In computer science, a mask or bitmask is data that is used for bitwise operations, particularly in a bit field. Using a mask, multiple bits in a byte, nibble, word, etc. can be set either on or off, or inverted from on to off (or vice versa) in a single bitwise operation. An additional use of masking involves predication in vector processing, where the bitmask is used to select which element operations in the vector are to be executed (mask bit is enabled) and which are not (mask bit is clear).

It is possible to use bitmasks to easily check the state of individual bits regardless of the other bits. To do this, turning off all the other bits using the bitwise AND is done as discussed above and the value is compared with 0. If it is equal to 0, then the bit was off, but if the value is any other value, then the bit was on. What makes this convenient is that it is not necessary to figure out what the value actually is, just that it is not 0.

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To create a hashing function for a hash table, often a function is used that has a large domain. To create an index from the output of the function, a modulo can be taken to reduce the size of the domain to match the size of the array; however, it is often faster on many processors to restrict the size of the hash table to powers of two sizes and use a bitmask instead.

I mean this is great and all for the sake of learning something new everyday, but when would you ever use this knowledge? Is there a practical application for bitwise operators? Short answer, no. Although it can be useful in code minification, memory optimization, and some other use cases, by using bitwise operators, you are opting into less readable code. It is just more cryptic to read because you have to set your "Decimal Mode" brain into "Binary Mode". Nonetheless, that doesn't stop us, right? We're all here to learn. So without further ado, I present bitmasks.

Honestly, I don't have a simple definition for what a "bitmask" is. It's quite a strange monster if you'd ask me. To me, a bitmask can be thought of as a query. Using a bitmask means to query the bits found in some binary number. If you're confused by that definition, I don't blame you. I have to admit that it isn't the best definition. If you can think of a better one, please do leave a comment below. I'd gladly update this article to specifically include your definition.

Our job is done at this point. We can store that as is in a JSON file. That is the straightforward implementation. However, we can use bitmasks to "over-engineer" this problem. In JavaScript, number types can be explicitly converted (or coerced) into booleans by passing it into the Boolean function. Take note that in this case, Boolean is not used as a constructor. It is simply a means to convert the number type (or any type actually) into its equivalent boolean "truthiness". For example:

A bitmask is a way to "select" the bits you're interested in. When selecting a single particular bit, it is always a power of 2 because any power of 2 corresponds to that particular bit that is "turned on". Since bit-shifting to the left is essentially multiplying by 2 (analogous to raising 2 by a power), you can think of bit-shifting to the left as a way to "select" the bit you are interested in.

If you are asking that, then you just answered your own question. 4 has been coerced to true. That is the exact value of the hasAudio property in the original config object. We have successfully extracted the value of the hasAudio property through bitmasking.

Well, what happens if we try to query a "falsy" property such as isFullscreen? Would bitmasking reflect the same value in the original config object? As a matter of fact, it does. We know that the isFullScreen property is located at the fourth bit from the right in the configNumber.

The same logic follows when we want to toggle bits. We still use bitmasks to select the bits we're interested in, but we use the XOR bitwise operator (^) instead of the AND bitwise operator (&) for our query.

This is definitely tedious to do over and over again. Since we all want to save a few keystrokes, let's create some utility functions that does all this for us. First, we will write two utility functions that extracts the "truthiness" of a bit: one extracts the "truthiness" if it's given a bitmask, while the other extracts the "truthiness" if it's given the zero-indexed position (from the right) of the bit being extracted.

I've expanded and made a class for making it simpler to use. I've called it tuples-boolean-bitmasker, the source is in a project on a GitLab monorepo I own, here are the unit tests I've written while building BitMasker

I think that the best use case for bitfields/bitmasks are found where the various "flags" you toggle on and off are not independent of each other, but have some meaningful relationship, e.g. the values in the field are "additive" in a sense.

As I see it, bitmasks are a very important tool for use cases where either performance or memory constraints are important. Performance, because bitwise operations can sometimes achieve the same as more complex arithmetic, but at a fraction of the cost. And memory constraints because storing a single conceptual boolean value in a single bit is about as efficient as you can get, memory-wise.

