"Blood-C - The Last Dark" is a film that acts as a sequel to the television series "Blood-C," which itself is loosely based around the well-known Blood anime franchise. Done at Production I.G., the studio behind "Eden of the East" and "Ghost in the Shell," this film was considered to be much better than the show, and even won an award at the 2012 Fantasia Film festival. And what do I say after having seen it? Meh.Maybe it's because I haven't seen the original show, and have little attachment to any of the characters and don't understand much of the references. The main character is Saya, a beautiful dark haired girl who happens to be a vampire... well, I think she is anyway, based on the franchise this comes from, but that's never made especially clear. She is special though, very good with a sword and with an intense instinct to kill monsters around her. Yes, there are monsters, and in this film Saya stumbles upon a group of hackers trying to find out why monsters are appearing in the city, and the reason behind the organization "seventh heaven" and their ties to "the tower." Saya doesn't mind helping them, since it means she'll get the chance to kill the man who made her the way she is.There are a lot of gaps here in the logic and story background, and parts of it you do learn later on in the film, but there's too much missing. This is partly because it really can't be enjoyed without watching the series first and understanding Saya's hatred towards the film's antagonist. Even with that aside, the film just isn't that good with storytelling. The characters are especially frustrating... other than Saya and the antagonists, all the characters are seem incredibly stereotypical and one-dimensional (although they get a little better later on). And there is one scene where we see the two main female characters nude, but the scene has no actual reason to be there, a perfect case of fanservice for the sake of fanservice. Overall, it feels like a generic popcorn action movie, and doesn't seem to strive to be much more than that.Thankfully, the action scenes are really good. Most of the dialogue moments are no better than your average shonen show, but the action scenes were clearly paid attention to, and feel smooth and fluid, with a wide array of camera and character movement. The few monsters we do see are varied and well-designed in their gruesome-ness. Overall, the production values of the film can't be ignored, both visually and with music and sound effects. Even still, not everything is perfect on this view of things... notably, Production I.G. uses a lot of computer animation here, with all of the background characters, among other things. Sometimes the computer animation is used well and looks great, but more often it looks cheap. The English dub is surprisingly bad, but that might be because of the characters instead of the talent of the actors.It's hard to recommend "Blood-C - The Last Dark." I guess the action scenes are almost worth the price of admission... and if you saw the original show, of course this'll be worth seeing at least once. If you have any attachment to the original film "Blood - The Last Vampire," you might find this worthy to watch for its subtle references to that 2000 movie. Otherwise, if you wanted to see a movie that actually carries weight and significance on its own, there are better options out there.

 Action Survivor: Mana Affably Evil: As seen in the flashbacks and the last episode of the TV series, Fumito is really a friendly guy who never gets angry or disappointed. Animation Bump: When compared to the television series. Arc Words: "A prize for the winner. A punishment for the loser." Backstab Backfire: Kuroto stabs Fumito with Saya's sword but Fumito tosses Saya's blood on his face which ultimately turned him into an Elder Bairn Bad Boss: Kuto. After his soldiers fail to capture Saya he cryptically mentions that they were dealt with. When he and the soldiers confront Saya at the end, he tosses a grenade at her whilst she's engaged with other troops, and blows them away. After his transformation into an Elder Bairn, he starts eating his men. Big Bad: Fumito but it turns out to be a Big Bad Duumvirate with Kuroto. Non-Action Big Bad: Of course, Fumito is only good in scheming and lets Kutou do the heavy work. Big Damn Heroes: At the beginning of the movie, Saya saves Mana from the Elder Bairn. And later, Matsuo saved them both from Kutou. The Big Damn Kiss: Fumito gives this to Saya as a "reward". Big Damn Movie: It even received money from the Japanese government! Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Kuroto. Bittersweet Ending: Fumito is dead, the TOWER has been destroyed, and his gruesome experiments have been ended for good. Not to mention Saya is now free to live her own life and the members of SIRRUT go on to live peaceful lives; however, Mana never gets to see Saya ever again. Hell, she didn't even know the fate of her dad. And Saya feels lonely again and will most likely perish soon after the Elder Bairns are gone for good since she needs to feed off them to survive. Body Horror: That Elder Bairns in the beginning of the movie. Also, Kuto and Kuroto Bonding over Missing Parents: Saya and Mana became close due to their lost dads. Though in Saya's case, her "father" is not related to her by blood but by the same species. Casting Gag: Like Keiji Fujiwara and Kenji Nojima, Yuko Kaida (Haruno Yanagi) and Jun'ichi Suwabe (Kutou) also previously played Blood+. Kaida voiced Dr. Julia Silverstein who switches side from Red Shield to Cinq Flches then, back to Red Shield but she's not the traitor in this movie; it's her boss, Kuroto. Suwabe voiced Van Argeno, the sleazy Corrupt Corporate Executive who aided the antagonists, and here, he's The Dragon to Fumito. Close-Call Haircut: Saya loses one of her twintails during the fight with Fumito. Continuity Nod: Itsuki, the class representative from the TV series, was actually a member of SIRRUT who provided information to them. Captain Crash: Iori may be a good driver but he always ends up crashing his car due to dangerous circumstances much to his extreme chagrin. Chekhov's Gunman: You know that Elder Bairns who attacked everyone in the train and kidnapped Mana at the beginning of the movie? That's actually Mana's dad who was one of the subjects of Fumito's Elder Bairn experiments and Saya killed him. Seems to explain why he didn't hurt his daughter. Crossover: Kimihiro Watanuki has officially entered the Blood universe as an ally to Saya for only four minutes. He also appears in the manga except his face is covered due to copyright reasons. Cuteness Proximity: Tsuki's cat video draws instantly Matsuo and Fujimura to implore her to allow them watch it. Darker and Edgier: Unlike the TV series, the movie shows how very serious and dark the setting is. The violence and gore are even toned down a bit and the death count was minimized. Didn't Think This Through: Kutou, a human, willingly turns into an Elder Bairn to fight a girl he knows cannot kill humans. It goes as well as one could expect. Disappeared Dad: Mana's father went missing when he tried to investigate Fumito's company which prompted her to look for him. It turns out that he's actually the Elder Bairn at the beginning of the movie that attacked everyone on the train and who was killed by Saya. The Dragon: Kuto Dragon-in-Chief: Kuroto plays this role nicely. Evil Cripple: Kuroto before the climax. Evil Gloating: Fumito is very, very fond of it when he had Saya at his grasp before the climax. Eye Scream: Happens to Kuroto when he is injected with Saya's blood and transformed into one. Fanservice: The bathroom scene. Failed a Spot Check: The unnamed female victim of the metro Elder Bairn at the beginning of the film. Had she paid more attention to her surroundings instead of being distracted by retouching her make up, she could have noticed the man's nose bleeding into her shoes, or his face contorting into something inhuman. Failure Hero: Averted this time, Saya finally manages to save someone from an Elder Bairn, this is not a spoiler about the horrible death of the saved person, she survives the movie! Final Boss: Kuroto ends up becoming a skyscraper-sized Elder Bairn. Finale Movie: This is a movie that serves to wrap up the story of Blood-C. Flat Character: The SIRRUT supporting cast (sans Mana and Kuroto) are just there without any characterization or background on why they're part of the group. The only thing you know about them is that one is a skilled hacker who can type with her toes, the other is Kuroto's secretary, the guy owns a car and has a crush on the secretary and the other guy is just a former friend of Mana. Beyond that, that's about it. According to Kuroto, the group was just one of many obscure internet groups advocating freedom that was given funding and support by Kuroto after they randomly found some information on Saya. Genre Blindness: Kuto gloats Saya's inability to kill humans but then, proceeds to transforms himself into an Elder Bairn, the very thing that she can kill, which results in his own death. Handy Feet: Tsukiyama types with fingers and toes, wearing ad hoc toe socks in order to ease it. Hollywood Hacking: Hiro Tsukiyama can type 110 WPM. With her hands and feet. I Own This Town: Though he's not really a politician, Fumito certainly has more influence. Enough to obscure the internet GPS to hide his headquarters. It's Personal: Saya's revenge against Fumito. Mana only joins Sirrut just to look for her missing father. And Kuroto only helps Sirrut because Fumito is responsible for losing his ability to walk and