You can recover your account credentials from your cloud account, but you must first make sure that the account you're recovering doesn't exist in the Authenticator app. For example, if you're recovering your personal Microsoft account, you must make sure you don't have a personal Microsoft account already set up in the authenticator app. This check is important so we can be sure we're not overwriting or erasing an existing account by mistake.

For more info about QR codes and how to get one, see Get started with the Authenticator app or Set up security info to use an authenticator app, based on whether your admin has turned on security info.

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If this is the first time you're setting up the Authenticator app, you might receive a prompt asking whether to allow the app to access your camera (iOS) or to allow the app to take pictures and record video (Android). Allow camera access so the authenticator app can take a picture of the QR code. If you don't allow the camera, you can still set up the authenticator app, but you'll need to add the code information manually. For information about how to add the code manually, see see Manually add an account to the app.

I've created my custom authenticator for my app. I'm now up to a point where I want to allow the user to remove their account if they'd like to do so. I know that I define a settings screen for my authenticator within my authenticator XML file:

The last attribute, android:accountPreferences, is where I define a PreferenceScreen XML. This is where I'm having trouble... From my understanding, the preferences that I define in android:accountPreferences is what is shown when the end user clicks on their account under the device settings. However, how do I read from these preferences? Or handle click events for each preference? All that I'm hoping to do is allow the user to remove their account, directly from the preferences screen that's provided by the OS.

In case anyone else runs into this issue, I was able to figure it out on my own. What I was ultimately looking for was to have the settings screen that is offered by the Android OS itself and not have to define my own custom settings screen. It turns out that the solution is really simple: just don't define an account settings screen in your authenticator XML:

In addition, if you'd like to override the default settings screen offered by the OS, that's when you'd use android:accountPreferences="@xml/authenticator_preferences". You can launch an activity for a or that you've defined by using the attribute.

Leaks and hacks from recent years make it clear that passwords alone don't provide enough security to protect your online bank accounts, social media logins, or even accounts for websites where you shop. Multi-factor authentication (MFA, also known as two-factor authentication or 2FA) adds another layer of protection. The security coverage team at PCMag frequently exhorts readers to use MFA, and using an authenticator app is one of the easiest and most secure ways to do it.

Using an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator, is a more secure form of MFA than one-time codes sent to you via SMS. We recommend enabling MFA to protect yourself from the consequences of a data breach, and it's among the steps you should take if you discover your information has already been involved in a breach. The best authenticator apps also help protect you against stealthy attacks like stalkerware.

Our summaries of the best authenticator apps, listed alphabetically, will help you decide which one to use so you can start setting up your accounts to be more secure. If you're looking for the best free authenticator app, you're in luck, because they're all free! Below our recommendations, you find more information on just how these apps work to keep you safe, as well as criteria you should consider when choosing one.

2FAS is a simple but fully functional app that does everything you want in an authenticator. It lets you add online accounts either manually or with a QR code. It can create cloud backups of your registered accounts either in iCloud for Apple devices or Google Drive for Androids, which is critical if you lose your phone or get a new one. The backup is encrypted and only accessible from the 2FAS app. 2FAS doesn't need your phone number or even require you to create an online account, so it's not susceptible to SIM-swapping fraud the way Authy is. You can set a PIN to access the app, and on the iPhone, you can use FaceID or TouchID. A home-screen widget keeps it ever at the ready.

When you use Google Authenticator to log in to your Google account, you enter the six-digit code shown in the authenticator app, just as you would to log in to any other service. The app also lets you import logins from an old phone to a new one if you have the former on hand. As with Microsoft Authenticator, there's no Apple Watch app or even an Android Wear app for Google Authenticator.

