You can view how much charge remains in your iPhone battery in the status bar. You can also add a widget to the Home Screen to monitor the battery levels of your iPhone and connected accessories (including AirPods and other devices).

I just recently made a clean install to LOS17 and i just realised that the battery percentage no longer shows up next to the battery icon. Worse is i cant seem to find the settings to enable the percentage again, the option does not appear in either the "Battery section" nor in the "notification section" of the settings menue as far as i can see.

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Hi there, @aprr! When viewing your battery power level in the Device health section of your Ring app, tap on the symbol that is there. This should change it to display the percentage of battery left. Depending on the Stick Up Camera model, the battery/ plug in version can have a different power mode. Please ensure the correct power mode is selected for battery use. I hope this helps!

Hi @Marley_Ring as I mentioned in my initial post there is nothing about the battery in the device health anymore, even the Ring Device Health documentation page that you link to indicates that there should be a battery percentage but if you go to the Android app and look at the device health for a Stick Up cam Plugin you will not see a battery percentage anymore it was there if you had checked 2 months ago. So my question remains unanswered as to why Ring removed this, what you suggest is simply not possible since there is no such display in the device health.

The Stick Up Cams I bought close to Jan/2021 and setup after writing the original post are showing the battery percentage and Power Source, and the ones I bought in Oct/2020 stopped showing the battery percentage as explained in my original post.

Congratulations on your new MacBook Pro! It looks like you are trying to display the battery percentage and you do not see the option to show the percentage in the menu bar. Making sure you can view the battery percentage to keep an eye on how much battery you have left before it needs charged is important. We're happy to help.

Thanks very much for getting back to me, I appreciate your help with this. Unfortunately, while the battery shows in the top bar, the percentage doesn't. Unless I'm missing something very obvious (which is possible!) I can't see any option in the system preferences to display the percentage. Is this not available on the latest MacBook Pro? I'll attach a screenshot.

By default GNOME (and hence Ubuntu 17.10 and later releases) doesn't show battery percentage in the notification area of the Panel. There are GNOME extensions (for example Battery Percentage, Battery Percentage and Time, Battery Percentage and Time Compact etc.) which do the job.

I have a Google video doorbell(battery) hardwired in and in the Google app it shows a display battery percentage instead of infinity symbol? So I took off the camera to charge it back to 100% but shouldn't it stay charge not drain? Please any help or suggestions on what to do. Thanks.

The new Google Nest Doorbell (Battery), judging from customer reports, seems to run off the battery, and, when hard-wired, seems to be designed to trickle-charge the battery at a level low enough so that it does not trigger the chime. In addition, the battery seems to be unable to charge very well at lower temperatures.

By comparison, the new Google Nest Camera (Battery), when plugged in with the optional power cable (which is what we have), does NOT seem to have the same problems. As long as it's plugged in, it seems to run off of the incoming power. Our camera always shows as "Live" and if we go to Settings | Battery, it says "Plugged in" with an infinity symbol. If we unplug or disconnect the power and click on the camera in the Google Home app, it shows as "Idle" with a battery percentage of 100%, even with Minnesota temperatures ranging down to -18 degrees Fahrenheit. We don't have the battery doorbell, so I don't know how it is supposed to appear in the Google Home app when it is hard-wired and receiving power.

Beware of trusting resting voltage to SoC charts. It is not consistent across manufacturers. It's also not accurate if the battery has been charged or discharged within the last several hours. 12.6V is pretty meaningless as a measure of state of charge based on your description. In other words, resting voltage to SoC is only accurate after the battery has sat passing no current for at least two hours. Depending on manufacturer and type, the most accurate relationship is after resting a full 24 hours.

Concerning 50% discharge, yes. All lead-acid batteries should be discharged no more than 50% in most cases. Discharges down to 20% are typically safe, but they will reduce cycle life. Again, this depends on manufacturer and battery type. No, you should not enter 50% as your total capacity. There may come times where you may need to go a little below 50% rather than lose a critical function, e.g., shutting down your RV propane furnace when it's really cold outside. Maybe you'll be okay with the occasional dip down to 20-30% SoC rather than freeze your butt off. If you enter an artificially low capacity, your SoC will be wrong below 50%... when it matters most.