When it comes to data compression algorithms many times you need to write or read just one bit. In nowadays computer systems that kind of granularity is impossible because the minimum amount of data is a byte. So if it weren't for bitmasking and binary operators in language compression algorithms would be very useless.

Yup, you are definitely correct there. Perhaps I have been too harsh on bitmasks. I never really considered embedded systems when I wrote this article. I simply had a "JavaScript mindset", so to speak.

I worked with bitmasks(a while back) to write a decoder for GRIB, a binary format for weather data. The utility of a bitmask in this context seems much more obvious. It allows you to extract individual bits from a given byte of data. There is NO other way you can do this because processors do not handle anything under 1 byte.

I absolutely love working with bitmasks! They pair incredibly well with MongoDB: there are query expressions for $bitsAllSet/$bitsAnySet + $bitsAllClear/$bitsAnyClear to make for some very succinct and expressive queries, and then there also $bit update operators for setting/unsetting bits. Field selection is a lot more straightforward; it indexes well, especially w/ compound indexes; and it just feels clean. I've found that a lot of queries are just much easier to express like this, for instance:

Also, there are a lot of times in which logical expressions are much cleaner with bitmasks. For instance, say you wanted to update a doc and wanted to trigger some behavior based off of the changes; the optimal way to do this IMO is to use a findOneAndUpdate with bitwise updates ($bit) and then to return the old doc / sync the bitwise updates and to compute the XOR. Once you have the XOR of the update, it's really easy to derive events: IE status & XOR & VERIFIED -> they are verified & they weren't verified before this update. The most powerful use case I've found is for shared documents, where you have a subdocument array for user data w/ an ObjectID ref + a bitmask, and then you can use $elemMatch updates to set each users respective flags, and then you can do awesome things like taking the AND of each users flags + the XOR of an update as to derive events based of when flags are mutually set by both users and became such as a result of this update. This very simple design pattern works for a staggering number of use cases.

Ayyyyy. I can't disagree with your level of enthusiasm! Bitmasks are definitely great for these kinds of use cases. As long as the code for these design patterns are relatively straightforward and easy to fathom, bitmasks aren't really as "bad" and "esoteric" as I have made them to seem like in the article.

I want my ESP32 to wake up from any one of three external inputs and External Wake Up (ext1) looks like the best option for this. Rather than directly specifying pins, there is a more elaborate method that requires calculating a bitmask that is a combination of all pins. The bitmask value is then used in this command:

A binary digit is used as a flag in bitmasking to denote the status or existence of a feature or trait. To accomplish this, certain bits within a binary number are set or reset to reflect a particular state or value.

Suppose you have a set of objects and you want some way to represent which objects to pick and which ones not to

pick. How do you represent that in in a program? More generally, how do you represent a subest of a set?One way is to use a Map to associate with each object a boolean value indicating whether the object is picked. Alternatively,if the object can be indexed ``by integers, you can use a boolean array. However, this takes up a lot of memory and can be slow due to the overhead of Map and array. If the size of the set is not too large, a bitmask is much more efficient (and convenient)!

We know an integer is just a bunch of bits stringed together. The 1st bit will represent whether the 1st object is picked, the 2nd bit will represent whether the 2nd object is picked or not, etc. For example, suppose in a set of 5 objects, we have picked the 1st , 3rd , and 4th object. The bitmask to represent this in binary is 01101 or 13 in decimal (in the notes, the 1 st bit will always be the least significant bit and will always appear at the very right).

Using Godot. I can't figure out how to bitmask these tiles in order to autotile them.I've examined the templates shown in the Godot Docs Tilemaps tutorial, but none seem appropriate. My own attempts to solve this through trial and error have left me confused and frustrated. The tiles are 32x32 pixels, and I'm fairly sure I need a 3x3 minimal masking layout.

My most recent attempt is almost workable:


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