Embark on an adrenaline-pumping journey with Boom Arena, the ultimate real-time PvP battle arena where strategy and skill are your tools to triumph. The top-rated app allows you to construct a formidable battle deck from a selection of over 80 different cards, ensuring a diverse and tailored combat experience. Players stand on equal ground as all cards maintain the same level, removing any pay-to-win barriers and emphasizing tactical prowess.

Dive into the fray and enjoy the fairness of the game's matchmaking system, which pairs competitors based on medals, fostering a balanced and competitive environment. Whether you're strategizing to outmaneuver your opponents or perfecting your deck, the experience promises a thrilling challenge that's determined by your ability to outsmart and outplay. Join the battlegrounds and prove your might!

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The excitement of the competition is enhanced by the application's vibrant graphics and intuitive controls, making it accessible to both newcomers and seasoned gamers. The inclusion of daily quests and special events provides ongoing challenges that keep the gameplay fresh and engaging, encouraging players to return day after day. Be prepared to adapt to the ever-evolving tactics and strategies as you climb the leaderboards and take your place among the best in the arena.

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Your primary weapon is a bomb, that can be enhanced by drinking one of the many different types of power-up potions scattered throughout the arena. Throw the bomb and watch in glee as it explodes.

Your health is limited, make sure you look after it because when your health reaches 0 you are dead and will have to re-spawn to continue playing. Find potions of health scattered around the arena to keep it at maximum level. Luckily those annoying Human Wizards have perfected the art of resurrecting you, so when you die you will be able to quickly re-spawn and be back in the arena blowing things up.

Your stamina is limited and allows your Goblin Sapper to make a mad dash to get out of or in to trouble. While dashing around, your Goblin Sapper is unable to throw Bombs or drop Bundles of Dynamite. As long as you have stamina and you keep the dash button held down, your Goblin Sapper will move at double the normal speed. Replenish your stamina by picking up Potions of Stamina that are dropped by other players when they die.

Bombs are your primary weapon, you start with 5 and you regenerate them at a rate of 1 every 2 seconds. Use the quirkiness of the bounce to catch your opponents out. Bombs arm themselves after the first bounce and have a fuse length of 2 seconds.

Bundles of Dynamite are your secondary weapons, you start with 5 and you regenerate them at a rate of 1 every 5 seconds. Drop them behind you as you move to catch out any opponents chasing you. Bundles of Dynamite arm themselves as soon as you move away from them and they have a fuse length of 1 second.


During the course of the game, loot will be dropped by other players in the form of gold, health potions, and stamina potions. Remember that no matter what the victory condition is, you should always try to pick up as much gold as possible.

Every time you kill an opposing Goblin Sapper, they drop a portion of the gold they are carrying. Gold can be used to win rounds in certain conditions but they can also be used in the shop to buy items that you can use in future rounds. Remember anyone can pick the gold up, so you have to be quick.

The health potion is the only way of keeping your health at maximum levels while playing. Health potions are instant use items and you can only pick them up if your health is not at maximum level. The potions are dropped when a Goblin Sapper is killed and they will only remain in the arena for 60 seconds after being dropped. A health potion restores 25 health when it is drunk.

The stamina potion is the only way to get your stamina back up to maximum levels, see the stamina section for more information on why you need stamina. The potions are dropped when a Goblin Sapper is killed but only if they have maximum stamina at the point they are killed. The potions remain in the arena for 60 seconds after being dropped and restore 25 stamina when they are drunk.


During the course of the game, various power-ups will be spawned all over the arena. All power-ups are activated automatically when you run over them and have a limited life span, so you will need to learn to use them wisely and figure out what strategy best suits your playing style.

The Incendiary Bomb power-up turns your normal bombs into a wide area destructive weapon that coats everything in flames. The flames will stay in the area for 30 seconds and anyone entering the area will take progressive fire damage.

Your normal Bombs already have a quirkiness to their bounce, the Bouncy Bomb makes this even more quirky. The Bouncy Bomb will continue to bounce until it finally detonates. It has a longer fuse time and can be thrown much further, so be careful when throwing these in enclosed areas.

The Bag of Bombs is one of those cool things that the Human Wizards actually came up with. It is basically a bag containing an unlimited supply of bombs, it however only lasts for 15 seconds from the moment you pick it up. So use it wisely and use it quickly.


Typically the items are purchased from the shop, but there are some items that spawn along with normal power-ups in the arena. Items can only be picked up if you have an empty slot in your hot-bar and you can only pick up one item per hot-bar slot. Some items are singular use and other items have multiple uses, your hot-bar will give you an indication of the type of item and its uses.

The Smoke Screen is a barrel of 5 Smoke Bombs. The smoke screen will remain active in the area for 60 seconds and can be used to cover your retreat or hide all manner of explosives in it. The smoke screen is a once-off power-up and is expended every time you drop one.

Update: 7th March 2015

This is a heavy WIP, but I thought I would share the Main Menu with everyone here. The music was custom written for the game by Karl Muller Music and Sound Design.

Before we continue, please remember that this is an ALPHA release and by its nature there are bound to be bugs and issues. As an Alpha Tester you should be aware of this and realise that this is not indicative of the final product.

Update: 13th April 2015

So we are now working on the next release for Kaboom Arena and our plan is to do bi-weekly releases until we get to a Beta state. Below is a list of the next set of features that we want to implement for the next release:

We are also currently preparing the Linux Client and Linux Server builds in order to get our Alpha test server up. I will do another announcement regarding the Linux Client and Linux Server when they are ready.

Plan for Week 19 of 2015

So at the end of this week, we are planning on releasing v0.5.0.0 to everyone. This release will mark a milestone as we will now have end-to-end gameplay of all of the core game mechanics. This release will also see us starting down the process of Steam Greenlight as the team felt we needed to have victory conditions before we attempted to do a Steam Greenlight.

The game is Kaboom Arena, it is currently in early Alpha (with a new release coming this weekend) and is an alternate take on Bomberman with some unique game play elements. We have gone for a Scrolling Top Down view where your focus is your player and the objective is to take out the players using your primary (bombs) and secondary (dynamite) weapons. There are power-ups for both weapons and there are victory conditions ranging from most kills to most gold. It is still early Alpha and we have only recently added the power-ups and victory conditions.

My personal taste would be to make the bombs one of those barrels he carries on his back. It would be easier to spot. Perhaps its easy to see the bombs when playing the game fullscreen but on the small video it does look a bit obscured.

The barrels on his back are actually used to store the bombs and dynamite that he is carrying. We have however created a super weapon called Keg of Boom (currently not in the game) and it is powered by all the bombs you are carrying and then some. Only one of these spawn on the level at a time and you have to go to it, activate it, and then defend it to prevent others from taking over the activation of it. This is going to be added in to one of the later versions. 152ee80cbc

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