The console object provides access to the debugging console (e.g., the Web console in Firefox). The specifics of how it works vary from browser to browser or server runtimes (Node.js, for example), but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided.

The console object can be accessed from any global object. Window on browsing scopes and WorkerGlobalScope as specific variants in workers via the property console. It's exposed as Window.console, and can be referenced as console. For example:

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Note: Certain online IDEs and editors may implement the console API differently than the browsers. As a result, certain functionality of the console API, such as the timer methods, may not be outputted in the console of online IDEs or editors. Always open your browser's DevTools console to see the logs as shown in this documentation.

Creates a new inline group, indenting all following output by another level. However, unlike this starts with the inline group collapsed requiring the use of a disclosure button to expand it. To move back out a level, call console.groupEnd().

The console's most frequently used feature is logging text and other data. There are several categories of output you can generate using the console.log(),, console.warn(), console.error(), or console.debug() methods. Each of these results in output styled differently in the log, and you can use the filtering controls provided by your browser to view only the kinds of output that interest you.

You can use nested groups to help organize your output by visually combining related material. To create a new nested block, call The console.groupCollapsed() method is similar but creates the new block collapsed, requiring the use of a disclosure button to open it for reading.

You can start a timer to calculate the duration of a specific operation. To start one, call the console.time() method, giving it a name as the only parameter. To stop the timer, and to get the elapsed time in milliseconds, just call the console.timeEnd() method, again passing the timer's name as the parameter. Up to 10,000 timers can run simultaneously on a given page.

An admin account has privileges to manage services for other people in your organization. The Admin console is only available when you're signed in to an admin account. If you don't have access to an admin account, get help from someone else who does. For details, see Who is my administrator?.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistentlysynchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistentlyasynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O formore information.

The Console class can be used to create a simple logger with configurableoutput streams and can be accessed using either require('node:console').Consoleor console.Console (or their destructured counterparts):

console.assert() writes a message if value is falsy or omitted. It onlywrites a message and does not otherwise affect execution. The output alwaysstarts with "Assertion failed". If provided, message is formatted usingutil.format().

The specific operation of console.clear() can vary across operating systemsand terminal types. For most Linux operating systems, console.clear()operates similarly to the clear shell command. On Windows, console.clear()will clear only the output in the current terminal viewport for the Node.jsbinary.

Starts a timer that can be used to compute the duration of an operation. Timersare identified by a unique label. Use the same label when callingconsole.timeEnd() to stop the timer and output the elapsed time insuitable time units to stdout. For example, if the elapsedtime is 3869ms, console.timeEnd() displays "3.869s".

This method does not display anything unless used in the inspector. Theconsole.profile() method starts a JavaScript CPU profile with an optionallabel until console.profileEnd() is called. The profile is then added tothe Profile panel of the inspector.

This method does not display anything unless used in the inspector. Stops thecurrent JavaScript CPU profiling session if one has been started and printsthe report to the Profiles panel of the inspector. Seeconsole.profile() for an example.

For historical web-compatibility reasons, the namespace object for console must have asits [[Prototype]] an empty object, created as if by ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%), instead of %ObjectPrototype%.

A group is an implementation-specific, potentially-interactive viewfor output produced by calls to Printer, with one further level of indentationthan its parent. Each console namespace object has an associated group stack, whichis a stack, initially empty. Only the last group in a group stack will hostoutput produced by calls to Printer.

The logger operation accepts a log level and a list of other arguments. Its main output is theimplementation-defined side effect of printing the result to the console. This specificationdescribes how it processes format specifiers while doing so.

If the console is not open when the printer operation is called, implementations should buffermessages to show them in the future up to an implementation-chosen limit (typically on the order ofat least 100).

Each console function uses a unique value for the logLevel parameter when callingPrinter, allowing implementations to customize each printed message depending on the function fromwhich it originated. However, it is common practice to group together certain functions and treattheir output similarly, in four broad categories. This table summarizes these common groupings:

By default, console.table() logs all table data. To display a single column or a subset of columns, you can use the second optional parameter and specify column name or names as a string or an array of strings. For example:

The $$(selector) console utility function is "Query selector all". This DOM query selector function returns an array of all the elements that match the specified CSS selector, like the JavaScript function document.querySelectorAll(). In this example, we select all the hyperlink elements and then apply a green box around them:

Prometheus comes with an example set of consoles to get you going. These can befound at /consoles/index.html.example on a running Prometheus and willdisplay Node Exporter consoles if Prometheus is scraping Node Exporters with ajob="node" label.

The navigation bar is for links to other systems, such as other Prometheis1,documentation, and whatever else makes sense to you. The menu is for navigationinside the same Prometheus server, which is very useful to be able to quicklyopen a console in another tab to correlate information. Both are configured inconsole_libraries/menu.lib.

This is a basic console. It shows the number of tasks, how many of them are up,the average CPU usage, and the average memory usage in the right-hand-sidetable. The main content has a queries-per-second graph.

The Xbox Series S is available in two configurations: a white, 512GB version at $300, and a black 1TB version at $350. The cheaper version is often discounted by $50 or more, so unless you plan on storing a lot of large games on your console all the time, we think the cheaper option is a better way to go.

The floating actions button also appears on the console dashboard and allows users to perform actions such as create dashboards. For more information on the floating actions button, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation. Please note that admin users and the user assigned to the Service Console dashboard have the ability to configure the various parts of the console. For more information on how to configure the console, refer to the Console Management documentation.


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