Bible screens could give the option of displaying a parallel text so we could pull up and English version and Spanish version side by side or top and bottom (split-screen horizontal or vertical). This is a common feature in most Bible software and apps now and I think it would be a great addition to proclaim (not just for bilingual).

Thanks again for the input, Kim. For Bible service items there's a fairly simple workaround for displaying bilingual scripture. First, enter the reference using the first language. Add a line break with a single _ on it (or any symbol -- the purpose is to not create a slide break with a blank line) and paste the reference in the second language:

Download Bilingual Bible

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

As the Original Poster and still using the same method as I have since that original post 5 years ago, I can tell you that the "fourth post" method is not efficient and will not satisfy the other recent requests for "on the fly" parallel/bilingual text. I still use content slides vs Bible slides because the method mentioned in the fourth post (Bible slides) will also wipe out formatting (all your work of copy/pasting) if another text is pulled up. By using content slides and labelling the scripture I can use that scripture content slide again in the future so I only have to do the work once on that passage.

Replying to highlight again that this is important and relevant. Our church has enjoyed an influx of families from HK, and I've paid for the appropriate bible on Logos but can't display it easily side by side in Proclaim. Please, get working on this feature asap!

I have a person wanting to learn more about Jesus and wants to begin reading the Bible. The person's main language is Japanese, but she does speak English. She's looking for a Japanese/English bible. I've looked on Amazon, but wanted to see if anyone here has any personal experience with a Japanese/English Bible. Thanks!

Por ejemplo, there is a parallel bible with the ESV on one side and the 1960 Reina-Valera on the other. The ESV New testament is based on a corrected Greek text that is common to most modern translations: NIV, NASB, etc. But the Reina-Valera New Testament is based on a Greek text that was the first one ever printed on a printing press, done by Desiderius Erasmus in the 1500s. It is close, and there is nothing wrong with it doctrinally, but you will find significant word differences between the two texts. Verses such as 1 John 5:7 or Acts 8:37 will be very different.

I've recently started using the videopsalm software and it's amazing. God bless and continue to elevate everyone involved in the development and implementation and maintenance of the software. Amen. I want to ask if there's an Igbo translation of the bible. Need it for our multicultural church. Thank you.

First of all. Great program!! As a programmer I can truly appreciate how much hard work that must have went into this. 

Second, is there anyway to create a bilingual songbook? So this way we can load in a songbook and it will automatically connect the two songs together?

Hello Nilesh,

The feature you request is currently not available as of version 1.13.

This feature implies that you at least have two songbooks that have exactly the same songs with exactly the same verses, except that they are in two different languages.

Do you know of any such songbooks?

The next version of VideoPsalm, 1.14, will enable one or more Bibles to be displayed automatically when you display some other Bible verses.

This feature makes sense for Bibles, much more than for songbooks, because every translation of the Bible has the exact same corresponding verses.

To display bilingual songs, the recommended way is to add into the agenda the two songs that you want to display together, and link them like explained in this very blog post.



PS. I sent you an email to the address that you gave through the VideoPsalm contact form.

Thank you very much for this great program. We are currently using Powerpoint to display songs and most of our songs are bilingual. With VideoPsalm, I tried to create two Songbooks, one in Indian language (with Indian font) and another one for English (with English font).

I added both to the agenda, one after the other and chose the option to display with the next. When it appears, both are appearing in the first song's font. Am I doing something wrong?

If I choose Indian language first, both the songs are displayed in its font. Is it a problem or my mistake. (I hope it is the second one)

Thank you, Binu

Hello Binu,

I am afraid that, like you found out, bilingual slides always display with the font of the first song.

The recommended way to make this work in VideoPsalm at the moment is to use a Unicode font. Unicode fonts can display every character of the world, including Indian mixed with English characters.

Please tell me if I am right, but I believe that, for historical reasons, Indian speaking people use a font that enable English character combinations to display like Indian characters, but these fonts are unable to display English characters.

However, this method of encoding Indian text is currently not supported in VideoPsalm, especially when displaying bilingual songs.

Please use some free online Unicode encoding program to convert your Indian encoded lyrics into Unicode lyrics.

For example, use this free service:


Please contact me via VideoPsalm's contact form, where you can submit your email address in all privacy, for more detail:




Hi. I'm currently using Opensong, but am looking for another program where I can enter "spontaneous slides" during the worship will presenting and also add songs that were not originally on the set list, all during presenting. In addition, I'm looking for a program that also allows for bilingual songs. 

Based on what I've read from your website, your program offers all of the above. Is that correct? i'm really not a media person, but until we get someone who is, I"m serving in this capacity. So any help you could offer in the future would be great!

My question is this, I read some above comments about the bilingual songs. I'd like to have English with the Czech translation in a different font or in italics, or smaller print. some way to know that that is the translation, but not actually the words we are singing. Does your program have this capability? and if so, how would i do this? Do i need to create 2 songs, one in each language and link them? or can i some how notate on the english song which lines are to be in the 'translation' font? 

thanks so much for doing this! SO helpful!

Dear Marc,

Gods blessing be upon you and the team if you are working as a team.

I'm Yogesh from Mumbai, India. I have been using this software now for about 2 yrs had few quick responses from you. I have been promoting this software to every place I go.

Let me tell you I'm in Clarens,,Sounth Africa now. I have installed your software in the Diglabeng Church in Clarens. Here majority of people are either Europeans (English speaking) or the locals (Susutho speaking) the church people are so amazed that they can see bible in their own language.

I have also shared the details with one of the pastor from Phillipines and he is excited to use this software when they go back home.

Back in India, i have shared his software with many churches who are bilingual and they are gradually switching over to Video Psalm.

In April i'm gathering about 5-8 people and we are going to type roughly about 500-800 songs in bilingual. So for ex: This is Amazing grace will be displayed in English and in hindi. So hindi speaking people read in Hindi and sing in English. We already have about 125+ English songs and 100+ Hindi songs in bilingual style.

I'm more than happy to share if some one asks you such a thing.

I'm currently part of of a team which is translating bible in Devnagiri Sindhi, would love to share with you once we have done at least the New Testament.

You are doing an amazing thing Marc, bringing the Word of God to people in their own language. May the Lord bless you and enlarge your tents.

Hi Colin,

To systematically display Bible verses additionally in another translation, select the additional Bible option "Always display dualy (bilingual)".

Please let me know if the following article explains well enough how to display Bible verses dualy systematically:


(approximately at the middle of the page).

Does this suit your needs?

Thanks so much for your effort.

Yes, the language in the link is Twi. Twi is a dialect of the Akan language. It is very very helpful

God bless you.

However, the Akan language has two main dialect; that is, Twi and Fante. The link you provided is the Twi version which

will be very useful to a section of our local congregation. If I am not acting a 'spoilt child' is there a way of getting the Fante


As for the deuterocanonical books, you understand that my background makes me unable to accept your 'historical Hebrew

bible' explanation. Anyway, its still an enormous effort on your part to promote an effective service for the children of God.

God richly bless you once again

We are using similar Church Presentation Software. But I think that VideoPsalm is the best software in my list. It's a great job you guys have done. God bless you.

 because there so many language in the Philippines.

can i make a bible request?


because in videopsalm bible library there is tagalog, and cebuano version only.

 and because we have church we lead in pampanga & isabela, of course Jesus Christ is the head, so that they may much more understand in their own language better...

 Again God Bless all your team, and all your work To proclaim the Word in their own language, in our own language...

 Be all Glory & Honor Belongs to God. Amen


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