon as a call enters the history, only its number is displayed and the name is lost. This is a pity especially for our reception desk who have a lot of missed calls and would like to know who they are going to call back.

I'm attaching a screenshot which shows how one contact shows with the name when I dial it (an incoming call would look the same) but only appears as a number in the history on the left (second from top). Note that company-internal contacts are always displayed with the name, hence the one exception (third from top).

From what I can tell with our system, the names which appear in the history for external calls are from the other party's telephone system caller ID or the user name for internal extensions. The names of the external contacts that are established in the Phone System Management > Company Info > Account Settings are only used for calling out.

Thank you for the suggestion. I also think it's the external caller IDs that are used for the history. What I don't understand is why the app does that - after all, incoming calls are correctly linked to our address directory, so the moment a call comes in I see the full name of the caller (perfect!) but as soon as it moves into the history it disappears (I guess because most callers don't fill in their caller ID). Do you happen to know if there is a way to change this aspect in the settings? Or is it more like a feature request to the app developers?

I have not seen an option in any of the Zoom Portal settings to control this. in our case, it does seem that when an external call comes in with Caller ID information from the other system is retained in our history We are in the US though, so it may be a country-specific issue. It would however be nice to have the system retain the name information from the external contacts list if one was detected.

Webex Calling customers have long been able to download their historical call detail records from the Control Hub. They have also been able to create and download these reports using the API. What some customers have been waiting for is a quicker way to get the call details in a programmatic way. In December 2022, Cisco release a new API just for this use case. This API provides access to calls that have completed between 48 hours ago to 5 minutes ago.

Use the Playbooks filter to see which agents are using what playbook. With any call content filter, you'll need Dialpad Ai enabled to generate results. Additionally, this type of filter is not supported if you've searched multiple targets.

Is there any [geeky] way to fish the list of calls out? I can browse it on the phone and so far I see only two clumsy options: 1) Manually type them down like a monkey; 2) Request call history from the cell provider.

I have searched through many of the threads here and I cannot find an answer. I do not want phone call history to populate on my watch at all. I don't know if "notifications" are the same thing as call history, but I want neither on my watch. For clarification, on my iphone I receive regular calls and whatsapp calls. On my iphone, whatsapp phone calls populate in the phone history just the way regular calls do, i.e. if I receive or miss a whatsapp call, it will be listed in call history with all the regular phone calls. This is all fine so far because this is on my phone. I don't want this history on my watch.

I do not know what watch you own, but on mine, I can disable the phone call notifications in the device menuĀ  PhoneĀ  Smart NotificationsĀ  General UseĀ  CallsĀ  StatusĀ  Off. Similarly for SMS (Text instead of Calls). Then repeat applying the same setting also in the submenu During Activity (instead of General Use).

A fairly large number of contest-specific Call History text files may be found in the Call history Files section of the Files menu on this web site. For many of us, these will be the preferred source of data for the Call History Lookup function.

As you can see, each comma denotes a field. Successive commas mean empty fields. Spaces can be added to make it easier to count the number of commas. If this single line file was imported into the Call History database and the Call History Look Up option is enabled, the Entry window for the PA QSO Party would appear like this when the callsign K3CT was entered and spacebar pressed (or if ESM mode is enabled, when Enter is pressed):

What this change has done is to make it much easier to generate Call History text files for importing into the Call History database. For example, you could generate a file that contains calls, names, checks and sections for everyone you worked last year in Sweepstakes, and by writing the correct !!Order!! line, like this:


The Reverse lookup feature is enabled using a pop-up (right-click) menu item in the Check window. If the Reverse lookup feature is not available for that contest, the menu item will be greyed out. Once the Reverse lookup feature has been enabled, you can type an exchange, or a partial exchange, in the exchange box in the Entry window, and if the number of characters typed in is equal to or greater than the threshold (which you can set with another pop-up menu item), the program will search in the log and the Call History table for callsigns whose exchange matches the typed-in exchange. Up to 100 matching callsigns will be displayed in the Check window. Once you have determined which of the matching callsigns is the correct one, you can click on it in the Check window and the callsign and exchange will be transferred into the Entry window. e24fc04721

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