I'm going to be storing a large array of byte values (most likely over a million) in Javascript. If I use a normal array with normal numbers, that will take 8 MB, because numbers are stored as IEEE doubles, but if I can store it as bytes, it will be only 1 MB.

I'd like to avoid wasting that much space for obvious reasons. Is there a way to store bytes as bytes instead of doubles? Browser compatibility isn't an issue for me, as long as it works in Chrome. This is in HTML5, if that makes a difference.

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I wanted a more exact and useful answer to this question. Here's the real answer (adjust accordingly if you want a byte array specifically; obviously the math will be off by a factor of 8 bits : 1 byte):

Note that I used Uint32Array because there's no way to directly have a bit/byte array (that you can interact with directly) and because even though there's a BigUint64Array, JS only supports 32 bits:

Typed arrays are not intended to replace arrays for any kind of functionality. Instead, they provide developers with a familiar interface for manipulating binary data. This is useful when interacting with platform features, such as audio and video manipulation, access to raw data using WebSockets, and so forth. Each entry in a JavaScript typed array is a raw binary value in one of a number of supported formats, from 8-bit integers to 64-bit floating-point numbers.

Typed array objects share many of the same methods as arrays with similar semantics. However, typed arrays are not to be confused with normal arrays, as calling Array.isArray() on a typed array returns false. Moreover, not all methods available for normal arrays are supported by typed arrays (e.g. push and pop).

There are currently two main kinds of views: typed array views and DataView. Typed arrays provide utility methods that allow you to conveniently transform binary data. DataView is more low-level and allows granular control of how data is accessed. The ways to read and write data using the two views are very different.

Typed array views have self-descriptive names and provide views for all the usual numeric types like Int8, Uint32, Float64 and so forth. There is one special typed array view, Uint8ClampedArray, which clamps the values between 0 and 255. This is useful for Canvas data processing, for example.

All typed array views have the same methods and properties, as defined by the TypedArray class. They only differ in the underlying data type and the size in bytes. This is discussed in more detail in Value encoding and normalization.

Typed arrays are, in principle, fixed-length, so array methods that may change the length of an array are not available. This includes pop, push, shift, splice, and unshift. In addition, flat is unavailable because there are no nested typed arrays, and related methods including concat and flatMap do not have great use cases so are unavailable. As splice is unavailable, so too is toSpliced. All other array methods are shared between Array and TypedArray.

On the other hand, TypedArray has the extra set and subarray methods that optimize working with multiple typed arrays that view the same buffer. The set() method allows setting multiple typed array indices at once, using data from another array or typed array. If the two typed arrays share the same underlying buffer, the operation may be more efficient as it's a fast memory move. The subarray() method creates a new typed array view that references the same buffer as the original typed array, but with a narrower span.

There's no way to directly change the length of a typed array without changing the underlying buffer. However, when the typed array views a resizable buffer and does not have a fixed byteLength, it is length-tracking, and will automatically resize to fit the underlying buffer as the resizable buffer is resized. See Behavior when viewing a resizable buffer for details.

I'm using AngularJS with an HTTP resource to call an external API and my response is a byte array. I need to turn this byte array into a PDF in a new window. I haven't seen any very good solutions on here that work cross browser or that are pure javascript. Is there a way to do this?

It is an array of bytes, often referred to in other languages as a "byte array". You cannot directly manipulate the contents of an ArrayBuffer; instead, you create one of the typed array objects or a DataView object which represents the buffer in a specific format, and use that to read and write the contents of the buffer.

ArrayBuffer objects can be made resizable by including the maxByteLength option when calling the ArrayBuffer() constructor. You can query whether an ArrayBuffer is resizable and what its maximum size is by accessing its resizable and maxByteLength properties, respectively. You can assign a new size to a resizable ArrayBuffer with a resize() call. New bytes are initialized to 0.

Returns a new ArrayBuffer whose contents are a copy of this ArrayBuffer's bytes from begin (inclusive) up to end (exclusive). If either begin or end is negative, it refers to an index from the end of the array, as opposed to from the beginning.

It is an array of bytes, often referred to in other languages as a \"byte array\". You cannot directly manipulate the contents of an ArrayBuffer; instead, you create one of the typed array objects or a DataView object which represents the buffer in a specific format, and use that to read and write the contents of the buffer.

Blazor now supports optimized byte-array interop, which avoids encoding and decoding byte-arrays into Base64 and facilitates a more efficient interop process. This applies to both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.

I'm fairly new to TypeScript/JavaScript world, but I have a Rust Tauri command that takes a &[u8] parameter for a UTF-8 data array. What should be the type on the JavaScript side? I have tried a Uint8Array, but when I then get an error:

An easy example of this is accented characters, as seen in band names ranging from Queensrche to Sigur Rs. When converting this text to a stream of bytes, the special characters need to be encoded with something like UTF-8. When converting from a stream of bytes back to a string, the UTF-8 must be decoded back the right special characters. This is a very old, very solved problem, but it is still surprisingly easy to screw it up.

While this works fine for simple ASCII strings, it fails to correctly decode strings that contain special characters such as accented characters. The problem is that special characters get encoded into multi-byte sequences, but the simple loop calling fromCharCode() will treat every byte as if it were a single character. Special characters go in, and mangled sequences of ASCII come out. 2351a5e196

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