So I actually built a JSL plugin for notepad++. I'll say how to install it below, but might I recommend the JSL for VSCode extension that we moved to instead. It's under (semi-)active development and has much more extensibility. You can find it by downloading VSCode and searching extensions for "JMP" or in the VSCode marketplace.

I am not sure if this is possible but I would like to view my output using the notepad ++ either to convert into pdf. The raw file is csv and I would like this to view as like below: I need to check if it has CRLF at the end.

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If you're wanting to open your output file with Notepad++, you could output it as a .txt instead of .csv. Then, when you go to the folder where it sits, it'll be in the file format that Notepad++ opens. Just set the Output Data tool to output as a CSV, but give it a file extension of .txt for your file path under "Write to File or Database."

Thanks for the response however, what I wanted is to produce an output in pdf format so that the appearance showing the CRLF will be seen automatically. I need to get the appearance of the result of the notepad ++ and convert it into pdf combined.

@KamenRider You can input your Notepad++ file as a .csv. Your Input Data tool configuration might look different from mine as my data is tab delimited and yours looks comma delimited. I'm using a Table tool then a Render tool to output as a PDF. If you select "Choose a Specific Output File" instead of "Temporary PDF Document," it'll have you map to where you want the PDF to go. Let me know if that works.

This notepad alternative offers 435 text-processing functions, innovative features and timesaving tools. All of them on hotkeys; all designed for quick and advanced editing. It is small, portable and loads instantly with no installation required.

TED Notepad is a free plain-text editor and notepad alternative. A neat KISS interface, stuffed with four tons of features, settings and text-transforming tools, waiting on hotkeys and mouse clicks to get useful. It stays out of your way and helps you to work on what's important, bringing your typing, text-working or even coding to the next level:

As it is, TED Notepad is intended for advanced users with non-trivial demands and tasks. To discover its true power, you might need to learn a thing or two. Because once you do, you won't type, you'll just ted-it..

First of all, why would you even want to use the clipboard, when you can achieve the same with inserting the Recently Deleted and Recently Inserted text? But if you do need to clipboard, there is plenty of it..

Copy via mouse while selecting text. This is a well known feature from ssh terminals. Just hold down the ctrl-key and select text using the mouse (the use of the ctrl-key is optional, actually).

Paste via mouse is just as easy. Again hold down the ctrl-key and simply right-click the mouse (the ctrl-key being optional). You can even select some text via the right-click before pasting, to replace it, or to Swap it with the clipboard via the Shift-key.

Auto-selection is always ready to select the current word, line, paragraph or document for you, if you try to copy to clipboard with no selection. Just turn it on in the Settings, and choose your level.

9 extra permanent clipboards can conveniently hold phrases you type often, saving the main system clipboard for other use. What's even better is that these phrases are remembered even if you shut down the computer.

Search is run from a nifty compact Search bar, which can optionally auto-hide after successfull matches. Though Find Selected and Find Later features offer a much quicker way to start a search. You can also choose to remember the current searches between sessions. Search over multiple lines is a must have!

Search and Last Tool, definitely innovative concept, allows you to transform matching text with any of the gazillion of text-processing tools TED Notepad offers. You can change character case of matching phrases; or reverse found words; or sort matching lines; you can even run the Replace tool from within the Search and Replace loop, or run one of your own user-defined filters! Now isn't that a killer feature? :)

Learn how to write a Regular Expression in notepad, also called RegExp or RegEx. Use back-references in replace patterns, or employ the Search and Last Tool concept to transform the matches. With perl-like regular expressions, there seems to be no limit in what you can achieve with such combination.

Word auto-completion, the usual, is based on dictionary of the current document. There is no point in creating big user-specific dictionaries and then browse through all the possible words. It's even better the other way around, because while the list of document words is usually small, TED Notepad can effectively auto-expand words to common continuation before it bothers you with dialogs and lists of all plausible suggestions.