for the deaths of his family But it turns out that he's in league with him. Kaiju: The Elder Bairns near the end of the movie. Karma Houdini: Yka Amino. She conspired with Fumito in exchange for him supporting her political career. She was the only member of the "main cast" (besides Saya) to survive the massacre at the end of the series. She outlived Fumito, became Governor of Tokyo and repealed the Youth Ordinance Bill. Knight in Sour Armor: Saya. La Rsistance: Sirrut MegaCorp: Seventh Heaven. Mole in Charge: Kuroto. From being the financial backer of Sirrut to being one of co-conspirators. Morality Pet: Mana to Saya. My Greatest Failure: Mana refuses to hack after her work resulted to her dad's disappearance. It could have gone worse if she ever finds out that her dad turned into an Elder Bairn and Saya killed him. Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Kuto transforms himself into an Elder Bairn and then promptly kills himself with Saya's sword. She was forbidden from killing him when he was still human. Not in This for Your Revolution: Saya only joins SIRRUT so she can carry out her revenge against Fumito and kill him. The same can be said for Mana, whose only concern is to find her dad. Now What?: After Fumito dies, Saya feels lonely again. She didn't return to Mana since she didn't want her to find out that she had killed her dad. Older Than They Look: Tsukiyama is canonically 13 yeard old, although you would be pardoned for thinking she was 8 for how she looks and behaves, specially next to other CLAMP characters who are Wise Beyond Their Years. One-Winged Angel: Both Kutou and Kuroto transforms into this in the end. Playful Hacker: Tsukiyomi and Mana. The latter is by far more skilled one. Pyrrhic Victory: For Saya's case, she fulfilled her revenge but it made her lonely and since she killed Mana's dad, she didn't go back to her again so she wouldn't find out. Ripped from the Headlines: Obviously, the Youth Ordinance Bill. Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Saya's main objective in the movie. This is also Kuroto's objective too. Or is it? Sailor Fuku: Saya wears a blue one. Say My Name: FUMITOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ship Tease: Saya and Mana. Well, it's CLAMP. Shout-Out: The train scene in the beginning of the movie pays a homage of the beginning scene of Blood: The Last Vampire. Hiro is obviously a fan of Mokona. Saya is a woman who carries a katana and pursues revenge on the man who committed a massacre and then, shot her in the head. She's basically the vampire version of The Bride. The Starscream: Kuroto The Stoic: Saya, given that this is her true personality. But when she's angry.. Storming the Castle: Near the end of the movie Time Skip: One year later (after the TV series). Those Two Guys: Matsuo and Fujimaru Too Dumb to Live: Kuto should remember in his own words that Saya can't kill humans and yet, he transforms into the very thing that she can kill. Tragic Hero: Saya. After all the hell that she had been through since the TV series, no thanks to Fumito, she could have at least get some peace. Except that she kills the man, who happened to be in love with her, and she can't be with Mana as she wouldn't want to find out the fate of her father. And at the end, Saya walks into an aimless journey. Trailers Always Spoil: The appearance of Watanuki and his shop in the trailers and promotion art. Tranquil Fury: Saya upon seeing Fumito at the school auditorium. Unlimited Wardrobe: As opposed to the TV series, Saya wears six different types of outfits. The side characters also have their clothes changed. The Unfought: Fumito. This is slightly justified since he is a Non-Action Big Bad. Unwitting Pawn: Kuroto, who happens to be working with Fumito, used Sirrut for their own means. Voice with an Internet Connection: Yanagi and Mana. Vengeance Feels Empty: After Saya finally kills Fumito, she doesn't seem happy about it after Fumito gives her a kiss and tells his feelings to her. It wasn't clear if Saya genuinely reciprocates his feelings since this is the guy who tormented her emotionally and mentally in the TV series. It just made her utterly confused. Walking the Earth: Saya at the end of movie. Wham Line:Fumito: You sliced [Mana's father] to death right after you arrived in Tokyo, right, Saya? What the Hell Are You?: The reaction of Mana and later, Iori, upon seeing Saya standing over the Elder Bairn's corpse and covered in blood at the beginning of the movie. The Unreveal: Fumito's motives on Saya aren't explored in depth aside from the fact that he's obsessively in love with her. Saya's price for the sword wasn't revealed. It's not revealed who made the contract with Saya that stops her from being able to kill human beings.

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