On December 5, Earth is getting a delivery of something literally out of this world: some small grains and dust snatched up from an asteroid 180 million miles away. Once safely back on Earth, the fragments of Ryugu will help scientists learn more about how the solar system formed.

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From 898 million miles away, Earth appears as a tiny blue dot in this wide-angle photograph from the Cassini spacecraft. The Moon is seen just to the right in this image. The only wide-angle Cassini footprint image that shows the Earth-Moon system, it is the third time Earth was captured from the outer solar system, but the first time humans knew in advance that it was happening. The Cassini-Huygens mission, which was terminated in 2017, was a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.

You may have heard about a NASA probe that successfully brought some samples from a deep-space asteroid back to Earth. It took four billion miles to get them, but researchers believe it will be worth it. You also may be wondering just why scientists want these samples from what's essentially a huge rock flying through space. Science correspondent Miles O'Brien explains.

You may have heard about a NASA probe that yesterday successfully brought back to Earth some samples from a deep space asteroid. It took four billion miles to get them, but researchers believe it'll be worth it.

Most of our missions that explore the solar system are doing so in an unrestricted manner, so we can bring back samples from asteroids, samples from comets, solar winds, those types of particles. All of those don't have a risk of biological contamination.

Orion surpassed the distance record for a mission with a spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and back to Earth, at 7:42 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 26. The record was set during the Apollo 13 mission at 248,655 miles from our home planet. At its maximum distance from the Moon, Orion will be more than 270,000 miles from Earth Monday, Nov. 28.

The best option is to burn it quickly, completely, and safely. A bonfire is best, while slower methods (like making sure it all ends up in the wood stove ASAP) are also OK. Make sure to also rake up any dropped leaves, bark, twigs or other debris and burn them as well. Do not leave it there, and do not bring it back to where it was from.

Osiris-Rex, the mothership, rocketed away on the $1 billion mission in 2016. It reached Bennu two years later and, using a long stick vacuum, grabbed rubble from the small roundish space rock in 2020. By the time it returned, the spacecraft had logged 4 billion miles.

i think there is glitch as it happens with my model several times a day that aview of a specific level zooms in miles away from the co ords where the moel is and i find no way of bringing it back other than deleting that view and getting a new one. can you sort this out as it happens many times a day

Do local or state laws apply? - Yes, though many people are unaware of such laws, and enforcement is often lax. Some states require that you release the animal exactly where you caught it, or euthanize the animal on the spot. Read more about killing raccoons here. In many states it is not legal to transport and relocate raccoons. This is often because of laws regaring Rabies Vector Species (RVS), or animals that could be rabid. You can find the rules in your state by checking the locations page in your state. Of course, many people don't know about or follow state law, simply driving the animal to "the woods" to let it go.

How should I transport it? - Wear thick leather gloves while transporting the cage, and hold the trap away from your body, since a raccoon can reach out several inches with its claws. Do not stick a finger anywhere in the cage, or the animal may lunge and bite you, very quickly! Place the cage in a truck bed, trunk of car, etc with a drop cloth underneath if you want to catch waste. Make sure the trap is stable, and won't roll during transport.

How far away should I bring it? - Raccoons, like many animals, have an uncanny ability to find their way back to their original territory. And with good reason - a raccoon grew up learning its own territory, and establishing a space there. It will have great difficulty thriving in a new territory, or established raccoons will outcompete it or drive it out. They will travel far to return to the original territory, so if you don't want to see it again, it's recommended to bring it a minimum of 5, or even 10 miles away from the capture site.

I should release it in the woods, right? - This is a strange matter. Many people think they're doing the raccoon a real favor by trapping it in a city or suburbs and taking it away to a better "more natural" forest habitat. But a raccoon living in the city was there for a reason! Raccoons are largely urban animals, and raccoon population densities are higher, often much higher, in urban areas than undeveloped wild areas. An urban raccoon will probably stand a better chance of survival in a new urban habitat than "the woods". But to relocate a raccoon there is just bringing a potential problem animal to a new neighborhood of people. In short, there's no good answer to this question. A nearby water source is probably the only requirement that you can purposely fulfill.

Can I drop it off in a local park or state forest? - In some states it is legal to relocate, but not on public lands. Many professional wildlife operators in such states who do offer relocation have agreements with private property owners. It is always up to you to decide to research or follow local law, and to find a suitable relocation area.

Will the raccoon attack me when I release it? - No, it'll want to flee out of sheer terror and its own instinct to survive, just like you would in the same situation. That said, you should still exercise caution while handling and opening the trap. In the rare case in which an animal won't leave a trap, you can either prop the cage door open and back away and wait, or blow on the animal to make it run out.

What is the survival rate of relocated raccoons? - We don't know. We haven't gathered good data on the subject. Most studies conducted by other groups indicate mortality rates above 50% within the first two months. That's pretty poor prospects. Nature is not easy, even in good conditions.

Might I want to release it in the same place I caught it? - This question may seem silly, but if your situation is that a raccoon is entering a house, under a shed, etc, you can also hold it in the cage while you perform repairs to prevent the animal from going back in the structure, and then release it on site. Beware, of course, of the possibility of a nest of baby raccoons in the structure, in which case the female raccoon will desperately claw her way back in, and that failing, the young will starve to death.

What if I have a mother raccoon and a litter of young? - If you find yourself in this circumstance, and want to relocate them all together, keep the young in a box, preferably with a hot water bottle or heating pad. Set the box in the new relocation area, and allow the mother raccoon to see and sniff it. When you release her, she will run away. But not too far. Leave the area and allow her to retrieve her young and attempt to establish a new den. Return in one day, and if any of the young remain in the box, bring them to a local wildlife rehabilitator.

What's the Right Thing To Do? - We believe in preventative tactics or exclusion tactics, which allow conflict raccoons to continue to live in the same territory, while no longer causing you the specific problem they caused prior. For effective ways to solve a raccoon problem yourself, or to find local help, click the below buttons:

The technology itself is not particularly new. Optical communication has been demonstrated in low Earth orbit and out to the Moon, but DSOC is a first since it is run in a deep space environment. NASA said: "Like using a laser pointer to track a moving dime from a mile away, aiming a laser beam over millions of miles requires extremely precise 'pointing.'"

"First light" was achieved on November 14 as the flight laser transceiver aboard Psyche locked onto the uplink laser beacon transmitted from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL) Table Mountain Facility near Wrightwood, California. The uplink beacon helped the transceiver aim its downlink laser back to a facility approximately 100 miles (130 kilometers) south of Table Mountain. Automated systems took care of the fine-tuning.

Light travels at 300,000 kilometres per second, so it takes about 1.3 seconds for light to travel from the Moon back to the Earth. In other words, the Moon is 1.3 light-seconds away from the Earth.

Since the Moon orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Sun, both the Moon and the Earth are the same average distance away from the Sun. On average, the Earth and Moon are about 150 million kilometres (or 93 million miles) from the Sun!

Commuting miles. If you are an employee and must travel between your home and your employer's workplace, you can deduct the ordinary and necessary expenses of traveling between those points. Generally, this includes the costs of driving from your house to your place of work and back again to your house. It also could include parking fees or other costs associated with commuting.

Business miles away from home. If you travel away from home for business reasons, you can deduct mileage related to those trips as an unreimbursed employee business expense on Schedule A (Form 1040). The deductible amount is the standard mileage rate multiplied by the number of miles you traveled. You can also deduct actual expenses, such as gas and oil, or other fees related to your travel that aren't reimbursed by your employer. 2351a5e196

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