Important notice: On April 12th 2017 the H5P Hub was released, which replaces the old way of installing content types. You must make sure you are using a plugin version including the HUB if you want to install and update content types. For the different plugins, this means:

i tried to upload a modifed content type on however it has been communicated that doesn't accept modifed content types. So i tried to upload the modified content type on my moodle Instance and i keep getting the same error:

Download Available H5p Content Types From


As the message says the h5p file can not be validated, there can be numerous reasons for this, most likely your .h5p file is broken, server is not properly configured or you're trying to upload the file in the wrong place.

I understand the note above this article as it is not possible to install and update content types WITHOUT the HUB. So, if we block the HUB on our moodle, it will not be possible to install or update anything?

You can deactivate the Hub, but then you'll have to check the sources on github for updates manually and also update them yourself. If the question behind your question is: Does the Hub collect personal data, then the answer is: no. May 25 is not only the day that the GDPR comes into effect, but it's also Towel Day. So: Don't panic.

Hi otacke, i partially translated interactive video to tr on github (tr.json file). And I also think all of them translate to Turkish. Bu I couldn't found how can I add tr.json to drupal h5p editor-ineractive video, it's already English.

I can't find any trace of your translation on github in the official repository. Did you possible not create a pull request for your changes? If it's merged in, then the translation file would be updated with the next update of Interactive Video.

You can, of course, replace the language files locally on your drupal system, too, but that would require some manual tweaking and would not be future proof. Please also note that even if you replace language files, this will not change any content that has already be created. The changes will only have an effect for newly created content.

I can find your changes in your own repository. This doesn't mean they will show up in the H5P repository. You will have to create a pull request. When you are logged in into your repository on github, you should see a button labeled "pull request" in the upper right hand corner of the file list. Click on it, complete the form that pops up, and then we can see your request to merge your changes into the official repository.

I think that Interactive Video was updated since you contacted me for the first time, so Turkish should be available for new content that you create. Please note that existing content will not be upgraded automatically.

Our admin recently upgraded our WordPress multisite (Pressbooks) to what I think may be 5.0.3. We're getting a notification that WordPress 5.1 is available but we haven't updated to it because Pressbooks may not work with it. After the WordPress update, many of the H5P content types weren't showing as available in the hub, e.g. interactive vide was gone. We downloaded the latest H5P plugin from today. Instead of installing manually into the /wp-content/plugins folder, it was installed in the Network Admin interface by first deactivating the existing H5P plugin and then installing the new one. It fixed the problem with the missing content types. 41 appeared. But, all of our H5P content items that people created in the past disappeared from our Pressbooks.

It's difficult to tell what might have happened in this instance but your content should still be in the database/files unless you've run the uninstall process for the plugin. Regarding upgrading to a newer version, putting the site into maintenance mode and then just deleting the wp-content/plugin/h5p folder and copying in the new plugin h5p folder should do the trick. But do make sure to backup everything first.

If you've transitioned from a regular installation to a network installation it might be that a new table has been created for the content instead of the old one being renamed. To try and figure out what has happened you should have a look at the *_h5p_contents tables in the database to see where the content is.

i have had many problems after the release of PHP 7x. Luckily come over all except for activating the h5p hub on the settings panel of WP dashboard. And now i want to try to uninstall and install "H5p" again. Now the question is this:

Im using an E-learning system that has a h5p plugin. Only, this is version 1.19, which means most of the content can not be used. It was now suggested that I use 'older'. versions of plug-ins (like the interactive video program) from github. 

I am not a programmer or something like that, so I do not know how I can do this. Is there a tutorial available for using sources from github?

I'm not sure I understand why there is a need to use an older version of the H5P plugin. If you use an older version you will not get the full potential of the content types as well as have bugs that are already resolved.

Does this workflow apply to BrightSpace/D2L platforms? When I try to create content through the integrated tool in BrightSpace, I only see 26 content types, when there are 20 more that I see when I look at the " Examples and Downloads" section on this page. My admin says he doesn't see anything to click on to add more tools.

There are some content types that are disabled by default for and some that are not available altogether. To enable the content types the administrator needs to go to Manage Organization -> Settings -> Content Type settings, in there you can enable the contents.

You can download the sample contents here. I suggest that you download the complex content types first like Column, Course Presentation etc. since these content types also installs the libraries of the content types that can be created within them.

I tried to add the content types foloowing this process, but I had some troubles. Downloaded the content from the web site, but when I tried to upload them, some error messages appear (The messages originally were in spanish. So, I try to translate the to english. That's why they may not match exactly, but the main idea is for you to understand the situation):

H5P is an open source project that creates reusable interactive content packages that can be incorporated in web sites. H5P content can be added as an activity in default Moodle 3.8 or embedded with a filter. In Moodle 3.9+ it can can be created and edited. There are also additional plugins available to use H5P in older versions. However, using H5P in the quiz activity can be problematic. If it is embedded in a quiz, the results are not able to be included in the quiz score. H5P is also not as secure as quiz questions since as are contained in the H5P on the client rather than the server. Importing H5P content into the question bank allows reuse of H5P materials created for formative learning activities for summative assessment as part of a quiz activity.

On a Moodle site where this plugin is installed, teachers may go to the import tab of the question bank, select H5P content types as the format, upload a supported .h5p file to in the file area, and submit the form. Questions will then be added to the question bank.

The plugin supports import of single question H5P content types including Multiple Choice Question, True False Question, Essay, Drag Text, Mark the Words, Drag and Drop Question, Guess the Answer, Image Sequencing, Fill in the Blank, Advanced Fill in the Blanks, Find the Hotspot, and Find Multiple Hotspots. In addition it is able import a Single Choice Set as separate multiple choice questions and coverts Dialog Cards and Flash Card Sets into separate short answer questions. Most content types containing any of these types will import any questions that are contained in them including, Column, Question Set, Interactive Book, Interactive Video, Course Presentation content types.

If you do not have access to install this. but would like to use it or related prototypes for creating H5P from questions, you can create an account at the developer's site, and import the questions from there into your site.

H5P (HTML5 Package) Interactive Content is a plugin for UR Courses that supports creating interactive content easily from right within your web browser. There are a growing number of content types available, such as presentations with embedded questions, interactive video, drag and drop activities, etc., all with great documentation and examples. H5P's goal is to enable everyone to create better content faster. To learn more about the H5P project, please visit -the-project.

With H5P access enabled, the majority of interactive content types from can be created within UR Courses. The only content types that will not be available are those that have been discovered to be problematic within our environment.

When embedding an interactive activity elsewhere in the course, the activity itself can be orphaned in order to be hidden from the main course page. Please note, the activity must remain visible in order to be accessible to the students.

It is recommended that H5P content activities only be used for self-assessment, participation, or engagement purposes.

It is also recommended to move all H5P activities into their own category within the gradebook so that they can be hidden from view or easily removed from the overall gradebook calculations.

The H5P plugin stores basic results such as the start and stop times, scores, and max scores, per student per H5P Content Type. This information is overwritten each time the student completes the activity so it will only display the results of their last attempt. A report for each attempt includes a summary of all answers provided and points awarded within the activity.

While it is recommended to create H5P content from right within UR Courses, in some cases the editor area may be a bit too constrained to work within in terms of size. If you find that to be the case, it is possible to develop H5P content within the authoring tool on, and then upload the H5P file into an H5P Interactive Content activity within UR Courses. This method still requires access to H5P within UR Courses, othwerwise your content can only be embedded and will then actually reside on Activities embedded in this manner will not appear in the gradebook. 152ee80cbc

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