Here's the docs. So I want to figure out of something is within a certain area, made by a boxcast. But what the hell is direction? I give an origin (assuming this means the centre of the box), size, and angle, they all make sense, but direction? No idea. I've tried but nothing seems to give me any results, even with an obnoxiously large box that I know overlaps stuff.

These are the parameters for a boxcast in Unity3D. I am confused over the purpose of the maxDistance parameter as we already draw the box with the halfExtents parameter. What if I don't want to move the box? I.e., I want to draw a box and get information about whatever is inside of it. I am not looking to move the box. Using maxDistance = 0 seems to do nothing as it does not register any hits. Using maxDistance > 0 will move the box, and I am looking to avoid this.

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As they become available, alternate API versions and representations can be selected using the HTTP Accept header. The currently recognized versions are: Accept: application/vnd.boxcast-v1+json

An account represents a person or organization that uses BoxCast services. Each account has its own boxcasters, broadcasts, users, etc. which are managed through the account and are not accessible from any other account. An account is the entity which is responsible for paying invoices or receiving profits from ticket sales.

Valid filters:  filter.ids: List of Broadcast IDs filter.stream_source: Stream Source (e.g. boxcaster, rtmp, app, etc.) filter.stream_sources: List of Stream Sources (e.g. boxcaster, rtmp, app, etc.) filter.private: Filter for private (true) or public (false) broadcasts. filter.free_variant: Filter to find flex ticketed broadcasts (none, best, low) filter.ticketed: Filter to find ticketed broadcasts filter.has_recording: Filter to find only broadcasts with a valid recording. (true, false) 

I've been working on a 2D character controller that uses raycasting to detect collisions with objects. Since Physics2D.Raycast and Physics2D.BoxCast both return a RaycastHit2D object, I was hoping to convert my raycast detection to boxcast detection, but I've been having trouble understanding how to do it. Unity's scripting API is a little vague on how BoxCast actually works; specifically, I don't understand the difference in use between the size and distance parameters.

One of the issues with this is simply how my character "feels" when using this method vs my raycast method. The movement doesn't feel quite as tight. Similarly, I have to use the arbitrary value of .02f as the box's size.y in order to make my character be flat on the ground. I've tried other values like skinWidth, or something like .03f, but these put my collider slightly in the ground or above it. I had initially used raycastLength as both the box's size.y and the distance parameter of the boxcast method, but this was inconsistent, and I think it produced "too much" of a box when casting (I was frequently colliding when my character was still airborne).

Ultimately, this related question helps explain why I want to use boxcasting. Instead of using many rays, each of which has a gap between it and the next ray, I'd like to use a boxcast to simulate a solid "sheet" of rays that can determine my collisions. Imagine a scenario in which the character is on the peak of a mountain; raycasts (with the aforementioned gaps) might miss this sharp point, but a boxcast will hit it, and that hit point will determine the character's movement.

The reason points 1 and 2 are important is because the size.y of the boxcast makes up for the skinWidth needed in the raycast method. In the raycast method I was adding skinWidth to raycastLength so that the length would always reach outside of my collider (remember that the rays start from inside the collider). By removing this in the boxcast method, and making the boxcast have a size.y of skinWidth * 2, the bottom half of the boxcast acts as the "made up" length that I was using in the raycast method. In addition, since I'm no longer adding it to raycastLength, skinWidth does not need to be removed from deltaMovement.y = hit.distance * velocityDir.

With that being said, this method still doesn't produce a completely accurate collision when compared to the raycast method. For example, my position is still off by .005f using a boxcast, and my character is still ever so slightly landing off the floor (you have to zoom is quite far in the scene view to see this, but there is no visible gap using raycasts). While this is still very accurate, I'm wondering if this discrepancy would cause collision issues once more (complex) functionality is added to the controller. ff782bc1db

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