Badlands are a type of dry terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded.[1] They are characterized by steep slopes, minimal vegetation, lack of a substantial regolith, and high drainage density.[2] Ravines, gullies, buttes, hoodoos and other such geologic forms are common in badlands.

Badlands are found on every continent except Antarctica, being most common where there are unconsolidated sediments. They are often difficult to navigate by foot, and are unsuitable for agriculture. Most are a result of natural processes, but destruction of vegetation by overgrazing or pollution can produce anthropogenic badlands.

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Badlands are characterized by a distinctive badlands topography.[3][4] This is terrain in which water erosion has cut a very large number of deep drainage channels, separated by short, steep ridges (interfluves).[5] Such a drainage system is said to have a very fine drainage texture,[6] as measured by its drainage density. Drainage density is defined as the total length of drainage channels per unit area of land surface. Badlands have a very high drainage density of 77 to 747 miles per square mile (48 to 464 kilometers per square kilometer).[5] The numerous deep drainage channels and high interfluves creates a stark landscape of hills, gullies, and ravines.[3]

In addition to a dense system of drainages and interfluves, badlands often contain buttes and hoodoos ("mushroom rocks"). These are formed by resistant beds of sandstone, which form the caprock of the buttes and hoodoos.[4]

In addition to surface erosion, badlands sometimes have well-developed piping, which is a system of pipes, joints, caverns, and other connected void spaces in the subsurface through which water can drain. However, this is not a universal feature of badlands. For example, the Henry Mountains badlands show very little piping.[2]

The precise processes by which the erosion responses take place vary depending on the precise interbedding of the sedimentary material.[7] However, it has been estimated that the badlands of Badlands National Park erode at the relatively high rate of about one inch or 25 millimetres per year.[8] The White River draining Badlands National Park was so named for its heavy load of bentonite clay eroded from the badlands.[4]

In less arid regions, the regolith profile can vary considerably. Some badlands have no regolith layer whatsoever, capping instead in bare rock such as sandstone. Others have a regolith with a clay veneer, and still others have a biological crust of algae or lichens.[2]

Although most badland topography is natural, badlands have been produced artificially by destruction of vegetation cover, through overgrazing, acid rain, or acid mine drainage.[5] An example of badlands created by mining is the Roman gold mine of Las Mdulas in northern Spain.[citation needed] The Cheltenham Badlands in Caledon, Ontario, is an example of badlands produced by poor farming practices.[citation needed]

The word badlands is a calque from the Canadian French phrase les mauvaises terres, as the early French fur traders called the White River badlands les mauvaises terres  traverser or 'bad lands to traverse', perhaps influenced by the Lakota people who moved there in the late 1700s and who referred to the terrain as mako sica, meaning 'bad land' or 'eroded land'.[10]

Badlands are generally unsuitable for agriculture, but attempts have been made to remediate badlands. For example, reforestation is being attempted in the Garhbeta, Eastern India, badlands[13] Revegetation and reforestation have been studied in the black marl badlands of the French Alps. Austrian black pine can become established and then be gradually replaced by native deciduous species. However, the time scale for this process is many decades.[14]

Garhbeta, Eastern India is a badlands located in a monsoon climate.[13] Chambal[21] spread across northern parts of Madhya Pradesh, southeastern Rajasthan and southern parts of Uttar Pradesh known for its lawlessness and dacoity is another example of badlands. A small strip of badlands is also found in western Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.

In the U.S., Makoshika State Park in Montana and Badlands National Park in South Dakota are examples of extensive badland formations. Also located in this region is Theodore Roosevelt National Park, a United States National Park composed of three geographically separated areas of badlands in western North Dakota named after former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona which is part of Navajo County encompasses numerous badlands that also abuts the Navajo Indian Reservation and is directly north of Joseph City, Arizona. Many dinosaurs are believed to be buried in the immediate area and exploration has been ongoing since the early 20th century.[25]

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I've looked at the maps, I've done polar orbits, and still can't find the badlands. Can someone post a screenshot of their location or something? I've found every other biome, but the badlands stubbornly elude me.