Even the small 0.8A draw is going to pull your battery voltage lower than resting voltage. You are likely > 70% SoC. Voltage vs. SoC is only truly accurate after the battery has been completely disconnected (no charge or discharge of any kind) for several hours.

I'm new to the EUC world and recently bought a used S18 with about 2500km on it. Yesterday I noticed that the app told me that the battery was at 0%, despite me currently riding it and knowing that it was likely 50-60%. I've seen enough horror stories to know that any time the battery is doing something weird, that could mean a fire is immanent, so I'm very worried now. The voltage, current, etc all seem to be reporting properly, it's just the battery percentage. What should I do? Has anyone else had this issue?

Are you using the King Song app? I'm having same issue with battery % showing zero, only noted this in the last few days. Thought it might be due to me not updating to the latest version, don't want to because last time I did it caused me issues. I also use EUC World app, and that showed 80% battery, which is what I expected to see. So I wasn't concerned after that. Maybe try a different app and see whether it shows correct battery %.

Voltage counts. If that is good, the wheel is good, and there is simply an issue with how the app computes a percentage. Or maybe there is a setting where you can change the expected voltage (84V for the S18) and the computation will be correct then.

So if your voltage is between those, there is zero reason to assume there is anything wrong with the battery or that you have anything to worry about. The battery percentage is just something that goes wrong in the app for some reason, independent of the wheel.

@ursi@Saboteur_ZA Sometimes the Kingsong app can show zero percent battery and it's usually due to it not picking up the data through bluetooth. It sometimes happens if your wheel is a few feet away from your phone when you switch it on. To rectify this go nearer to the wheel with your phone, turn off your wheel, and reconnect to the app and it should then show the correct reading after its wonderful beeps. I have been using the Kingsong app and although a little clunky has been very stable.

Agreed, it seems to have been a short-lived problem. This morning it showed the battery % as per normal for me. I usually am right next to the wheel when I check though. Noted small difference between KS app (58%), and EUC World (64%). Pretty close I'd say!

Interesting! Good to know... Now what I'd really love to understand, is the impact of the different battery levels on performance and max speed. I scanned the extensive manual (bit of sarcasm) that came with my wheel, but it didn't say anything about that. I suppose it might be difficult to quantify, as different users will get different speed even on full battery. But I get the warning beeps earlier on lower battery levels, and I wish I knew more or less what the sliding scale of performance equates to.

Thanks for that info, good to understand this better. In the end, there's quite a difference in actual performance of the wheel, and what I expected. The stated speed of 50km/h, I'd read enough to know would probably never happen. I set the limit at 40km/h just to be cautious. No idea if that is unnecessarily cautious. But what I didn't realize is the impact the throttling would have when the battery was being depleted. For me it just means I def need a faster/more powerful wheel to comfortably ride the speed I want, on a consistent basis. I figure I'd be content with riding, say 50km/h. As I say that I realize that wish may keep moving up... But at 550km in with this wheel, I am thinking of my next wheel. Tough though, because not sure what can bridge nicely between the 16x, and the more hard-core big wheels. Maybe the V12 HS, when they get all issues sorted.


I'm trying to find out if it's possible to configure the Powerchute software on the clients to shutdown based on battery percentage left on the Symmetra 80K UPS as it seems the only thing I can configure for the event "UPS: On Battery" is the number of seconds the event last before issuing the shutdown signal. I have like 100 servers and I currently have to go to each server and manually configure and change this value and since we just added more battery capacity it means I will need to go to each 100 servers and update the value again. If there is a way to set it to a percentage it would be best that way I can set each server to shutdown at like 10% battery life left once and not have to re-adjust each time a new server is added since runtime will be less after each new hardware added.

Thanks in advance. ff782bc1db

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