OK, I don't use audiobooks much but today I bought one for the first time via iBooks and I am totally confused by how this works. I bought it on my iPad, assuming I'd be able to download it to my iPhone to listen to in the car. Later I opened iBooks on my phone and it wasn't there; I looked in the store but it didn't show as purchased, just as something I could buy again. Weird. So then I went to my Mac, and it also is not in iBooks there. In fact, you can't buy iBooks in the iBooks store from the Mac, from what I can see, though you can go to the iBooks store in iTunes and find them. And there's a "my audiobooks" area in iTunes, but it's not there.

Reading some support articles it sounds like you cannot re-download audiobooks and there's no cloud backup? I assumed they'd work like everything else Apple sells (music, books, applications, etc.) and once you buy it, you've bought it. Is that right? If that's not the case I would have appreciated a warning that it wasn't going to work like every other thing piece of digital content they sell.

Download Audio Books Apple

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Audiobooks are a one-time only download, they will not show in the cloud. If you connect the iPad to your Mac and do File > Devices > Transfer Purchases in your Mac's iTunes then it should copy over to the Audiobooks section of your library - you can then play it on your Mac and/or sync it to your phone (and add it to your backup of your downloads/library ; other items are only potentially redownloadable whilst they remain in the store and you don't move countries).

I had the same issue, bought my audiobook last night on my iPad but really want it on my iPhone to listen in the car. Went to download it on my iPhone just like I would music and wasn't listed as purchased grrrr frustrating. ?

Luckily found this post and am going to try to transfer it to my PC and see if I can sync my iPhone that way. Guess I will need to look at either Audible or Amazon for my audiobook purchases going forward. ?

Interesting that if you buy direct from Audible it seems you get a repeat download and a cross platform service. I'm somewhat surprised the limitations on Apple's audiobooks haven't gone the same way they did for music back in 2009, or that anyone buys from Apple. ?

The Apple watch app doesn't see audiobooks I have downloaded from Audible into iTunes that I listen to on my iPhone using the Apple Books app. It can only see one book that I must have downloaded from the Apple store (that book isn't even in my Apple Books app). Is there a trick to getting the watch app to see audiobooks in the Books app library?

The audible books weren't purchased from the Audible app. They were purchased on a Windows computer and downloaded into iTunes. Then iTunes synced them to my iPhone and the audiobooks are in the Apple Books app. So I think what you are saying is if I didn't purchase from Apple I can't have my iPhone sync with my watch because the books aren't in the cloud.

The user guide states: "Apple Watch can sync audiobooks from the Apple Books". However, the Apple watch app is not seeing the audiobooks I have in my Books app, only some book from years ago that isn't even in my Apple Books app.

Playing audiobooks from Apple Books is not available yet in Sonos. What I can do is send in a feature request to make this available in the Sonos app. We don't have the timeline and the information yet to share with you about this but you can check our announcements here in the community or from our website.

I would appreciate Apple Books being added as I am sure many others would. 

I have a large collection of audio books on this platform and listening to these through the Sonos app would work really well.

2. Tap "Audiobooks" from the menu at the bottom of the screen. You can also tap "Explore Audiobooks" from the "Reading Now" tab, which is the page that opens anytime you launch the app, to be taken to the same page.

The feature, first announced in December via the Apple Books for Authors webpage, allows publishers on the Apple Books platform to opt-in to have their written books converted into a narrated audio form using AI. Samples of the voices developed specifically for the feature are available on the same webpage.

Apple Books digital narration brings together advanced speech synthesis technology with important work by teams of linguists, quality control specialists, and audio engineers to produce high-quality audiobooks from an ebook file. Apple has long been on the forefront of innovative speech technology, and has now adapted it for long-form reading, working alongside publishers, authors, and narrators.

Digitally narrated titles are a valuable complement to professionally narrated audiobooks, and will help bring audio to as many books and as many people as possible. Apple Books remains committed to celebrating and showcasing the magic of human narration and will continue to grow the human-narrated audiobook catalog.

Apple is offering different AI voices for different genres and the feature is only available for some genres at this time, but more will be added in the future. Apple says that it can take up to one month for an AI-narrated audiobook to be created and approved, suggesting that there is an element of manual review in the process. Publishers are also free to offer a traditional, human-narrated audiobook alongside the AI-narrated version.

A flowing book is ideal for books that are primarily text content. A flowing book's text can be resized by the reader, and the text reflows to various screen sizes without requiring scaling of the content. Flowing books support images, audio, video, and interactivity.

A fixed-layout book can be created for books that need a precise design or layout. A fixed-layout book supports full-bleed images, audio, video, interactivity, and read aloud features. Read aloud features allow you to sync a narrator's voice with the text in the book.

The landmarks structure identifies key component files within the book, such as the cover page, bibliography, and so on. It is created using a nav element with an epub:type value of "landmarks". Apple Books references the landmarks when generating the sample for a book. A landmarks nav is required for fixed-layout books if you do not provide a custom sample.

Landmarks can also be used to define the start page of a flowing book, which is the first page a reader will see the first time they open a book. Apple Books opens to the first landmark item that contains the epub:type value of "ibooks:reader-start-page". If that value is not specified in the landmarks navigation structure, Apple Books opens to the first spine item that contains one of the following epub:type landmarks values:

Apple Books has a large selection of fonts available through the iOS system fonts. Some languages may require a more extensive font library. If your book requires a more extensive font library, you can embed the font. See Defining Book Layout Metadata for EPUB 3 flowing and fixed-layout books.

Page breaks are supported in flowing books. if you include page breaks to mark a chapter break, use page-break-after to create a break at the end of a chapter, not page-break-before to insert the break at the beginning of the chapter. This modification improves performance with the table of contents.

Custom Class Name: If the book is not defined as following the EBPAJ guide, you can define a custom class name for which Apple Books will respect an image's dimensions. The custom class name is defined in the metadata section of the package document (.opf) file, and requires the inclusion of the ibooks prefix in the package element. For example:

For optimal user experience, audio and video content should appear on its own line in the EPUB and be centered on the page using text-align:center defined in the CSS. Apple Books provides default dimensions for audio and video. The standard video pane dimensions are a 1:2 ratio and display at 300px wide by 150px tall on the iPad. However, the width can also be defined using CSS, ideally as a percentage of the screen width. Apple Books ensures that video and audio fit on a page, no matter the screen size. To avoid layout issues, do not set an explicit height on video elements.

Note that the video tag must include the required poster image. The customer sees the poster image in the text and clicks the image to start the video. The controls attribute allows readers to play, pause, and scrub the media. The autoplay attribute automatically starts playing the audio or video without stopping. The controls and autoplay attributes are boolean. Including them activates the attribute no matter their value. For example, autoplay="false" is the same as autoplay="true". Note that although autoplay is supported, Apple recommends that it not be used. It is best to allow readers to control their own reading experience as they know the environment in which they are reading.

Apple Books also has a very simple linking architecture that enables you to link directly to books within Apple Books. This could be used for marketing from your own website or online advertisements, or it could be used within an EPUB to direct a customer to other related titles at the end of a book. For information about linking to the store, see Link to Apple Books in the Apple Books Publisher User Guide.

Interactive content is supported for both flowing books and fixed-layout books. This section provides information and tips for creating interactivity using JavaScript. EPUBs with JavaScript interactivity require Apple Books 1.5. e24fc04721

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