There's another common method of MFA that's not as good: authentication code by text message. Yes, your bank might send you a text message with a code that you enter into the site to gain access, and that is a type of MFA. But getting codes by phone turns out not to be especially secure. A vulnerability in SMS messaging is that crooks can reroute text messages. An authenticator app on your smartphone generates codes that never travel through the mobile network, so there's less potential for exposure and compromise. Plus, if your text messages are visible on your lock screen, anyone with your phone can get the code.

To set up MFA by app instead of text message, go to your banking site's security settings and look for the multi-factor or two-factor authentication section. Nearly every financial site offers it. Most sites list the simple SMS code option first, but you should go past that and look for authenticator app support.

The most common way to set up MFA involves scanning a QR code on the site with your phone's authenticator app. Note that you can scan the code to more than one phone if you want a backup. Financial sites usually provide account recovery codes as an additional backup. These consist of long strings of letters and numbers. Save those account recovery codes somewhere safe, such as in a password manager. The codes work in place of an MFA code on your phone, which means they let you still log in to the site if your phone is lost, stolen, or busted.

Something to look for when choosing an authenticator app is whether it backs up the account info (encrypted) in case you no longer have the same phone on which you originally set it up. All of the apps included here now have this capability, with Google Authenticator being a recent latecomer to the party.

As mentioned, we prefer that authenticator apps do not use codes sent by SMS during setup to authenticate you or your device. Most authenticator apps don't. Authy is the only app on this list that does it, but as mentioned, there's a workaround.

A final note: Be sure not to install an unknown, unrecommended authenticator app, even if it looks good. Malicious impersonators have shown up on app stores. Stick with the best authenticator apps recommended here from well-known companies.

The correct step would indeed be to switch to the mobile authenticator. I do want to apologize for the confusion here, as we have recently moved the authenticator into our App for mobile devices. "

I'm en route to try and install ubuntu touch on my galaxy nexus (GSM-i9250). Since I'm using the google authenticator app in order to access my google account, I'm afraid that I'll be locked out of my accounts, has the installation of ubuntu touch succeeds.

Aside from printing the codes that google provides me with, I wonder if there is some kind of an app for google authenticator for ubuntu touch, or any other workaround that will allow me to access my account? I assume I won't be able to access google play from ubuntu touch, so I won't be able to reinstall the native google authenticator app.

No. If I understood correctly that you want to enroll user with a new MFA and add the key to the authenticator automatically thene read the linked wiki page about Key Uri Format. With that you are able to create an uri that client can open (or autoredirect the client). Opening that uri will open Google Authenticator app automatically and ask user if he/she wants to add your key.

As recently as three years ago, you could count available authenticator apps on one hand, but with a few dozen in the mix now, it is easy to get lost in the options. To help you choose an authenticator that works with your operating systems, we have grouped the 10 most noteworthy by OS:

On the whole, Google Authenticator is a convenient solution for those who would rather not get involved with token synchronization through the cloud. Instead, the app can export all of the tokens created in it, making a single QR code to import them en masse to a new device. In the iOS version, it recently became possible to search tokens and protect access to the app with Touch ID or Face ID, unlike with the Android version. Google Authenticator still cannot hide generated codes from view, which may be problematic if you use it in public. (Incidentally, all authenticators for Android restrict the taking of screenshots, so all screenshots in this post come from the iOS versions of the apps.)

Duo Mobile, acquired by Cisco in 2018, is one of the oldest authenticator apps. Its main advantage is a clean, user-friendly interface. Duo Mobile also hides codes from view and does not require an account. However, the software lacks other important features: first and foremost, access protection, which neither the iOS nor the Android version has.

This open-source authenticator app was created after Google closed its Authenticator source code. The FreeOTP interface is ultraminimalistic, with nothing superfluous. This minimalist approach is especially apparent in the iOS version, which lacks even the option to create a token based on a secret key, leaving only QR-code scanning. The Android version retains both options, and it offers a lot of flexibility in manual token creation, letting users choose the type of generation (TOTP or HOTP), the number of characters in the code, the algorithm, and the refresh interval for the codes. 006ab0faaa

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