Unlike other media, records can last an incredibly long time. You can even listen to records from the 1930s, and it'll still be good as when it was made. And since a good chunk of vintage music hasn't been converted to digital, records are the only way to fall in love with some of the old sounds.

How about higher audio quality? Amazon has introduced this feature, and others have been ahead of Pandora as well. It would be great to have the Genome Project advantage with higher audio quality. Do others agree?

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I would really like to at the very least use my 5.1 system with Pandora. Sure it's nothing special, but I would still like the option to use the full sound experience rather than basically needing to force mono to hear from all my speakers. Especially if I am paying for this service.

Two years ago, I suddenly began resenting my wife for any number of reasons. I felt as if we were floating along, doing a great job of co-existing and co-parenting, but not sustaining a real connection. It deteriorated to the point that I considered separating from her; however, whenever I gave the matter intense thought, I could not pinpoint a single issue that was a deal breaker. I knew her to be an amazing person, mother, and friend. I bit my tongue a lot and held out hope that the malaise would pass as suddenly as it had arrived. Fortunately, it did, and I love her more than ever. So, the final bit of wisdom is to afford your spouse the benefit of the doubt. If you have been happy for such a long period, that is the case for good reason. Be patient and focus on the many aspects of her that still exist that caused you to fall in love in the first place.

Depending on the circumstances, you might agree to work together on rebuilding trust (and your savings), but you might also see no future in the relationship. You can walk away still holding forgiveness and love in your heart.

As one philosophy professor pointed out, even the love between a parent and a child falls short of unconditional. A parent might love their child no matter what they do, but this love still has a condition: They love their child because their child is theirs.

If they no longer had those characteristics, would your love continue, unaltered? From a philosophical perspective, if conditions never change, you might never know whether your love truly is unconditional.

"When I found the first camp like that I think I never was so angry in my life. The bestiality displayed there was not merely piled up bodies of people that had starved to death, but to follow out the road and see where they tried to evacuate them so they could still work, you could see where they sprawled on the road. You could go to their burial pits and see horrors that really I wouldn't even want to begin to describe. I think people ought to know about such things. It explains something of my attitude toward the German war criminal. I believe he must be punished, and I will hold out for that forever."

Press conference, 6/18/45 [DDE's Pre-Presidential Papers, Principal File, Box 156, Press Statements and Releases, 1944-46 (1)]

So far in 2023, 13 million people from 200-plus countries around the world have benefitted from the Hymnary website! Thank you to all who use Hymnary.org and all who support it with gifts of time, talent and treasure. If you feel moved to support our work today with a gift of any amount and a word of encouragement, we would be grateful. You can donate online at our secure giving site. Or, if you'd like to make a gift by check, please send it to: Hymnary.org, Calvin University, 3201 Burton Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. May the hope, love, joy and peace of Advent be yours this day and always.

The reason Paul can say that nothing will separate us from the love of Christ is because Christ is alive and is still loving us now. He is at the right hand of God and is therefore ruling for us. And he is interceding for us, which means he is seeing to it that his finished work of redemption does in fact save us hour by hour and bring us safe to eternal joy. His love is not a memory. It is a moment-by-moment action of the omnipotent, living Son of God, to bring us to everlasting joy.

I must respectfully disagree with the disagreement. (I hope my initial overly-grumpy non-respectful note didn't come through; if it did, my abject apologies and I'll delete it.)

We are not requesting a change to the audio processing chain, which I agree is a complex area of coding.

We are requesting changes that would access the already-exposed on/off control for a feature which is already implemented.

In the local version this is a UI/initialization change, to persist the state of the original-sound control in the same way that camera, audio, and other initialization preferences are stored and reloaded. Depending on what language you're working in, this might require a few layers of exposing the control through access scopes, but it really shouldn't be complicated unless your architecture is much hairier than I would expect.

Adding it to the controls available to the call administrators would be another layer of complexity, though. I am guessing that most or all of the other admin actions (mute/unmute, lower hand, etc.) are probably implemented by talking to the back-end software rather than passing a request through to the participant's client. There may not be an easy way to access this control remotely without significant changes to the protocols you are using. So I grant that this one may be harder to achieve. I'm putting it forward mostly because, until we *can* make Original Sound a persistent setting, being able to fix a user who hasn't configured correctly would be a tremendously useful safety net -- and even after the setting could be made persistent, being able to help new users who don't realize they should be taking advantage of it would be highly desirable.

I realize that music isn't Zoom's primary market. But folks are using it, mostly successfully, for that purpose, and it appears to me that closing this gap would not be expensive and would be highly appreciated. I'd really like to know that it was at least accepted onto the backlog as a valid ask, even if it's prioritized behind other issues.

Hi Brandon.

I'm glad I found this thread because I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out why my audio wasn't working for my student during a lesson (I teach digital music production) until I realized Original Sound was off.

When I first started doing lessons, I dug through all of the Zoom settings to get things working how I want them to for every meeting and I must have switched Original Sound to be On by Default. At some point, Zoom updated and Original Sound was now Off by default.

So now I'm tearing my hair out again trying to find the setting to reverse that change when I stumbled upon this thread.

Now I'm just dumbfounded by why Zoom would remove the option to have a Default setting for this option. It doesn't make any sense. I want my audio that I am transmitting to be Original Sound every time no matter what. I don't care what my students use. They can set theirs up however they like. But I don't understand why I, the admin of the meeting and a paying customer of Zoom, have to click this dumb button every single meeting and if I forget, the lesson is ruined.

Btw, your "Disable Audio Enhancements" workaround did not work for me as my audio hardware has no such setting.

This needs to be fixed.

Edit: For those keeping score, I'm using 5.15.5. Issue still not resolved.

I just want to express that we know and care that users are complaining and discussing this feature in the community, we are not ignoring it. We want to offer the reason why we change it, that is, many users are misusing this feature, and causes many audio issues which would also affect their meeting experience.

You say turning it on "causes many audio issues which would also affect their meeting experience." Please provide a list of those issues. That might help us understand the reasoning of Zoom ENG and Corporate that overrides the many requests since the change was made last November of real, live, paying users of your product. I would love to understand your reasoning! Thank you in advance.

Please tell the development team to let US worry about the sound quality in our meetings. If we WANT original sound on - and "misuse" this feature, and "cause many audio issues which would also affect our meeting experience" - that is OUR choice. We are not children and we do not need the developers to be our Mommies and Daddies.

#3 seems like possibly the best compromise in implementation. It wouldn't affect users at all if they don't first choose "original sound" in their audio profile; it would only affect users that are interested in that functionality and would be a helpful reminder and make it easier (users don't have to figure out how to change the setting since they are prompted)

Multimodal texts combine two or more modes such as written language, spoken language, visual (still and moving image), audio, gestural, and spatial meaning (The New London Group, 2000; Cope and Kalantzis, 2009). Creating digital multimodal texts involves the use of communication technologies, however, multimodal texts can also be paper-based or live performances.

Complex digital multimodal texts include live-action films, animations, digital stories, web pages, book trailers, documentaries, music videos. Meaning is conveyed through dynamic combinations of various modes across written and spoken language, visual (still and moving image), audio, gesture (acting), and spatial semiotic resources. Producing these texts also requires skills with more sophisticated digital communication technologies. e24fc04721

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