What I liked: it definitely concentrated on the need not to expect one person in a romantic relationship to fulfil all of our needs and the need to have a wide pool of friends, work, even religion to love as well as that one person. Problems in friendships, the loss of friendships and the loss of friends are all dealt with which as much seriousness and respect as those around romantic relationships. I know friends/readers like Thomas Le will appreciate that aspect.

This sounds interesting and I love the message about the importance of kindness in a long relationship, but too bad it fell short on some counts and seems a bit disorganized! Good to know about it though.

Download Buku Conversation On Love

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After years of feeling that love was always out of reach, journalist Natasha Lunn set out to understand how relationships work and evolve over a lifetime. She turned to authors and experts to learn about their experiences, as well as drawing on her own, asking: How do we find love? How do we sustain it? And how do we survive when we lose it?

Enthralling, profound... The power of this book lies in its willingness to engage with love in the broadest sense: not merely the romantic kind, to which so many other books on relationships confine themselves. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't benefit from reading this transformative book

I've never felt such growth after reading a book - I felt seen, challenged, understood, provoked and soothed. It's such a touching reminder about the love that really is all around us, and the importance of tending to it. tag_hash_110_____________________ is a study that I'll come back to again and again.

Natasha Lunn is the most thoughtful interviewer I have ever encountered, with a heart as big as her brain, and these conversations are endlessly inspiring, restorative, surprising and delicious. Love is too often taken for granted: here it shines under rigorous analysis to create a manifesto of how and why we feel, and a must-read for anyone who has a heart!

This beautiful book is essential reading. I wish I could send this book back in time and read it to every past version of myself, to teach her all the hopeful and expansive possibilities of love. I know my future self will rely on it every day. Lunn's thoughtful interviews with brilliant subjects illuminate new ways of thinking about friendship, romance, attachment and loss. Beautifully written and so acutely observed, this book is a gift

Rarely has a non-fiction book made me feel so seen, but also given me so much hope about love. tag_hash_111_____________________ is an incredible book - not only is it so beautifully written but the full gamut of love is represented from families to romance to parenthood to friendship

A sure-fire contender for multiple buys and gifting to pals . . . It will honestly change how you think about love, in romantic relationships or otherwise, and has the power to overhaul your life in all manner of positive ways

This deep dive into the human heart will expand and enrich your perspective on love... In recent years we've seen an explosion of content exploring relationships and sex, from Lisa Taddeo's bestseller Three Women to Esther Perel's podcast Where Should We Begin? If you're wondering whether Lunn can bring anything new to the table, the answer is a resounding yes. Balanced, hopeful and uplifting, tag_hash_115_____________________ is full of tiny eureka moments

Conversations on Love will change your perspective of connection, love, friendship, grief, and everything in between. It's the most important book I've read this year, and it may have changed the way I approach relationships forever

This eclectic and heartwarming collection explores love in all its forms, from romantic and parental love to friendship and loss. Interspersed with short but often deeply revealing interviews are Lunn's own experiences - of marriage and miscarriage, of being mother and daughter, wife and friend - which she portrays with sensitivity and candour.

Patrick McDonnell is the creator of the beloved internationally syndicated comic strip MUTTS, which features the characters that star in five of his children's picture books: Just Like Heaven, Hug Time, South, Wag!, and The Gift of Nothing. He is also the creator of Me . . . Jane, a Caldecott Honor Book and a New York Times bestselling picture book biography of Dr. Jane Goodall, and has written and illustrated A Perfectly Messed-Up Story and the award-winning picture book Art. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, Karen; their formerly feral cat, Not Ootie; and their adopted terrier, Amelie.

I also just feel like the book does so much telling and very little showing. There isn't much rumination or conversation on emotion in the book. Characters often reach emotional high points, and instead of looking for resolution, they walk away or change the subject. Everything feels both intense and incredibly removed at the same time. The book has no urgency, which is weird coming from YA.

Bagi yang ingin menyelami makna cinta dengan sudut pandang yang lebih luas, Conversations on Love bisa menjadi referensi yang menarik. Ditulis oleh jurnalis Natasha Lunn, buku ini memuat berbagai aspek menarik soal cinta. Mulai dari mencari jawaban soal proses jatuh cinta, kerapuhan dalam cinta, menerima perubahan yang berkaitan dalam cinta, cinta dalam pertemanan, cinta dalam rasa kesepian setelah kehilangan, cinta dalam mengasuh anak, sains soal seks dan cinta, ekspektasi dalam cinta, romansa, dan berbagai hal lain menarik terkait cinta.

