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In the cloud and through the Dropbox interface, the extra protection from Vault would be available. On a local storage device, it would be "business as usual". However, some users (like myself) might find the extra security more valuable specifically in the cloud and through the Dropbox interface.

As secure as Dropbox sync presumably is, perhaps Dropbox wished to eliminate recurring sync from Vaulted files to avoid the repeated exposure of such files to data transfer between cloud and local, just to be extra cautious. However, I'd still be interested in "business as usual" syncing of such files with the added security of Vault limited to the cloud storage / Dropbox UI side.

I don't see the problem there in providign access to the Vault folder offline. There can be just an extra encyption for the folder which should solve the issue. Othe cloud storage and backup providers like pCloud which also I am using has got this feature available which is making the secret folders easy to access from desktops locally.

I like the idea of backing up (and accessing) my data online in case my computer, say, gets run over by a bus. I also like the idea of backing up my online files on my computer in case I loose access to the internet. It is disappointing that my most important and sensitive files would be in a vault the violates this concept of Online backs up Hardware and Hardware backs up Online. Seems easy enough to sync an encrypted file that could be opened offline.

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I've looked into new Dropbox plus features this morning, tried out the new Vault feature. I've realized that, when you are on Windows, there is no way to edit the files you have in the Vault. You can do this on Android with the Dropbox app, because the app has a text editor, but on Windows the way to edit files is to opened the sync file on your machine. However, the Vault folder does not get synced. Text files can't be edited in the browser in Dropbox, so the only options for editing the files in the Vault right now seems to be to move them out of the Vault, edit them, move them back in the Vault.

Maybe someone has looked into this more. Is there a way to edit those files without moving them? Is there any plan to implement something to permit this (the Vault is a new feature)? Or will there be an option in the future to sync the Vault folder to Windows (while keeping it secure)?

If you'd like to suggest a change to the feature, I'd recommend posting your idea in the following section of our Community so other users can upvote it to show their interest and share their own thoughts on this:

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I noticed this same issue. Some files I'd put in vault are not ones I would edit, but there are some that I'd like to edit daily, yet still have the extra security of vault. I thought I was missing something so glad to see that this was posted.

I agree; have the same problem with a file excel containing financial data which I just moved to Vault. It would be helpful to be able to edit it, at least occasionally from within Vault, but thta's not possible. Hope it will be soon.

As a larger context, I am excited about the new features Dropbox is starting to roll out, the Passwords app, the Vault, but I feel they are still in the early stages. If they get developed more, I could move from using LastPass to these new Dropbox features. Both Dropbox features would be required to replace LastPass, since LastPass allows storing notes along with passwords, so on the Dropbox side I could store my secure notes in the Vault and use the Passwords app to store my passwords. But editing those secure notes on any device should be easy to use for this be a good solution.

I just voted for this. I keep my company's secure information like account numbers there and I need to be able to add to the documents. I'm surprised they rolled out this feature without that capability.

You can do that in a browser on your computer. Go to the Dropbox website, Log In, then click "All Files", look for the "Vault" entry and click on it, then enter your PIN. When you are in the Vault, every file or folder in the list will have a "..." button on the right-hand side of the file name. Click on that, select "Move" from the menu and choose a location that is outside the Vault, like the Dropbox root folder.

I just set up Vault yesterday. I put in my most sensitive documents. I accessed them today and then "poof" I'm not allowed to access them. I can put in my correct password and it lets me in to the next stage but doesn't show my folders in Vault and says "you don't have permission to edit this folder. Contact a folder admin to get access" I noticed this first when trying to upload something to Vault on my phone, the phone couldn't access it anymore, then on my desktop. I can lock Vault and then unlock it fine.

It appears there is no longer phone support from Dropbox and the nobody was available on chat so they asked me to send an email, which I did. I need this fixed asap and need some support from Dropbox. Very frustrating.

I enabled the Vault this morning. Successfully created a PIN, and was able to move important files to and from it on desktop and browser. It became locked a few times with inactivity, and was able to unlock it with the PIN. I came back to it a few hours later to retrieve a file, this time on the mobile application. Entered my PIN and it said I don't have permission. I then went to the desktop application, entered my PIN, and it too said "you don't have permission to edit this folder. Contact a folder admin to get access." Then I went to the browser, entered my PIN, and it became stuck in a loop that constantly tries to reload the page. I just moved my most valuable and important files to this and now cannot access them. What is going on?

I have set up a vault under my login through Safari and When logged in under the same account on my iPhone I cannot open the same vault. I get the error message "You're not currently a member of this folder. For access, ask you Admin." As I am the Admin and I am logged in as the Admin, why can't I open my vault?

Tried 3 different browser and also on my laptop. When I open the Vault via the webpage the page is stuck on a refresh loop and doesn't even prompt the passcode screen. It just sits there like its refreshing the page constantly and repeating it on loop.

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You choose a folder to be the vault. The vault is simply where Obsidian will store your notes, as well as all of its settings files, CSS, trash folder, and any sub-folders, notes and attachments you add yourself.

For example YourOwnVault/.obsidian/.trash is the trash folder

YourOwnVault/.obsidian/config stores things like your own custom hotkeys

YourOwnVault/.obsidian/workspace saves things like the most recent files, and the window layout (I think).

In my git repo, I add this to my gitgnore, as well as a huge list of every image type, so that my attachments do NOT backup into my git repo and become huge. Dropbox is backing up my images and attachments. I only want version control on the text content of my notes:

RStudio is an IDE for R, an incredible FOSS community that produces software for doing almost any kind of analytical task, from generating word clouds for textual analysis to estimating complex multivariate statistical models to producing GIS maps to creating stock-flow-consistent macroeconomic simulation models.. Wikipedia has excellent introductory discussions of R and RStudio.

RStudio is a fantastic tool for writing analytical documents, from homework assignments to book series. But given that this is its central mission, the lack of a particularly good system for maintaining research notes is a glaring weakness. Turn this inside out for Obsidian, and you have an excellent note-maintenance app without a particularly strong means of document preparation, particularly analytical ones. Except for the fact that one is FOSS and the other commercial, better integration would seem like a marriage made in heaven.

I have just got the same error, my vault shows as empty on my laptop but not on my phone. I added a new Login on the laptop and it appeared on the phone but the laptop vault remains blank. This is concerning seeing as we use it for business purposes. Is there any news or updates about this? Any threads on Reddit or otherwise? Looking at other password managers as a result. The logistics of giving everyone access on their phones is not feasible. 152ee80cbc

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