Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob Storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. Unstructured data is data that doesn't adhere to a particular data model or definition, such as text or binary data.

Users or client applications can access objects in Blob Storage via HTTP/HTTPS, from anywhere in the world. Objects in Blob Storage are accessible via the Azure Storage REST API, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or an Azure Storage client library. Client libraries are available for different languages, including:

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Blob Storage supports Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Microsoft's enterprise big data analytics solution for the cloud. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 offers a hierarchical file system as well as the advantages of Blob Storage, including:

A storage account provides a unique namespace in Azure for your data. Every object that you store in Azure Storage has an address that includes your unique account name. The combination of the account name and the Blob Storage endpoint forms the base address for the objects in your storage account.

Azure Blob Storage helps you create data lakes for your analytics needs, and provides storage to build powerful cloud-native and mobile apps. Optimize costs with tiered storage for your long-term data, and flexibly scale up for high-performance computing and machine learning workloads.

Blob storage is built from the ground up to support the scale, security, and availability needs of mobile, web, and cloud-native application developers. Use it as a cornerstone for serverless architectures such as Azure Functions. Blob storage supports the most popular development frameworks, including Java, .NET, Python, and Node.js, and is the only cloud storage service that offers a premium, SSD-based object storage tier for low-latency and interactive scenarios.

With multiple storage tiers and automated lifecycle management, store massive amounts of infrequently or rarely accessed data in a cost-efficient way. Replace your tape archives with Blob storage and never worry about migrating across hardware generations.

Azure Data Lake Storage is a highly scalable and cost-effective data lake solution for big data analytics. It combines the power of a high-performance file system with massive scale and economy to help you speed your time to insight. Data Lake Storage extends Azure Blob Storage capabilities and is optimized for analytics workloads.

Choose from four storage tiers based on how often you expect to access the data. Store performance-sensitive data in Premium, frequently accessed data in Hot, infrequently accessed data in Cool and Cold, and rarely accessed data in Archive. Save significantly by reserving storage capacity.

Set your default account tier in the Azure portal. The Archive tier is available to GPv2 and Blob storage accounts and only available for individual block blobs and append blobs. Read more in the storage account overview.

We automatically handle provisioning, configuration, and access control for you. This integrated zero-configuration solution helps you focus on building business value in your project rather than toil on setting up and scaling a separate blob storage solution.

Each blob belongs to a single site. A site can have multiple namespaces for blobs. We call these stores. This allows you to, for example, have the key nails exist as an object in a store for beauty and separately as an object in a store for construction with different data. Every blob must be associated with a store, even if a site is not using multiple namespaces.

Optionally, you can group blobs together under a common prefix and then browse them hierarchically when listing a store. This is similar to grouping files in a directory. To browse hierarchically, do the following:

To handle pagination manually, set the paginate parameter to true. This makes list return an AsyncIterator, which lets you take full control over the pagination process. This means you can fetch only the data you need when you need it.

To handle pagination manually, set the paginate parameter to true. This makes listStores return an AsyncIterator, which lets you take full control over the pagination process. This means you can fetch only the data you need when you need it.

With file-based uploads, you can write blobs to deploy-specific stores after the build completes and before the deploy starts. This can be useful for authors of frameworks and other tools integrating with Netlify as it does not require a build plugin.

By default, the Netlify Blobs API uses an eventual consistency model, where data is stored in a single region and cached at the edge for fast access across the globe. When a blob is added, it becomes globally available immediately. Updates and deletions are guaranteed to be propagated to all edge locations within 60 seconds.

The namespaces you make with getStore are shared across all deploys of your site. This is required when using Netlify CLI and desirable for most use cases with functions and edge functions because it means that a new production deploy can read previously written data without you having to replicate blobs for each new production deploy. This also means you can test your Deploy Previews with production data. This does, however, mean that you should be careful to avoid scenarios such as a branch deploy deleting blobs that your published deploy depends on.

Most Unicode characters with UTF-8 encoding take 1 byte. So, for convenience, you can think of the above size limits as roughly a 64-character limit for store names and a 600-character limit for object keys. But, be aware that some characters take more than one byte. For example, takes 2 bytes.

Last write wins. If two overlapping calls try to write the same object, the last write wins. Netlify Blobs does not include a concurrency control mechanism. To manage the potential for race conditions, you can build an object-locking mechanism into your application.

Store access depends on @netlify/blobs module version. If you wrote to site-wide stores with @netlify/blobs version 6.5.0 or earlier, and you then upgrade the module to a more recent version, you will no longer be able to access data in those stores. This is due to an internal change to namespacing logic. You can migrate affected stores by running the following command in the project directory using the latest version of the Netlify CLI.

Blob soft delete is available for both new and existing general-purpose v2, general-purpose v1, and Blob storage accounts (standard and premium). But only for unmanaged disks, which are page blobs under the covers, but is not available for managed disks.

2. From the dropdown, select the account to recover. If the storage account that you want to recover is not in the dropdown, then it cannot be recovered. Once you have selected the account, click on recover button.

In the documentation for the Umbraco.StorageProviders package, it mentions there are two folders used - the /media/ folder, with the actual files, and the /cache/ folder, which stores processed versions. I wonder if the assumption of these two folders is what is causing the 404s - since the v7 site has only the /media/ folder, and thus that is the root of the storage container?

Related to that, I saw a PR to Add ContainerRootPath option, and updated my config to include "ContainerRootPath": "/" but I am still seeing the same error, so I'm not sure what needs to be done - whether there is something I can configure in the v9 site, or if I need to set up a new Storage container with the two folders?

Hi Heather, you're on the right track: the v9 package does indeed use the same container for storing both media and cache (images processed by ImageSharp) and you should be able to override the default path using ContainerRootPath (make sure to use version 1.1.0).

Also keep in mind that the ImageSharp cache will use a fixed cache folder name and would therefore end up inside your media storage (and exposed publicly). You can opt out of using Azure Blob Storage for this cache (and use the default physical file cache), which makes most sense if you already have a CDN in place that caches the processed images.

One other question... I noticed in the back-office that the existing media items do not have file type (umbracoExtension) or size (umbracoBytes) data. Is there an easy way I can update all the media to include those types of information? (I know I can click "Save" on each one and that updates it, but there are thousands of media items, so wondering if I could do it programmatically? Perhaps looping through them all using MediaService...?)

Is the "ContainerRootPath" there to allow multiple Umbraco installations to use the same Blob account - separated by this "ContainerRootPath" value? I have done this on AWS storage, but did not know you could do it with Azure....

Not so long ago I was working on an internal project that required me to deploy Linux VMs that were hosting a workload that saved a copy of any number of video live feeds to blob storage for safeguard and for future replays. I also needed it to be mounted automatically when the VM was created.

In any case, I followed the documentation here to create the virtual network, service endpoint to ensure that the storage account can only be accessed from the appropriate vnet and subnet, and the storage account.

Except that the workload on the VM could not write to the blob storage. I realized that when the custom Script extension creates the folder livefeed in /mnt it's done by the Azure Agent user context (Root) and therefore the permissions on that folder

Since the posts I've read on this are older (year or so) I thought I'd ask if there was a way to download files with Alteryx from Azure blob storage? Or is this for some reason still not supported natively?

Not yet, but we are considering adding the support for Azure Blob store in the future releases. We are in constant process of evaluating our clients' interest in new connectors and the development roadmap reflects, among other factors, the support for the ideas of new connectors here on the Community pages. 152ee80cbc

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