The first section being the old ASUS Aura version which has very limited device support and stability but has the ability to get and set the colors of select Aura devices. You could use this to use the music mode in Aura and send the colors to corsair devices or you could use ICUE effects on Aura devices.

The second section being the new ASUS Aura version which supports all Aura devices at the cost of only setting the colors. With all Aura devices I mean all Aura compatible gear should work. If you don't mind only being able to set ICUE effects on your Aura devices then the second section is the preferred method. 

Download Aura Asus


First of all, you will need Asus Aura 1.06.17. Using this with the newer versions might crash Aura. But that is not as bad as it sounds as you will be uninstalling it anyway :). You will need to use a program called CCleaner to do the job. Most of the times a normal windows uninstall will not work as Asus doesn't uninstall everything for some reason. Just note that when uninstalling to both uninstall Asus Aura and Aura Service. You can easily check the Asus Aura version in Windows 10 when going into Settings and then Apps and then going on Asus Aura.

After you have installed Asus Aura and it starts up you should make sure it works by selecting the rainbow effect (or any of the ones below that). Next you should head over to =dwn and download the latest Jacknet Sync program. It is an installer and will go through like any regular program installer. When that is done you should have a new desktop icon. Double click it like a regular program and it should open. You should start with clicking on New LED Group. It should look similar to this after that.

Depending on which way you want to sync your LEDs (Asus aura -> ICUE devices or ICUE -> Asus Aura devices; does not work on all boards like for example x470 or z390) you want to select the host LED device in MasterLED.

Make sure to not add devices that are synced internally already. Example you have Corsair in the Master LED tab and add a or the same device to the synchronized tab. It will cause lag since it is getting and setting the color at the same time. Avoid that.

Note: Only bugs we found so far are the "Desktop" which shows up. It has no documented function so for now it is "just there". Ignore it for now. Another bug is that the Strix x299e board is bugging out a bit. It works fine except for anything connected to either of the 12v RGB headers. 5v are unaffected by this. 

Following this section will only require on of the newer ASUS Aura versions. Latest is recommended by ASUS but if your Aura works and is older then 1.06.17 it should still work. 1.07.xx is still recommended though.

After making sure you have a working Aura install you can start by installing Jacknet sync. After you open it it may take a while but it should pop up eventually. Head over to the settings tab first and make sure your Aura devices are listed.

Now head over to the LED Groups tab and create a new LED Group. As Master LED you want to select a Corsair LED. As for the Aura devices you want to drag them over. A big help can be SHIFT-Selection.:sunglasse

If you need any help or if you have any questions feel free to ask. As i am not always online and only check the forum once in a while feel free to join the discord server. Lots of people can help you there if you are stuck and you can message the developers of this as well (please no unnecessary pinging).

It's very cool to control my STRIX card via iCUE. There are just a few issues concerning the color. I tried the instant lighting tab and the colors didn't always match. Here's my list (1st color = instant lighting (corsair products) | 2nd color = Strix card):

Awesome work! I don't have any Asus products other than my monitors, so I can't test this out. Looks like you are using RGB.NET. Are you sync'ing the LEDs based off the LED color of a specific item like the letter "A" on the keyboard to LED2 on motherboard? That is a very creative approach. It also helps automate a lot of the setting of colors.

I created a powershell script for Gigabyte's RGB Fusion. I used a SDK CLI tool that someone else made. I synced based off running process/game to match iCUE that way. Then had RGB Profiles created in RGB Fusion and parsed in the XML to set the lighting via the CLI tool. I don't know if your way could work with Gigabyte Fusion SDK. It seems that frequent changes to lighting effects cause a race condition.

I do find MB manufacture's SDKs very limiting. Not all Gigabyte motherboards support the SDK, that support RGB Fusion. Engaging Gigabyte has been a little bit frustrating. I got my script working for me, though kind of gave up on it as I think only a few other people have used it.

A good question is what color is blue? If green is blue and blue is green, then those need to be swapped. LEDs can vary and different materials can refract light. I know on my LEDs in my XSPC CPU block and res I had to use a 100ohm resistor on the red cathode as red was to bright. I was then able to match colors really well. Also when scuba diving, you lose different colors from the spectrum the deeper you go, I think diffusing light through different materials can effect it similarly and be a filter. I notice on some parts of my MB the huge is slightly off on the chip set, compared to other LEDs on the MB.

This was a proof of concept program that can be used as a template. It was kind of used to show off what you could do with the RGB.NET library. while yes you could add syncback, I dont know how since i sadly am no programmer. :(:

Is that true for every item? When set by Asus Aura, does it still have the same issue? This would at least rule out a HW/misswire. The tool would have to be modified and recompiled most likely, unless there is an easier way to control it.

For those having issues with incorrect colours, you may have already tried this but I thought I would mention it anyway. Aura sync has a calibration mode under "settings" where it will ask you to input what colour is displayed as it shows red, green and blue. You could try messing with that and it may resolve it, I'm not sure though.

No, you need to have it running all the time and it has to start after iCUE because else it doesn't recognize the devices. So you can't just throw it into autostart, you need to create a task with a delay (but that's pretty easy actually)

I have issue with scope II just going dark after waking from sleep. And its not just after waking up PC but keyboard if left unused for few minutes behaves the same. It really pains me each time to open Armory Crate and de-sync/sync again for the effects to return. Effect is most basic static light. I tried uninstalling AC and with fresh install, but its the same. Also all FW for keyboard and everything else is up to date. PC is Rog Scar 18 and connection is with usb dongle.

I have the same problem. I think it has to do with the profiles as I was able to resolve it once, but with an armory crate update, it went back to acting like this. It seems like the profile wont save with the Aura sync. Pretty stupid that a $200 keyboard cannot seem to get its features working properly.

it works when booting up, but when the keyboard goes to sleep or the computer goes to sleep there is no RGB lighting at all. I have checked the profiles and the default (or any profile) has some other effect than the Aura Sync. I can set it to Aura sync and it works until the next time the keyboard or machine sleeps and stays dark.

I checked the windows 11 dynamic lighting to turned off, completely uninstalled Amoury Crate and removed everything I could find for it on the whole system, removed any other lighting software that may have conflicted with it (Lian Li L-Connect 3) and reinstalled. Still same issue. No change when changing the sleep settings for the keyboard. I did notice that it was able to keep a static non-aura sync lighting correctly and works properly after the keyboard wakes.

Yeah I was using the uninstall tool, but it kept failing at the end and telling me to reboot and try again. I confirmed that it was uninstalled and checked any services for it as well. I did have to manually clean up the ProgramData folder to remove anything I could find for Armory Crate or Aura Sync. I am leaving the L-Connect uninstalled and I can try again tonight to see if there is any change, but honestly at this point I may just leave it as a static color and just live with that. 152ee80cbc

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