 However, ifyou ask the average North Dakota resident what he or she knowsabout the state's geology, most will first mention the badlands.That's true too of visitors, many of whom come to North Dakota tosee the scenic lands along the Little Missouri River. Thebadlands are easily North Dakota's best-known geologic feature.

 Thebadlands are a hilly landscape, but on approaching them, you lookdown on the hills from above, not up at them. From the rim of the"tag_hash_116______," as the descent into the badlands iscalled, you see a strip of sparsely wooded ridges, bluffs,buttes, and pinnacles. Behind, a rolling plain, broken only by anoccasional butte, stretches away to the horizon. 

 TheSioux Indians, one of the tribes that inhabited the area whenEuropean settlers arrived, referred to the badlands as "tag_hash_117________"("land bad"). Early French explorers translated thisand added to it, referring to "tag_hash_118_______________________________" ("bad land to travel across").

 Areasof badlands topography are found in several places on the plainsof the north-central US and the adjacent prairie provinces ofCanada where erosion can be intense. The largest and best-knownbadlands in the United States are the extensive exposures ofOligocene-age beds along the White River in western South Dakota.In North Dakota, layers of sedimentary rock equivalent to thosein South Dakota are found near Dickinson, where badlands arecarved from the Oligocene Brule and Chadron Formations. In bothstates these beds are notable for their abundant mammal fossils.Other areas of badlands topography include exposures of theEocene Golden Valley Formation, also near Dickinson, andexposures of the Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation.

 TheHell Creek beds contain dinosaur remains that have beenextensively collected. The Hell Creek Formation, exposed in thesouthern portion of the Little Missouri badlands, was depositedat the end of the Cretaceous and contains remains of the lastspecies of dinosaurs that existed on Earth. North DakotaGeological Survey geologists studying the Hell Creek haveidentified fossils of 14 species of dinosaurs, including tag_hash_119___________,duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurs), tag_hash_120_________________,pachycephalosaurs, the small raptor-like predators calleddromaeosaurs and several others. tag_hash_121___________ seems to bethe most common of the dinosaurs in North Dakota. Fish, turtles,crocodiles, alligators, champsosaurs, lizards, amphibians, birds,and small mammals are other vertebrates represented by fossilsassociated with the dinosaur remains. Freshwater snails, mussels,pill clams and insects are also found in the Hell CreekFormation. Many species of exotic plants represented by leaffossils, seeds, and pollen are found, including broad-leafedtrees, cycads, palm trees, and ground ferns. These plants andanimals inhabited a vast subtropical, coastal plain delta thatcovered western North Dakota during latest Cretaceous time.

 By thebeginning of the Paleocene, the last of the dinosaurs had becomeextinct as well as about 75% of the Cretaceous flora. In NorthDakota, after this extinction event, the dominant predators inthe ubiquitous lakes, ponds, swamps, rivers, and streams werecrocodilians (crocodiles, alligators, and the crocodile-likechampsosaurs). Several kinds of turtles (including snappingturtles and soft-shelled turtles) and several kinds of fish(including gars) inhabited these aquatic habitats and were preyfor the crocodilians. Several varieties of freshwater snails andclams also existed in these habitats. Birds and mammals,including lemur-like creatures, were also becoming more abundant,but their fossils are rare in North Dakota's badlands. 

 Themost widespread and spectacular badlands in North Dakota borderthe Little Missouri River (Figs. 2 and 8), northward from theheadwaters area in Wyoming, where they are developed in rocks asold as Cretaceous, to the point where the river flows into theMissouri River. Some exposures in the northern part of the LittleMissouri Badlands are eroded from beds as young as Eocene age,but most of the area of the badlands along the Little MissouriRiver is carved from the Bullion Creek and Sentinel Butteformations, both of Paleocene age.

 Twozones of petrified wood are widespread in the southern part ofthe badlands area (Fig. 3). Petrified stumps reach up to 2 m highand typically over a metre in diameter at breast height (Fig. 4).Most of the stumps have fluted bases and, where in place, theyrest on thin lignite coal beds or carbonaceous shale. The trunksare commonly somewhat flattened, compressed by the weight of theoverlying sediments. Leaf fossils are abundant, but roots are notfound. ff782bc1db

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