
Sorry, but this does not work, dont know why, but it doesnt.

Even included addonprops dlc folder.. cannot spawn batlocker with menyoo or simple trainer.

I noticed that setup.xml and content.xml are messed up, everything is in one line.

This points to the Mesh file that defines the shape of your props. Selecting this property will open the Mesh object library, which shows all of the Mesh .obj files saved on your local hard-drive in the Mesh folder.

Download Build Prop Editor

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This points to the Texture file that defines a prop's texture. You can use this property to create and apply a texture to a prop, allowing you to visualise your stage as realistically as possible. Selecting this property will open the Texture object library, which shows all of the still image files saved on your local hard-drive in the DxTexture folder.

Had an issue today where I was trying to build with walls and props with build-a-prop on and in-game everything was fine but when I went to the editor everything was on a grid-snap rotation or out of place. When I pushed changes to in-game it saved the editor states / orientation of those pieces.

So that prop is passed as an object, converted first to json and then to required slate editor format. That doesn't break the component but the value is not displayed in the editor. What am I doing wrong and what is the right way to set up the slate editor value as a prop? Thank you for any help with this!

To pass in data from props, you need to deserialize this.props.richText and store it in state, and then update state's value every time Editor changes. Here's how you'd do that if you want a plain text editor.

Prop EditorThe Prop Editor is the main Utherverse decorating tool. It is used to place and modify props in a location. To start decorating, enable the Decorate permission for the particular property.

If you know the name of the prop you want to use, type part of its name into the Keywords field and click Find. The list of props is now filtered to show only those that contain your keyword.

When the Prop Editor is open and there are props in your location, you can right-click these props. Which will open a new menu as seen on the right. The top prop is always the first objects you right-clicked, the objects below it are the next object behind this prop, this continues until a maximum of four props show up in your menu. If there are less then four props you will only see those props show up and the menu will therefore be smaller. If there are more then four props those will simply not be shown in the menu, and you need to move your avatar to manipulate the items show in the menu and right-clicking somewhere else to get the prop you want to see in the menu to show up.

Selecting this option allows you to move the prop with your mouse. This makes it so you can move the prop on the X and Z axis by simply moving your mouse, your mouse cursor will also be invisable and the prop instead feels like the mouse cursor. The prop will also become the selected prop in your prop editor menus.

There is 2 additional functions that are enabled with this that are less visable. If you rotate your mouse scroll wheel, you can have the prop rotate in 360 direction, left and right depending which direction you scroll your mousewheel.

On this tab is where you specify where a prop you had added is located within the property. In general the maximum value for these are -99999 to 99999 it is possible to have larger values in here. But this is usually not recommended. The Y value modifies the values in height, while X and Z move the props sideways or forward or backward.

This tab is used mostly when trying to set a scale of a prop to a larger value then it's base value. All props start with a base value of 1 X / 1 Y / 1 Z (with the exception of the dummy.gml prop which starts at 50 X / 50 Y / 1 Z) You can resize props down to 0.01 and up to 400. Albeit that in most cases it is worth of note that props get distorted when they are larger then 100 in scale.

There are two different sections on this tab, the Basic and the Advanced settings. The State tab also has an input box at the top. Where you can add a prop state. This usually means how it is animated when that is an option for that prop. A complete list of these can be found in the super zaby list.

This is where plugins are listed if any available to you. In order for these to show up in your prop editor you need access to special roles. The dauction plugin used to be available, but has since been withdrawn.

Then, the child component looks like this, which directly manipulates the properties of the parent address object.Here I am only showing an input for the address.name to keep things concise, but you can imagine there is a similar text input for any other properties of the address.

The issues here is that I am directly editing the address prop in the child. Of course I do not get any warnings from Vue about it because I am only editing a property of the address object, not actually mutating it by reassigning.

Further, as you type in the input, if you watch the events being fired in the Vue debugger, AddressForm never even emits the input events, presumably because localValue isn't actually being set, since it's just an object property that's being changed.

I have created a custom prop in PE that is a mega tree with 2858 pixels. This is a twig tree so it is not your standard mega tree layout. Each pixel is properly placed to match the actual tree (See Attachment). I want to be able to manually set up the universes to match my controller setup but find that the prop definition feature keeps setting everything automatically. This will not work for my setup because the universes will have a varying number of pixels. There are 38 levels of twigs on this tree and most of the layout will have one level being one universe. I know I can make 38 different props and group them to accomplish what I want, but that seems like a drastic method. I have added a screen shot and as you can see, it only sets 3 lines, so I can't add individual universes and set the correct start channel for my layout. I have no idea how to add more input lines, or if it can even be done. I can't change the max channel because the max channel will vary for each universe. Hopefully I've explained my problem well enough to be understood. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I guess I will close this thread since no one has offered a solution to my problem. I went ahead and broke the tree down into separate props for each universe and then grouped them together. Works great, but it took me several days to do it. Hopefully LOR will add a manual input option for the universes in the prop definition soon.

I then grouped the levels back together into the original tree shape using the vertical stack. The final result was 26 separate universes. The actual tree has 38 levels but the uppermost props have 2 or more levels in the prop to create a more full universe. It does work well, but would have been much, much easier if there were a way to alter the universe layout of the full tree manually in the prop definition. Thanks for your time Matt!!!

I think I understand what you're saying here Matt. Basically I can start a new universe by restarting at the next thousand. My next question is what if I want to go more than 10 universes? What comes after 9000? This custom tree contains 26 universes. Would I have to make 3 separate props?? Thanks again for your time!!!

Many thanks Matt. Since I have already created the 26 props and grouped them, I'll just use them that way, but your info will be very helpful with future projects. As you can see, I tend to push things to the limit LOL. Take care, and thanks again.

Heydiho everyone, I am trying to use the props editor by Meth0d and and Quechus13 to generate a ytyp file for an add-on prop archive. Buuuuuuut doesn't work for me. I have the latest .NET framework installed and run the .exe as Admin, but everytime I rebuild it says:

Could not Rebuild!

Possible errors:

-Your .NET Framework is not updated to 4.6.1 or highers.

-Some prop values are not in the format. Check again.

@SkylineGTRFreak I never get this kind of error, but i got some trouble with the Flag option and the external textured object (it didn't gave any error but object were not working or bugy), may that could be the reason.

If you want I can try to build it and send you back the def_prop.ytyp, i could build you an island with access to the space pad too if you need.

And about your question of the other day, the thing about if it could handle as much polygon for a prop, i've been able to do 1 000 000 polygon object but it tend to become instable over

1 150 000 polygon

@Shaezbreizh thanks for the info. For now I use the ytyp file that Oskar gave me, works fine so far (well, the shadow is an isse, but apart from that...) I really hope I can fix my current issue though, I'd hate to ask someone to create a .ytyp for me everytime I want to add props

you can also use the polygon editor I think to create new shading domains you can hide.

I do not use studio a lot to render so unsure, I do this outside of studio or modify props in a modeling program.

there are some props I use with surface names that are not descriptive, I would like to select and assign new names to them, but then I still have to scroll through all of the non descriptive names - or - sometimes I just want to combine surfaces for the textures and have left over fields that I have to work around always taking time to look and see if I need to be doing something with it

You should have learned what you need to accomplish your goal with all that transpired in this thread. If you decide on an outside 3rd Party software for prop editing, I would go with Wendy's suggestions (especially Wings3D, or Blender). ff782bc1db

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