I have an issue where my development environment has a few large extensions in it, and debugging my own extension using the "All exceptions" and/or "Promise rejects" breakpoints will hit on them quite frequently.

I am aware of the skipFiles option in the launch configuration, and that you can use a custom "Data" folder when launching code with the --user-data-dir option, but neither of these solutions seem to work for me. I can't figure out how to find generically define the extensions folder with skipFiles, and --user-data-dir doesn't seem to work as I'd expected and doesn't seem to be for my purpose.

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To put it plainly, my ideal situation would be to use the debug shortcut F5 and for a completely sterile version of vscode to launch with only my extension loaded and settings which aren't inherited from my development environment.

In the following image of a breakpoint being hit, you can see that the first party extension "git" in the path "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/git/src/git.ts" is still being tracked. The command line switch --disable-extensions does not exclude this either.

The extension module has two main functionalities it extends the communication capabilities of the Pure BlackBox and also adds up to 5-8 hours of battery backup power. The extension module includes 1 LAN port to connect the Pure BlackBox with PQSCADA Sapphire Power Quality Monitoring Software. Supplied with 1 x LAN Patch Cord 2m.

The extension module has two main functionalities it extends the communication capabilities of the Pure BlackBox and also adds up to 5-8 hours of battery backup power. The extension module includes 1 LAN port to connect the Pure BlackBox with PQSCADA Sapphire Power Quality Monitoring Software.

Separation of macros into blackbox ones and whitebox ones is a feature of Scala 2.11.x and Scala 2.12.x. The blackbox/whitebox separation is not supported in Scala 2.10.x. It is also not supported in macro paradise for Scala 2.10.x.

With macros becoming a part of the official Scala 2.10 release, programmers in research and industry have found creative ways of using macros to address all sorts of problems, far extending our original expectations.

In fact, macros became an important part of our ecosystem so quickly that just a couple of months after the release of Scala 2.10, when macros were introduced in experimental capacity, we had a Scala language team meeting and decided to standardize macros and make them a full-fledged feature of Scala by 2.12.

UPDATE It turned out that it was not that simple to stabilize macros by Scala 2.12. Our research into that has resulted in establishing a new metaprogramming foundation for Scala, called scala.meta, whose first beta is expected to be released simultaneously with Scala 2.12 and might later be included in future versions of Scala. In the meanwhile, Scala 2.12 is not going to see any changes to reflection and macros - everything is going to stay experimental as it was in Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11, and no features are going to be removed. However, even though circumstances under which this document has been written have changed, the information still remains relevant, so please continue reading.

Macro flavors are plentiful, so we decided to carefully examine them to figure out which ones should be put in the standard. This entails answering a few important questions. Why are macros working so well? Why do people use them?

Our hypothesis is that this happens because the hard to comprehend notion of metaprogramming expressed in def macros piggybacks on the familiar concept of a typed method call. Thanks to that, the code that users write can absorb more meaning without becoming bloated or losingcomprehensibility.

This curious feature provides additional flexibility, enabling fake type providers, extended vanilla materialization, fundep materialization and extractor macros, but it also sacrifices clarity - both for humans and for machines.

In the 2.11 release, we take first step of standardization by expressing the distinction between blackbox and whitebox macros in signatures of def macros, so that scalac can treat such macros differently. This is just a preparatory step, so both blackbox and whitebox macros remain experimental in Scala 2.11.

We express the distinction by replacing scala.reflect.macros.Context with scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context and scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context. If a macro impl is defined with blackbox.Context as its first argument, then macro defs that are using it are considered blackbox, and analogously for whitebox.Context. Of course, the vanilla Context is still there for compatibility reasons, but it issues a deprecation warning encouraging to choose between blackbox and whitebox macros.

Whitebox def macros work exactly like def macros used to work in Scala 2.10. No restrictions of any kind get applied, so everything that could be done with macros in 2.10 should be possible in 2.11 and 2.12.

