Automatically reloads web pages after any number of seconds.Features:* Refresh pages after a set number of seconds.* Set different delays per page or tab.* Remembers your settings per page.* Remembers web page scroll position.Simply enter the number of seconds between reloads and click Start. You can specify different settings per tab. Preferences are saved per web page URL. The countdown pauses while typing. To stop refreshing of the tab, just click Stop.Register your copy of Easy Auto Refresh to unlock advanced options, including:* Save preferences per web page URL or per web site domain.* Enable random countdown intervals.* Choose specific times of day.* Reload all tabs in the window.* Automatically click a button, link, or element on the page.* Navigate to a url from a list at each countdown interval.* Show a notification and play a sound when text is found in the page.* Display the last and next refresh time.* Clear cache.* Receive access to future enhancements.Privacy Policy and Terms of ServiceBy installing this add-on, you agree to the following privacy policy -privacy.html

The data in my reports that feed into a dashboard are not automatically updating. I currently have to open the source sheets and refresh the sheet, then open the report and refresh the report, for the change to take effect in my dashboard. I have my personal settings set to auto-save and the dashboard set to auto-refresh every minute. Is there a way to auto-refresh sheets and reports so that I don't have to open them for the dashboard to have the most updated information?

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Reports & Dashboards should update fairly quickly (within a few minutes, depending on your refresh settings) without you needing to go in and save the sheet. However, there are some functions (namely the TODAY function) that requires a sheet to be opened or saved in some way in order to recognize what today's date is and the updates that this means for the sheet. Is this the type of update you're referring to?

If so, this Help Article here has a list of ways to make the Today function update. You could also set up 2 automations... one for locking the sheet and one for unlocking the sheet, separately, to trigger after midnight. This will auto-update the sheet once a day to help TODAY recognize what the date is.

If this isn't your issue, then I agree with Mike. You may want to reach out to Smartsheet Support so they can work with you one-on-one and you can share private information with them (such as the sheet name, report name, and screen recordings if possible).

You could also set up 2 automations... one for locking the sheet and one for unlocking the sheet, separately, to trigger after midnight. This will auto-update the sheet once a day to help TODAY recognize what the date is.

@Andre Star, Seems that while the Record a Date Automation did in fact update the cell with the current date, The sheet did not saved. So the sheet using the Today command still needed to be saved. Unless I did something wrong. Here's a screenshot. I must be missing something.

Thanks @ygoldgrab, actually I did week, for everyday in the week. the workflow actually ran and updated , but regardless, it seems the TODAY function will note update unless you actually enter the sheet and save. I am trying the lock and unlock recommendation @Genevieve P recommended above. We'll see if that produces any better results.

I have about 6 iterations of this, and I am trying multiple variations of this using date-helper, lock and unlock. over the last 3 days, I had one instance that worked, and that was with date-helper but it ran at 6am. I am wondering if for some reason that 1am is too early to run it. Perhaps TODAY function is being evaluated on a pacific service and the 1am automation doesn't recognize the date has changed and needs updating. I've trigger the automations for various times. We'll see what happens.

I tried to create a column chart with the channel as my column for the chart, but it's not in the drop down list for me to select it. I've included the channel column in my report as you can see above the chart widget tho. Any idea why is that?

My question:I am Using Oauth 2.0 for my project , where Access token gets expired every 19 mins , I have to go and click on Get New Access Token Every time . Refresh Token is not working . can anybody please guide me to refresh Token

I found the following info online; however, it isn't really clear in regards to when the auto refresh happens when other people are viewing the sheet at the same time. The info below shows "either" indicating that it could prompt for a refresh or automatically refresh.

My users don't like it when they are viewing a sheet and the sheet auto refreshes because another user in the sheet has made changes and saved. It would be nice to know how to disable the auto refresh and simply use the blue refresh symbol.

I'm interested in this topic as well; I'd really like to understand why I sometimes see the cells automatically change in blue (which is my personal preference) and other times it prompts me to refresh the sheet.

