In this article we will see, how can we play an audio file in pure java, here pure means, we are not going to use any external library. You can create your own music player by the help of this article. Java inbuilt libraries support only AIFC, AIFF, AU, SND and WAVE formats.

There are 2 different interfaces which can be used for this purpose Clip and SourceDataLine. In this article, we will discuss playing audio file using Clip only and see the various methods of clip. We will cover following operations:

Notice that when you open a SourceDataLine, you don't associate any sound data with the line yet, unlike opening a Clip. Instead, you just specify the format of the audio data you want to play. The system chooses a default buffer length.

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Instead of using the open method described above, it's also possible to open a SourceDataLine using Line's open() method, without arguments. In this case, the line is opened with its default audio format and buffer size. However, you can't change these later. If you want to know the line's default audio format and buffer size, you can invoke DataLine's getFormat and getBufferSize methods, even before the line has ever been opened.

Since write returns before all the data has finished playing, how do you learn when the playback has actually completed? One way is to invoke the drain method of DataLine after writing the last buffer's worth of data. This method blocks until all the data has been played. When control returns to your program, you can free up the line, if desired, without fear of prematurely cutting off the playback of any audio samples:

If you're playing back multiple tracks of audio simultaneously, you probably want to have them all start and stop at exactly the same time. Some mixers facilitate this behavior with their synchronize method, which lets you apply operations such as open, close, start, and stop to a group of data lines using a single command, instead of having to control each line individually. Furthermore, the degree of accuracy with which operations are applied to the lines is controllable.

However, I've been unable to get Java to play any audio. No errors are thrown, there is just a lack of sound. Other programs can play sound, and I can open the WAV / MP3 perfectly fine, just not with a Java program.


I searched already and this question has been asked before (here and but there has never been a proper response that solved it:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No line matching interface Clip supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian is supported. at java.desktop/javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getLine( at Play.playAudio( at Play.main(

Javacord allows your bot to connect to voice channels and play audio (e.g., music). This short tutorial gives you an introduction on how to connect to a voice channel and play your favorite musicopen in new window.

There are plenty of sources for audio (e.g., YouTube, local files, etc.). The current de facto standard library for extracting audio from these sources with Java is the LavaPlayeropen in new window library.

im making a game for school, were using html css and js but only coding in the file. i want to play a music mp3 file as background music so i went into a seperate repl to test the code for the music. i looked up help online and asked my teacher to try to get it to work but we have gotten absolutely nothing to work and idk what im doing wrong. here is my code:

i have not tried anything with html yet because i would like to try to keep everything in, unless if there is a way to have the audio tag in html react to a variable change in which is what i was going to have happen inside eventually.

Jj Roberts wrote:I fiddled around with this once for fun. I don't know why, or if it is the right thing to do, but putting the lineclip.setFramePosition(0); before the clip.start() got it to work for me. Your example works for me with this line included. I don't know anything about audio, so I can't tell you more, but you could try and see if it works.

Yes, the loading of data into the buffer array should be significantly faster than the rate at which the sound data is played! The audio while loop basically should be spending most of its time in a blocked state (at the point where SourceDataLine is writing). If the loading of the buffer array ever takes longer than the write command blocks, you will probably hear drop-outs.

Actually, I may be able to test when it blocks by using a really long buffer (like 10 seconds worth of audio) to slow the write process down and then printing out the system time just before it calls the load buffer method. That would hopefully tell me when it is blocking.

Since neither the Squeezebox nor the Pulseaudio binding seem to be so far valid audio sinks for OpenHAB2, I was hoping that there is a way to re-direkt the standard java OpenHAB sinks in a way to communicate with the pulseaudio server. Is this possible?

I remember it was essential to change /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/

(the default-java is actually just a link, depending on packages you have installed or not, multiple directories may exist with a below each, so ensure you edit the one your java is actively using).

Mine reads

Hi, so finally tried it out (had first to recovery my raspberry from a broken sdcard - now finally back on a HDD). Unfortunately, smarthome:audio play doorbell.mp3 still does not want to ring. 

Update: Gave up too early! Had a concurrent running pulseaudio - now it works! Thx!!!

The interesting thing is that if I start the pulseaudio server with a local user such as pi, pulseaudio does not terminate, even if 8u121 is installed. However, openhab will start another instance of pulseaudio in parallel nevertheless, which is not connected to the bluetooth device (and terminates after a while as well).

Hm, it seems that the problem was a parallel installation of java 8u65 (Raspian dist) and 8u121. De-installing 8u65 helped.

However still problems that the sound output over pulseaudio stops after an hour or so to forward and sound to my bluetooth box (bluetooth connection not disconnected), despite that pulseaudio seems still up and running (but rather seems to be an bluetooth problem with my raspberry).

what was missing was the zeroconf module (it seems they are not needed if pulseaudio is not in system mode). Thanks for the hint! Now pulseaudio works again. BTW What is the expected argument for set-default-sink? If a add the mac-address of my bluetooth speaker I got the message

The Java Sound API specification provides low-level support for audio operations such as audio playback and capture (recording), mixing, MIDI sequencing, and MIDI synthesis in an extensible, flexible framework.

The Java Sound Demo showcases how the Java Sound API can be used for controlling audio playback, audio capture, MIDI synthesis, and basic MIDI sequencing. It includes source code, and is designed to work with the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.3 Release and above.

The Java Sound API is a powerful and flexible framework for working with audio files. It provides support for audio capture, processing, and playback, as well as managing audio resources. The API is part of the javax.sound package, included in the Java Standard Edition (SE) since version 1.3. The main components of the Java Sound API are:

In the example above, we first load an audio file and create an AudioInputStream. Then, we create a Clip object and open it with the audio stream. Finally, we start playing the audio and wait for it to finish before closing the resources.

In the example above, we first specify the audio format and get a TargetDataLine object. Then, we open the target data line and start capturing audio. We write the captured audio data to a file and record for 5 seconds before stopping the capture and closing the resources.

Java audio processing is a powerful skill for any developer. If you need to hire remote Java developers with experience in audio processing, consider reaching out to a dedicated Java development team to help you create the perfect solution for your project.

The AudioSystem class in the Java Sound API provides utility methods for working with audio resources. It acts as a gateway to the audio system resources and provides methods to obtain lines, mixers, and sound file readers and writers.

The Java Sound API is a part of the Java platform providing low-level support for audio operations such as audio playback and capture (recording), mixing and MIDI sequencing in an extensible and flexible way. It can create, manage and process sound in Java applications. It also provides tools for working with MIDI data, allowing for the creation and manipulation of audio applications.

Not like audio player, Video player deals with GUI. Therefore you should have a little knowledge about Swing components. In addition to previous things you have to get Visual component and Control Panel component from the Player instance created by you. Then you have to place those in a necessary Swing component (here JPanel is used).

To send files following links may help you. Actually they show how to send a file from server-to-client. But after get the concept, reverse of that can be applied to your project too.



Btw, what king of application are you creating? is the server is a file server (using FTP) ? Techniques may differ depending your application.

Thanks !

need your help for my school project. I need to play music when play button is clicked. I tried to import the* but it shows error that package does not exist even when I have imported d package please help.!!

Hi, good work. I have a question. I copied your Code and added all jars from JMF in my Project, but he cant do initComponents() and Mediaplayer mediaplayer = new MediaPlayer( mediaUrl ); Can you help me out. I want to have a videoplayer example that works so I can look at it when I am trying to write my own player 2351a5e196

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