We consider the blackbox transfer-based targeted adversarial attack threat model in the realm of deep neural network (DNN) image classifiers. Rather than focusing on crossing decision boundaries at the output layer of the source model, our method perturbs representations throughout the extracted feature hierarchy to resemble other classes. We design a flexible attack framework that allows for multi-layer perturbations and demonstrates state-of-the-art targeted transfer performance between ImageNet DNNs. We also show the superiority of our feature space methods under a relaxation of the common assumption that the source and target models are trained on the same dataset and label space, in some instances achieving a $10\times$ increase in targeted success rate relative to other blackbox transfer methods. Finally, we analyze why the proposed methods outperform existing attack strategies and show an extension of the method in the case when limited queries to the blackbox model are allowed.

Requests for name changes in the electronic proceedings will be accepted with no questions asked. However name changes may cause bibliographic tracking issues. Authors are asked to consider this carefully and discuss it with their co-authors prior to requesting a name change in the electronic proceedings.

The Black Box KVM Extender also delivers bi-directional USB data, enabling USB device extension over 196 feet (59.7 m) on the same CAT7a cable. This makes the extender ideal for distributed workstations where you want to reduce environmental concerns such as heat and noise, such as in post-production suites. The extender supports a variety of USB keyboards and mice and other human interface devices (HIDs) such as touchscreens.

The ACU5501A-R4 DVI/USB carries extended profile DDC EDID data from your display device to the display adapter to ensure that your system is configured to deliver optimal video performance. The extended profile DDC EDID is particularly important when extending the video to high-performance display devices. This is essential for professional graphics users such as post-production, broadcast, architecture, graphic design, medical imaging, CAD, or any other applications where display performance is critical.

While there are a few notable examples of this (for example, the transgression), it seems that by and large one is supposed to use the spectral sequence like one uses a long exact sequence of a pair- hope that you don't have to think too much about what that boundary map does.

So, after looking at some of the classical applications of the Serre spectral sequence in cohomology, we decided to open up the black box, and work through the construction of the spectral sequence associated to a filtration. And now that we've done that, and seen the definition of the differential given there... we want some examples.

To be more specific, we were looking for an example of a filtration of a complex that is both nontrivial (i.e. its spectral sequence doesn't collapse at the $E^2$ page or anything silly like that) but still computable (i.e. we can actually, with enough patience, write down what all the differentials are on all the pages).

Notice that this is different than the question here: Simple examples for the use of spectral sequences, though quite similar. We are looking for things that don't collapse, but specifically for the purpose of explicit computation (none of the answers there admit explicit computation of differentials except in trivial cases, I think).

For the moment I'm going to leave this not community wikified, since I think the request for an answer is specific and non-subjective enough that a person who gives a good answer deserves higher reputation for it. If anyone with the power to thinks otherwise, then feel free to hit it with the hammer.

These examples may not really be the sort of thing you're looking for since they involve computing differentials purely formally, not by actually digging into the construction of the spectral sequence. But of course a lot of spectral sequence calculations have to be formal if one is to have any chance of succeeding.

which uses all the same machinery as the Morava $K$-theory paper but employs singular homology and tells you about some algebras which you already understand. The familiarity of these two things will probably ease digestion of the ideas.

Tilman Bauer mentioned a nice example of a spectral sequence, the homotopy fixed point spectral sequence arising from the complex conjugation $C_2$-action on complex $K$-theory $KU$: $$E_2^{*, *} = H^*(C_2; \pi_* KU) \Rightarrow \pi_* KU^{hC_2} \cong \pi_* KO.$$ The $E_2$ page of this is simple enough to compute; it ends up looking like $E_2 = \Z[\eta, [\beta^2]^{\pm}] / (2 \eta)$, where $[\beta^2]$ is a class in degree $(4, 0)$ coming from $\beta^2 \in \pi_* KU = \Z[\beta^\pm]$, and $\eta$ is a class in degree $(1, 1)$ coming from the nontriviality of complex conjugation on the Bott bundle $\beta$. For good measure, here's a picture of this spectral sequence: 152ee80cbc

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