During the installation process, you will be prompted for the XAMPP installation directory. The default installation directory is typically C:\xampp on Windows, /opt/lampp on Linux and /Applications/XAMPP on Mac OS X.

Although you might not have realized this, XAMPP comes with a number of add-on applications. These add-ons include Drupal, Joomla!, WordPress and many other popular open source applications. The add-ons can be easily installed on top of XAMPP using a simple installation tool and are pre-configured to work out of the box, freeing you from the time and effort of downloading and configuring the applications separately.

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Additional Drupal site installations in Bitnami, in addition to the original Drupal site that is automatically created during the Bitnami installation, are not as simple to add to Bitnami as you might hope. See the community.bitnami.com page: Can You Host Multiple (and Separate) Drupal Sites Locally?

But This doesn't seem anything natural to me. You can use the following instruction if you want to keep stick with Xampp. My suggesion is using bitnami lampp you can choose here location of your installation. so in this way you can install lamp in anywhere and doesn't need permissions everytime.

C:\Bitnami\wampstack-5.6.22-0\apache2\conf\bitnami\bitnami.conf-Look for 4 string paths in this config file which point to /Bitnami/wampstack-5.6.22-0/apache2/htdocs/ and replace them with the path on your local computer to the Documents/sites/testsite path

1. Download the latest version of Apache on apachelounge.com/download/

2. Save zipped file locally, unzip the file

3. Go to the server, stop and uninstall apache service through XAMPP control panel

4. On the downloaded apache folder, copy the libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll, libssl-1_1-x64.dll, and openssl.exe. These can be found in the bin folder

5. Replace files in $location\xampp\apache\bin with the above files

6. Install and start apache service through XAMPP control panel

7. Check if you have the latest version, it can be done by opening XAMPP control panel -> Shell, type command 'openssl' enter, 'version' enter.

So are you suggesting that I go into the httpd.conf file and insert the code you gave me? If so, I guess I would need to move my c:/xampp/php folder to c:/php5. Can I just use any text editor such as notebook to do the edits, and can I just do a move of the folder or does it need to be installed in a different location?

Line 8 of index.php performs a redirect from localhost to localhost/dashboard/ where Apache serves the XAMPP Welcome Page generated by the file index.html located in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/dashboard/:

An alternative is to re-define the DocumentRoot configuration in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/httpd.conf to point to another folder and place your web site content in this new location. This folder does not have to be within the /Applications/XAMPP/ folder structure. Below the DocumentRoot is changed to /User/steve/Sites/mysite:

On lines 1 and 2 the Alias directive is used to map a URL containing /bitnami/ or /bitnami to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/htdocs/ or /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/htdocs respectively, allowing Apache to serve files outside of the DocumentRoot. As such, a request to localhost/bitnami should cause Apache to serve /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/htdocs/index.html.

From here, you can navigate to apache > conf > extra. The full directory path is xampp/apache/conf/extra. Once there, you can proceed to the next step: opening and editing a key Apache file.

I am quite new to moodle and trying to install moodle version 2.8.3+ (Build: 20150219) as of moodle installation directory version.php on xampp windows. I have successfully deployed previous version of moodle in like 2.5, 2.6 into LAMP as well in XAMPP. But in this time I am getting error after performing the admin username, password, email, timezon etc inputs. It is taking me to :5050/moodle/admin/index.php?cache=1 page and browser shows me "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete" and " This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies." I was following this post and found the suggestion that I should delete the folder cache into the moodledata folder. But no folder had been created in such name. I assume the moodledata is the name of my moodle installation directory so I worked accordingly and found cache directory in it. Deleting this directory giving me "Fatal Error". So I assume that cache folder is essential for moodle since it has some lib.php.

So doing click on its link the browser will be redirected to a SourceForge page and an automatic download will be started. With an average speed connection you will get the file xampp-win32-1.8.2-0-VC9-installer.exe in less than 2 minutes. 2351a5e196

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