When I try to Add Applications, I am told I need to create Application Group. When I try to create Application Group, I am told to create Delivery Group. When I try to create Delivery Group, I am told to Create Machine Catalog. But, in Machine catalog I can't see any reference to Application other than Multi, Single session OS and Remote PC access. How can I publish an application?

I have installed VDA on the server CVAD 7.19 itself and created the required Catalog, Delivery, Application groups and published the application. However, when access the notepad after installing the Citrix receiver, i get the desktop and then I get the desktop even though it is not published and I have to click Ok to close the disclaimer. Is this a normal behavior when I have a disclaimer?

Below is the sequence screenshot. The topology, a domain with multiple DC, multiple site connected over VPN tunnel, Exchange Servers etc., Citrix standard installation on Windows 2012 R2, VDI installed on the Citrix server itself for test by publishing notepad.exe. Interactive logon message as part of default domain policy is enforced.

I've recently switched over to Ubuntu from Windows and love it. One thing I miss is my Programmer's Notepad. I haven't found anything similar yet for Linux. Eclipse is way too big and involved for what I need.

Edited again (04/05/2011)I did end up trying most of the suggestions below, but what I ended up with is Komodo Edit. It does everything I wanted, and it's available on all three platforms, so now that I'm on a Mac at work, I don't have to learn another new IDE. It's build on Mozilla, so there are add-ons (and you can create your own) which can be updated the same way Firefox add-ons are.

A lot of Linux users eventually migrate to Vim or Emacs. They have steep learning curves, but near-infinite customizability. For a more notepad++ like editor, I hear good things about geany, but am a vim user myself.

In my opinion the choice of an editor is a very personal matter. If I were you, I would look at this list and try them one by one until I found one that worked for me. If all else fails, I noticed on that list that notepad++ is reported to work well with wine.

I am also new to Ubuntu and I've been using Atom and I am really pleased with it. It has some features by default like code folding and snippets autocomplete for frequently used words. But appart from that it is fully customizable and there are free packages for everything you can imagine. There are packages to:

I like gvim.It has all of the power of vim, but with some friendly GUI features added. It has syntax highlighting, regex related find and replace, and you can do diffs, as well as a host of other things. It's cross-platform, as well.

Based on your specification , like regex/ftp use, Vim is the best editor you would want to use. It'll look impossible in the beginning,so take some tutorials ,i would suggest you to go through the book, A Byte of Vim by swaroop hegde ,It's free for download

As of this, my suggestion to you is to take your time and really learn how to do your work the Unix way. Learn about things like GNU core utils, grep, find and tools like Git. It will pay, and you will never want to go back.

Since no one has mentioned Editra (editor's note: previously hosted at but as of 2024 that domain is for sale) i feel that I have to. Check it out if you want to. I personally prefer gedit with add-ons but Editra comes close. And, It is cross platform!

If you need something that works on every distribution, learn vi. Even primitive versions of Linux have vi. Once you get used to the single character commands, it is a pretty amazing tool. It has 4 cut and paste buffers which no other editor has and it can be used to edit binary files.

Shortcut keys automatically include CTRL+ALT. Press the key you want to add to this combination. For example, to define the shortcut key combination CTRL+ALT+H, press H. You cannot use ESC


No other program can use this key combination. If the shortcut key conflicts with an access key in a Windows-based program, the access key will not work. An access key is a letter or number that carries out a command when used in combination with the ALT key.

Winkey+R is probably the most used command on my computer. I can start any program from it without leaving the mouse. Great little feature. I know I can pull up the calculator, notepad and other little accessories with it faster than someone with a mouse can. But then again I also type about 100 words a minute as well.

Notepad++ will not provides you with intellisense nor code completion for any OneStream specific class. Using notepad++ for writing OneStream business rules online rather than the included code editor will be harder for sure. If your objective is to be able to write OneStream business rules offline I'd rather install visual studio community edition and add OneStream dlls as references instead 152ee80cbc

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