Natasha Lunn mewawancarai banyak pakar mulai dari psikolog, psikiater, konselor hubungan, hingga penulis buku untuk mencari jawaban soal cinta. Selain itu, ia juga menuangkan pengalamannya terkait cinta, pernikahan, kehilangan, sampai pengalamannya mengalami keguguran. Cinta ternyata bisa memiliki banyak lapisan, ruang, hingga sekat yang begitu menarik untuk dibahas satu per satu.

"Everybody's relationship to love is different. Sometimes it is great; sometimes it isn't. New love is always exciting, but what happens after the newness of a relationship fades or dims is more beautiful to me. It's something that grows, where there is patience and humour, where you can be furious with someone and still love them." (pg. 105)

Melalui buku ini, Natasha mengeksplorasi cinta dari berbagai sudut pandang menarik. Dalam tiap sesi wawancaranya, dia juga mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mewakili rasa ingin tahu kita. Seperti soal apa saja hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk mempertahankan cinta, aspek apa saja yang perlu dipahami agar cinta bisa tetap utuh dan kuat, menyikapi hal-hal yang berubah dalam sebuah hubungan, hingga pentingnya memahami diri sendiri sebelum menuntut orang terdekat kita untuk memahami kita.

Selain menuangkan hasil wawancara, Natasha juga membagikan pengalaman serta refleksi diri soal cinta dalam buku ini. Membaca buku ini menghadirkan perasaan hangat sekaligus makin mencerahkan wawasan. Ternyata pembahasan soal cinta bisa begitu luas dan ada banyak hal yang juga membuat kita cukup terkejut karena yang kita alami terkait cinta sebenarnya juga dirasakan dan wajar dialami oleh banyak orang lain di luar sana.

Sains tentang seks juga dibahas di buku ini. Seks yang bukan cuma soal nafsu belaka, tetapi juga ada kaitannya dengan cara berkomunikasi dengan pasangan serta pastinya cinta dan ketulusan emosi. Siapa sangka perkara emosi punya pengaruh yang sangat kuat soal kenyamanan dalam hubungan intim.

Masuk dalam Top Ten Sunday Times Bestseller, Conversations on Love bisa menjadi salah satu buku yang menghadirkan perubahan baru dalam hidup kita. Banyak lapisan menarik dan membuka wawasan terkait cinta yang bisa kita dapatkan di buku. Kalau selama ini kita sering merasa gagal, sedih, atau putus asa dalam menjalin hubungan, buku ini bisa menghadirkan perspektif baru yang menguatkan diri kita.

The Instinct for Cooperation innovatively balances those real-life stories of struggle with conversations the author has had with Chomsky on how best to understand them. Although the themes are wide-ranging, this book is ultimately about the importance and need for spaces of resistance in countering state and other institutional forms of violence. For example, when discussing the removal of books by police and sanitation workers from Zuccotti Park in November of 2011, Chomsky paused to say "Arizona knows all about that," referring to the 2010 ban of Mexican American Studies in Tucson schools under Arizona House Bill 2281, which deemed classes that taught "ethnic solidarity" to be illegal. Rather than footnote the reference, author Jeffrey Wilson tells that story. Like Joe Sacco's animated political journalism, this book offers a unique perspective on current issues, while providing a major contribution to the understanding of Chomsky's political theories.

Black & Bookish is the brainchild of Antoinette Scully, educator and lover of all things bookish. She is on a quest to fill your bookshelves with beloved authors of the African Diaspora. When she's not hanging out online, she's living it up as the mother of two rambunctious girls and wife of a local filmmaker.

I love those stories about the opera. Lovely. And the luxury of being met by a friend and walked over to lunch! Without masks and without that pre-emptive cowering I find myself doing now even when wearing a mask and approaching someone also wearing a mask!

The love of God is that which never fails, men fail, men repent, we mess up ourselves but His love never fails. Of the numerous lessons l learnt from this book LOVE ME BY AISHAT YAKUBU l will share some with us.

1. The unfailing love of God is the most lmportant, many at times because we have not been loved the right way in the past whether in our various homes or past relationships, we find it difficult to accept that love, like Nifemi we feel we have to do something to be loved or rather beg for it before we can receive it. 006ab0faaa

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