Bateria Alegria is the primary performing ensemble of the Boulder Samba School, composed of 20-30 percussionists. The ensemble plays percussion-based styles of music from Rio de Janeiro (samba batucada) and Salvador (samba reggae). The music incorporates a mixture of African, European, and indigenous influences and traditions. These styles of music are traditionally played during the carnival parades throughout Brazil and can be heard in Brazilian concert stages, dance clubs, neighborhoods, and soccer matches.

Bateria Alegria performs the first Friday of most months on the Pearl Street Mall in downtown Boulder, attracting large crowds, and has performed at the Fox Theater, the Boulder Theater, Euphoria Lounge, The Mercury Cafe, the University of Colorado International Festival, the Boulder Creek Festival, the Boulder Village Arts Coalition International Festival, the Hill Flea Market, the Boulder Green Streets Festival, and the Boulder and Denver Lights of December Parades.

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Bateria Alegria accepts new members! The best way for beginners to get involved is to enroll in an Intro Class Series, which is offered every 1-3 months. In these classes, participants will learn about the instruments, techniques, and rhythms of the bateria, and upon completion, qualified participants may be invited to join regular Bateria Alegria classes. More experienced percussionists may contact musical director Carl Dixon to schedule an audition/lesson.

Bateria Alegria currently holds classes on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Most members attend at least one rehearsal per week. The tuition is $150/per semester, with three semesters (spring, summer, and fall) each year. Tuition covers regular classes, guest workshops, and the use of BSS drums (although many members own their own drums). Members include professional musicians, college students, scientists, lawyers, teachers, singers, dancers, and more, including many people with no previous organized musical experience.

Have you been mesmerized by the energy and cohesion of the carnival street percussion groups of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil? Join this weekly Brazilian bateria class to learn the fundamentals of samba percussion technique and repertoire. A bateria is the percussion ensemble driving the groove of the whole samba band.

EducArte at Levine welcomes all levels, from beginners to advanced, semi-professionals, and music teachers. No auditions required. The bateria class meets for 1.5 hours a week to work on technique and repertoire and to rehearse for group performances. All students will have the opportunity to perform periodically, if they choose to.

Classes are also taught by assistant instructor and Levine faculty member Christopher Payne, a multi-faceted drummer and percussionist who fuses ethnic hand percussion, orchestral percussion, and drum set to create music across a multitude of genres.

These are great answers. I'd like to add my experience here as I think it might be helpful. Pila should be used for "simple" batteries, interchangeable even. These would included small watch and hearing aid batteries, AA, AAA, D, etc... car, camcorder, portable DVD player batteries (along with other similar types of batteries) are called pilas in many Spanish dialects but are technically bateras because they aren't simple with two sided positive/ negative connections and have more than one cell. People say they are also "bateras" because in some American-Spanish dialects, not just the U.S., batera can mean any type of battery. I believe this is the result of globalization of the Spanish language and the influence of English and French, which is the case in many parts of the Americas.

I will say as a side note. I was once selling a phone to someone from Mexico, alongside my coworker from D.F. and referred to a cellphone battery as a "pila" and it was like the two of them couldn't understand a word I said because of that small little mistake. I've been in the wireless business for 13 years and it's rare that someone asks for a "pila" for a cellphone battery but it does happen.

I wish I knew the number of times that I've been told that there is no difference. I've had others who, with great difficulty, would try to explain the difference and then give up, saying "they're the same". I used to bring this subject up a lot at church because we are always swapping/changing/recharging batteries for the microphones, guitars, etc.

The thing is, people may hold a different concept for "pila" and "batera" (speaking strictly about the electricity- source type of "pilas" or "bateras" now), but what you call a "pila", I may very well call "batera". I find that there's no real consistency or agreement between what many people call one thing or another.

Another example of people doing this with words in English is parking space. I know lots of people who say "We need to find a park" instead of "we need to find a parking space". Argh! It irritates the heck out of me!

I'm not looking this up, but relying on memory. The discovery of electricity lead to the development of "voltaic piles". I think I spelled that correctly. To produce more energy, several piles would be linked together in a "battery of piles" Thus "pilas" and "baterias".

No voy a investigar esto, sino confiarme en la memoria. El descubrimiento de la electricidad engendr el desarrollo de los "voltaic piles" (en ingls). Creo haberlo deletreado bien. Con fin de producir ms energa, los "piles" se conglomeraban en una bateria."

I know this post is a couple years old, but after reading I wanted to mention... I work at an auto parts store where roughly 40% of our business in Mexican. While some of them say they need a batera, the vast majority say they need una pila, when referring to a car battery...