I'm probably wrong, but I think the changes in blue are when a different sheet (not the one you're viewing) has had an update and the cell that turned blue was a reference. The refresh icon are direct changes to the sheet you're currently viewing.

Hi, I have dashboard in my factory and I would like them to auto update every 15min. Currently my managers are having to manually refresh the page. Is there anyway to get the dashboard to auto refresh?

Live analytics refers to the process of preparing and measuring data as soon as it enters the database or persistent store. In other words, you get insights or arrive at conclusions immediately. Live analytics enables businesses to respond to events...

Hello @chrismorgan2705, unfortunately that solution suggested above only works if you are building your datasets through the OpenSearch service. There is not really an alternative built in way to manage that data refresh without the refresh page. My team has built some strange solutions to handle the refresh but that only works on an embedded platform.

With your dataset being so small, maybe Direct Query would work okay for this instance? I rarely ever suggest it because it can be detrimental to load times of the visuals but it might be worth trying.

Otherwise, I will go ahead an tag this topic as a feature request since there is not a better way to manage the issue. I am going to archive this question, so if you have a new question or would like more follow-up on this issue please create a new topic in the community and add link to this question. Thank you for your feedback!

When I update the editable layer with ArcGIS Collector (or through any standard web map edit), the edit doesn't appear in the web app unless i refresh the web page. It doesn't appear just by panning the map. This refresh behaviour is unusual, and I would expect the edit to appear just by panning the map.

The response you are getting is expected. To get the app or any map to update without a refresh of the page you will need to go to the webmap feeding the app and set that layer to a specified refresh interval. Here is a help document that shows you where to go to set the interval.

I know I stumbled across this setting somwhere in the Admin panel but can't seem to find where I can set the auto-refresh interval for the main tickets page. I thought this could be set in the user account properties page but I don't see it there...

If you want dashboard refresh value as configurable, you can add the JavaScript to App's appserver/static folder from the following answer and include the JavaScript to your existing dashboard: -to-make-form-refresh-value-configurable.html

With the approach in the above answer, you need to sped effort once to have all your dashboard point to above a JavaScript file so that refresh time becomes configurable. Then you would need to modify the JavaScript when you have to change or disable the dashboard refresh.

Hi @cotyp 

Were you able to find the solution to your problem. Please share the solution if you found one.

I want to do the same, disable autorefresh from all the existing Dashbaords in our environment?

I have a flow with multiple tables imported from snowflake - source tables. My flow contains a lot of recipes (stored into filesystem_managed) that originate from these source tables and some of the subsequent datasets formed have metrics and checks in place (auto-compute on dataset build), that are used on a dashboard in dataiku.

I have a scenario - named refresh - that has 2 steps:

1) Build the source datasets only

2) Build the downstream flow from these source datasets

And this scenario is used as a button in the dashboard. The thing is each time i click on refresh, i can see the date and time being changed on the metrics and checks that are in the datasets that come after the source table. However, the metrics from my source table (row and column count) do not change till the time i manually go into the dataset -> status -> compute metrics and then this refreshed dataset displays changes in the dashboard tiles as well.

Second Way:

here, i have used 'sync' recipe on each of my source dataset and all my other recipes start thereafter. As a result, my scenario has only 1 step i.e., Build the downstream flow from these source datasets. In this case, the metrics like row and column count are being set up in the 'synced' dataset instead of the source. What I have noticed is that upon clicking refresh scenario in the dashboard, everything gets updated. I don't have to go to each source to manually compute the metric first and update the dataset. However, syncing takes too long. The sources have millions of rows, and it takes hours to just refresh everything like this.

What I need:

1) an efficient way to refresh my data so that the downstream flow can have a reliable source and ofc changes get reflected in the dashboard.

2) Sometimes I have seen in my First Way, that if let's say after my first refresh, I change something in my snowflake table - let's say delete all records - and then in dataiku go to the source dataset -> status -> compute metrics, it will show me 0 in record count but explore tab still shows me records from prev refresh. So, I am looking for a way in which my data just gets refreshed properly.

Thank you for your assistance with this :)) 152ee80cbc

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