Let me just say right off the bat that i'm not a programmer. I'm just a guy with an idea taking his first steps to make it a reality. I'm no stranger to programming, mind you, but some of the concepts and terminology here are way over my head; so i apologize in advance if this question was answered before (i.e. Convert Python program to C/C++ code?).

Generally it's an awful way to write code, and does not guarantee that it will be any faster. Things which are simple and fast in one language can be complex and slow in another. You're better off either learning how to write fast Python code or learning C++ directly than fighting with a translator and figuring out how to make the generated code run acceptably.

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Finally, you can do what NumPy does: use extensions written in C or C++ for most of your heavy computational lifting, where that appears to be appropriate, either because profiling shows a hotspot, or because you need an extension to more easily do something involving python's internals. Note that this will tie your code to a particular implementation.

Similar to what was already stated, C++ may be faster in some areas and slower in others. Python is exactly the same. In the end, any language will be converted into machine code. It is really up to the compiler in the end to make it as efficient as it knows how to do. That said, it is better to pick one language and learn how to write fast and efficient code to do what you want.

Free online Word to HTML converter with built-in code cleaning features and easy switch between the visual and source editors. It works perfectly for any document conversion, like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Google Docs, Sheets, and many more. You can also use this tool for composing web content from scratch or just to tidy up the dirty markup.

Word HTML is the perfect tool to edit the source code of WordPress articles or any other content management system when their built in composer doesn't provide all functionalities we need. Compose the content right in your browser window without installing any extension or plugin to handle the syntax highlighting and other text editing features.

To publish your file on the web you need to paste the HTML code in a .html file and upload it to the web. 

If your site is using a CMS then you need to log in with editor credentials and publish the article in your admin area.

You shouldn't simple place your entire application into this mathscript node. You should consider replacing some aspects of your code (script) with LabVIEW functions to help improve performance. This is because the mathscript can't be run in parallel - which is a major strength of LabVIEW. If you wish to keep your script, then I would advise breaking down or chunking your script into several nodes to all the script nodes to execute in parallel.

So to me it would seem just placing the section of code for your application which you've expressed in mathscript into the node would be fine. As long as you limit the amount of code within the node, and attempt to replace as much as possible (that doesn't need to be in the script node) into LabVIEW functions then it would seem your suggestion of using your script with LabVIEW is great! Exactly what its designed for.

Embed images: This is a cool feature where the images are embedded directly into your HTML code. You do not need to have separate image files. We recommend you experiment with this option as it can work well for small images but you might have issues with a lot of large images. The size and complexity of your HTML files will also increase.

To clean up your HTML all you need to do is paste it into the HTML editor box on the right side. When you paste in the code you will get a preview of how it looks in the Visual Editor on the left. You can then directly edit your HTML in the HTML Editor on the right or use the Visual Editor on the left to make your changes.

To clean up your HTML you can use the HTML Cleanup options. You can also add, find, and replace commands to change your code; or find and delete commands to delete code you do not need. Once all cleanup options are selected click the green Clean Up My HTML button. Then you can copy the converted HTML to the clipboard or save it and download it as HTML.

This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. Select the number of bands, then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors or view all resistors DigiKey has to offer.

I'm working on ADC recently, which is really mixed signal system. The analog circuit has been established, including comparator, amp, etc. The logic part has been realized in verilog code. Now, I want to do a simulation for the whole ADC system. But I don't know how to convert the verilog code into some circuit, so that the logic part can be combined with the analog part.

You don't need to change the code at all - just use "ams" as the simulator - and this will run AMS Designer and do a mixed signal simulation with your analog parts simulated using the spectre/APS analog solver, and the digital parts with the ncsim "solver" (it's not really a solver). This is a single-executable simulator which handles mixed-signal.

I'm in a process of rebuilding a LSA aircraft and plan on installing a transponder.

for those who are not familiar with the aviation world, a transponder is a piece of equipment that reads a gray code signal (over 12 signal lines, actually 11 as one is never used) from an altitude encoder and transmit that to the traffic control along with some other data.

the encoder is basically a pressure sensor and a processor which converts that pressure reading to a gray code (12 signal output pins) to be read by the transponder.

i am trying to make my own altitude encoder, however i'm struggling to get my head around that gray code to binary thing. any one knows of a library or can help write a function to convert altitude to aviation gray code?

Being a former pilot I say that the main task of the transponder is to send a 4 digit identifying code, given by the air traffic leader, unic for the plane. In the next, advanced version of transponders they got height reporting, telling ihe 4 digit Id and the height.

To convert Gilham code to altitude (OR the reverse process), you can "look up" an input value and return an altitude. The only problem is that you have to correctly type in up to 2048 binary values into a table. For your safety, TRIPLE CHECK EVERY VALUE, AND ITS ORDER IN THE TABLE, THAT YOU ENTER!

I do not believe there is one, and possibly there will never be. Java to Kotlin converter is possible because they have similar structure and are based on the same libraries (at least for JVM). Python on the other hand has completely different structure. It is a dynamic language and it strongly affects the programming style, so even if someone would write a converter, it would produce ugly and non-ideomatic kotlin code.

For example - we have a lot of Python/PySpark running on Apache Spark which is a JVM ecosystem.

It would (IMO) help the adoption of Kotlin in Big Data Apache Spark ecosystem to be able to convert PySpark programs (i.e. Python Spark) code into Kotlin Spark.

You are correct about posibility of using Spark there are even some examples out there and some discussions in kotlin slack in datascience and science channels. Still, I do not think that automatic conversion is possible. You can try to use something like this and then convert to kotlin via IDEA converter, but I would not recommend it. Better to rewrite everything from scratch. My phd student has some experience of rewriting pyspark code into kotlin, so he could probably help.

As a second option - a detailed document/whitepaper on how to use Kotlin in Apache Spark with emphasis on moving PySpark code and perhaps even Scala code to Kotlin would be helpful.

I did find some example in github using Kotlin in Apache Spark but they are quite small and thin.

I have been trying out the free online tool, Carbide Copper, for gerber to g-code conversion, the app is pretty basic and has a limited tool selection but it is a lot easier to use than Flatcam and it seems to be quite good for quick PCBs.

The only other thing to watch with g-code from this app is that some instances of multiple commands on a line are ignored by Easel. Not really knowing anything about g-code I found a work around by trial and error and some google fu.

The protocol converter (code translator) is a microprocessor device designed to integrate cameras from different manufacturers with Bosch CCTV systems using the Pelco protocol. Allows you to control various cameras with Bosch keyboards, recorders or Video Matrix. It is installed between control devices and PTZ cameras. When installed with a middle distance between the camera and the controller, it extends the bus length twice.

Modern processor with efficient software ensure fast data processing and very fast response to control. It has one input port for Bosch, configurable for Biphase code or OSRD (RS-485) and two independent outputs for cameras with Pelco protocol. Pelco ports and the Bosch port configured as OSRD have an adjustable transmission rate in the range of 1200baud to 115200baud. Configurable LEDs informs about various situations of data transmission and facilitate diagnostics and troubleshooting of camera controls.

This is a 3rd series product, fully configurable and updated via USB using Ewimar Upgrader / Configurator software. This allows you to buy and change software, which means that the unnecessary converter can be reused in other systems at a low cost. It also has additional software options that introduce advanced real-time translation capabilities - they are activated using license codes.

This converter model, in large systems with Allegiant video switchers can be used if the control is done only from one keyboard. If several keyboards are used in the system, use CONV Bosch-to-Pelco-Lite - one converter for one camera. 2351a5e196

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