Thank you to anyone taking the time to help me. Let me start off by saying I'm very new to the coding world so I'm still trying to get my head around using terminal on a mac. So I have both jsnode and npm succesfully installed on my system. When I've installed browser-sync it seems to install fine. However, when I run browser-sync --version I get the following error.

Also, is there any harm in installing something that is already installed? As in, doesn't it just replace the files that already exist? The reason why I'm asking is that I have uninstalled/reinstalled jsnode and npm multiple times to the point where I feel like I might just need to try and uninstall everything again and try a new method. Just to reiterate, my main question is how to get browser-sync to install properly! Thank you.

Download Browser Sync


I'm trying out Gulp on one of my projects and I wanted to run it like I used to with Grunt watch. Meaning, it has to watch less files and js files, lint, merge, compile and refresh the browser once all that is done.

I managed to make it work with gulp-browser-sync but for some reason it only works once. I do a change to my .less file and the browser reloads. Then, a second change, it does compile but no reload happens.

This would start up and open the page once. If I made a change to the HTML page and save it, I could see lint, sass, js, and browserSync.reload run, but the browser didn't refresh. My HTML was very simple; this:

How can you quit browser-sync from running in the terminal without quitting the terminal application itself?I am new to using terminal-based frameworks and technologies so this is probably very basic, but I haven't found such command in the guides from their website. What I am trying to do is exiting browser-sync session and keep on using the terminal.

Just Press ctrl + c You will asked to press Y / N And if you press Y then the browser sync will stop along with other command line tools.

I am also relatively new command-line and sorts, but I do believe that any local server can be terminated via "ctrl+c". While I am not sure about the general rule, I do know that ctrl+c works to exit browser sync in the terminal.

Hitting the Thanks, got it button or simply hitting the  ESC key will dismiss the modal for the duration of the current Visual Studio session. It will dismiss the modal in all the connected browsers.

localhost:8000 is loading normally, it's just the browser-sync proxy that does not load. The browser-sync UI loads just fine on port 3001 as well. I have tried re-installing both npm packages, restarting my computer, killing all ports, starting and re-starting the php development server, running npm run watch over and over, checking in multiple browsers, and trying instead of "localhost".

Get the xBrowserSync mobile app for your Android mobile device. Search through your synced bookmarks just as you would using the web extension, except adding new bookmarks is as easy as sharing from your favourite apps (browsers, YouTube, Spotify and many other apps that share URLs).

Choose from a growing list of public xBrowserSync services to sync to, or run your very own xBrowserSync service for syncing in complete privacy. The xBrowserSync team runs the official xBrowserSync service which is the default service that xBrowserSync uses, but anyone can run their own service and take complete control of their data.

The number of xBrowserSync users are growing every day and the code base is active and being constantly improved. The current roadmap is to support all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge), and sync open tabs and history as well as bookmarks. If you would like to contribute to the development of xBrowserSync to help deliver functionality sooner, read more on how you can get involved.

Choose from one of the following public xBrowserSync services to sync to. The official xBrowserSync service,, is the default service within xBrowserSync and is maintained by the xBrowserSync team. Other services are run independently by volunteers who have kindly offered the use of their service to the public.

The number of xBrowserSync users are growing every day and those users require xBrowserSync services to sync their data to. In order for xBrowserSync to remain free, we need volunteers who are willing to host a public xBrowserSync service on their own server for users to sync to. If you are interested in hosting a service, clone or download the xBrowserSync API source code from our GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the README. Once your service is up and running, let us know the URL so it can be added to the list of public xBrowserSync services.

I was looking to set up a sync server for my web browser to help regain some privacy. The only thing I've seen is Firefox Sync-1.5 Server. It doesn't look like this project is maintained anymore. Are there other projects that are better? Is this still a secure option despite not being maintained for quite some time?

I am having problems with browser-sync. When I first installed, it was working, but now it no longer refreshs my index page when I make modifications to it and save. I noticed that when I start browser-sync, it no longer show the "[BS]Watching files..." message.

I'm using Sublime Text 3 and installed browsersync package for live reloading.When I quit from Sublime and close liveserver app in my browser and try to open new liveserver with react start command I get a message that say: "Something is already running on port 3000." Then I check localhost:3000 and the browser still sync to Sublime I don't know how to turn off liveserver in port 3000 ?

my brave sync chain is also deprecated like this and i cannot use it to access my data on a different workspace (desktop/device), if i download and install the same brave browser version on the old workspace and enter the sync chain again, would this issue be gone?

Browser syncing was introduced in 2012 by Chrome with the goal of letting you continue at home where you left off at work, and vice versa. Since then, other browsers have introduced similar features. There are slight differences between them when it comes what you can synchronize, but the basics are pretty much the same for most of them.

When Chrome Sync is toggled on, the synchronised information includes bookmarks, passwords, history, open tabs, settings, preferences, and, in some cases, even payment information saved in Google Pay.

Synchronized data can include browser history, bookmarks, passwords, cookies, and other information that users consider private and typically have no intention of sharing with anyone else. Password, cookie and payment card secrecy is also important for security. Browser synchronization increases the risk of you inadvertently sharing that information with other users of the computers you sync between.

Malware in the form of browser extensions is relatively rare, but it does happen. We have seen infected JavaScript-based extensions with malicious code that made it possible to introduce malware to an affected system.

Google regularly has to clear out bad extensions from its Chrome Web Store. While many of those extensions would fall into the categories of Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) or adware, they can still cause problems and many would be frowned upon if you introduced them into your work environment by synchronizing from your home browser.

Recently a story that is sideways related hit the news. Google issued a statement saying that it will block third-party Chromium web browsers from using private Google APIs that were only intended for Chome. (Chromium is an open source project run by Google that provides most of the code for Google Chrome, and forms the basis of other popular browsers like Microsoft Edge and Brave.)

Google will limit 3rd party Chromium browsers from accessing private Chrome APIs starting March 15, 2021. However, Google says that users who have accessed private Google features such as Chrome Sync while using third-party browsers will still be able to access the synchronized data locally or in their Google account, depending on their settings. And if you should decide to look into the third-party alternatives we talked about earlier, you will find that some of these will provide you with options to synchronize other Chromium browsers.

I am creating a development base I can use as template for future projects, and part of that is getting the browser to reload whenever I make changes. I have browser sync configured to watch my changes and execute a reload just fine but it doesn't reflect on the * url I am using as a proxy. 

What does reload is when I am on :3000/password. After I enter my password I get redirected to my main store url *

So far everything is working:

The scss files get compiled on changes and also the local browser-sync reloads on every change.

Not working, however, is the tunneled instance of the page. When checking the browser-sync UI on localhost:3001, I can see the address of the tunnel. But when I follow the link, I get a 404.

To my surprise, this was not a technical issue but a design and user experience issue.The default Sync settings are to sync Bookmarks only. This makes sense for aprivacy-oriented browser. However, the setting are inexplicably buried in the Sync settings.

These settings should be an explicit step in the enable Sync flow, or they should figure muchmore prominently in the Sync settings.

My idea is to have my express app launch a server then edit frontend stuff that gets compiled and spitted to the public folder so express uses it as static files, then I want to have the browser reload on change maybe with browser sync but also when I edit backend stuff with nodemon.

run-p is the CLI tool installed by npm-run-all and first starts the watch:dev followed by the syncscript. watch-dev runs nodemon which watches the changes made to tailwind.config.js and tailwind.css. If changes are made, postcss is run by the dev script to compile tailwindcss output again. ff782bc1db

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