This page on our website is all about the amazing Rainhas da Bateria (Queen of the drums) for the London School of Samba over the years. The Rainha da Bateria or Queen of the drums is one of the highest positions of honour in a Samba School both in Rio and worldwide. The Rainha da Bateria, or Queen of the drums, is right in front of up to 300 drummers at Rio Carnival!

Here is a video showing some of our fantastic Rainhas da Bateria in action! The video was from the London School of Samba 30th anniversary party. It features the following London Schoo of Samba Rainhas.

The idea behind the Rainha da Bateria is to help the Bateria (samba drummers) to give it their all and play their hearts out to honour the samba school. Her role is to parade in front of the drummers, proudly strutting and exciting the crowd for the samba school to parade down the Sambodromo.

The London School of Samba had our first queen in 1994 and there have now been 20 different Rainha Da Bateria. The first LSS Rainha da Bateria competition was held a few years later in 1998 in Waterloo. It is usually held in the second half of July in time for the August Notting Hill Carnival Parade.

Below is our list of Rainhas da Bateria for the London School of Samba. Over the years we have had some fantastic Samba Queens or Rainhas lead the London School of Samba. A big thank you to all our Queens past and present for representing the bateria and the London School of Samba.

Perkusiozko instrumentuak, haize eta harmonikoekin batera, instrumentu zaharrenak kontsideratzen dira. Bateriaren jatorria Estatu Batuetan dago; hain zuzen ere, XIX.mendearen amaieran. 1890. urtean banaka jotzen ziren batzuk musika-tresnen lotura egin zen Jazz giroko kaleetan: kaxa, dunbala eta txindatak, Europako musikak ospetsu bihurtuak, baina jatorri Turkiar eta Txinatarra.

XIX. mendean, gero eta bateria handiagoak erabiltzen hasi ziren erromantizismo garaiko musikariak, eta instrumentu hauek, XX. mendean, cakewalk eta jazz-eko hainbat perkusio-jotzaileek erabili zituzten.

Lehen Mundu Gerraren ostean, galera ekonomiko eta sozial handiak izan ziren, eta goi burgesia gogor jo zuen. Burgesiak, orkestra pribatuen jabe zenez, kalte nabarmenak jasan zituen. Hala, hainbat musikari kaleratu behar izan zituzten, eta, ondorioz, perkusio-jotzaileek hainbat instrumentu batera jotzen ikasi zuten. Beraz, aurretik hainbat pertsonen artean jotzen zena (hiruzpalau lagunen artean), une hartatik aurrera, bakoitza perkusiozko musika-tresna baten arduraduna zen.

Bateria, normalean egurrezkoak diren danbor multzo batez osatuta dago, plastikotik eratorritako material batez egindako bi mintzez (partxe) osatuta daudenak, eta, danborraren arabera, mintz mota bat edo bestea erabiltzen da. Oso mintz oinarrizkoetatik hasi eta konplexuenetaraino, oinarrizko plastiko baten geruza batez osatuta dago soinua gorde eta dirdira bat sortzen duen olioarekin eta latexetik eratorritako material batez egindako kolpekatze-sekzioarekin. Danborra bi mintzez osatuta dago: bata kolpezkoa (gainaldean) eta bestea durunditsua (azpialdean). Danbor horiek diametroa alda dezakete tonuari eta sakontasunari eraginez, horrela, durundi-mintzaren gaineko sentikortasuna aldatuz.

Gainera, bateriarekin batera, noizean behin, nolabaiteko musika eta bateriaren gustua duen soinu bat sortzen duen edozein objektu ere egon ohi da: ezinbesteko platertxoak eta nahiko ohikoak diren beste osagarri batzuk (zintzarria, panderetak, egurrezko blokeak, besteak beste). Bateria, afinazio-giltza batekin eta mintza tenkatzen duten afinazio-bernoen sistemarekin afinatu daiteke. Mintza zenbat eta gehiago tenkatu, soinua orduan eta zorrotzagoa da.

Ao longo dos ltimos anos, a cidade de So Paulo tem se empenhado em melhorar o desempenho ambiental de seu sistema de transportes. A prefeitura comprometeu-se a incluir 2.600 nibus eltricos em sua frota at 2024. O projeto-piloto lanado pela SPTrans em parceria com a BYD viabilizou a implementao de 18 nibus eltricos a bateria na frota, operados pela empresa Transwolff desde 2019. Os resultados do projeto-piloto podem auxiliar a guiar os prximos passos da transio tecnolgica na cidade. 152ee80cbc

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