So now when we have liked albums by artist and click into them, it only shows the albums and not the songs in each album so there is not shuffle option. We have to click into an individual album and shuffle that, but we can't shuffle all songs between albums. It shouldn't be hard to easily choose whether you want to shuffle all song by an artist, liked songs or separate albums without relying and creating playlists

Please Spotify! It is extremely annoying to be creating individual playlists for an artist with the songs I've "liked" and their albums which have been "liked" also. It should not be tricky to just shuffle an artist's "liked" songs on mobile. It used to work, but now it's been a few months of not working. Please fix this.

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When going into liked songs from an artist page it will list the individual liked songs and liked album titles but not the songs from the albums. Before it used to show all the songs from every album together on one page. I assume this is some sort of new feature but it is very frustrating because I am someone who likes to listen through all of an artists music but now I am not able to do that unless I go though and like every individual song or create a playlist with every song in it. Please revert it back to the way it was.

Is this an intentional design choice to encourage people to listen to a full album? I would like to also have the option to put all of the songs I have liked by an artist on shuffle, including those that are within a full release that I have liked. I don't want to have to unlike a full release and then go through and like each song individually.

But when I have more than two albums of an artist in my apple music, I can only repeat one song or one album. If the last song of one album was played, the next song played is first song of the same album and not the first song of the next album. How can I play all songs from one artist?

This is one of many instances where this has happened at Apple. My personal belief is that the company is getting to be very bloated, and as teams of software engineers move onto new projects or retire, a new guard comes along who will tend to break and subsequently overlook subtleties that may not be so subtle to others. Case in point: this obvious need to be able to play an artist's entire catalog in order of date, and not just alphabetical song order (because who on the planet wants to listen to Pink Floyd out of order!?).

Actually factually incorrect. Clicking on the artist loads their individual albums and you can only select songs from individual albums. I don't want to shuffle 7 albums that have a beggining middle and end, I don't want to stop and open a new album every time one finishes. I'd love to be able to use my music app like I used to and listen to ALL the music from an artist WITHOUT shuffling it all to ****. Shape up Apple, the last 3 years have been a disaster for your products and your ridiculous lack of customer support is forcing people away from your product. (I'm writing on a forum of Apple product USERS, no one on here is an Apple employee, what a farce) so again thanks for ruining something that worked and completely handing responsibility to your customers.

I have almost the exact same problem, but I want to play all of the songs from one artist in the order they appear. I hate the shuffle feature. Is there anyway I can start with the first song on the first album and play them all of the way through to the last song on the last album and have them repeat without shuffling them? I have over 4,000 songs. For most of my songs, I have them in the exact order I like them played. I cannot create new playlists. If I can't do this, can I switch back to the old version?

Also just a heads up if you go to search on the bottom right, type in the artist, scroll down to songs, and you can click show all... this is the only way around this issue I have found... a bit rediculous and inconveniet but it works...

Yes, but they are listed alphabetically, not in order of album as I have them conveniently in iTunes on my MacBook. Any solution to this? I have some artists where I have some 'Albums' that are just single songs or just a few, like a single release; I would like to listen to an artist's work in order of release while on a drive, but not necessarily with the forethought to have created a playlist for each & every one. Any solution to the alphabetical listing? Otherwise your solution is great.

Found your question when trying to do the same thing... found the easiest( although still slightly long winded) way was to go to artist, sort albums ( I wanted to play from earliest to latest) then just select the album to play next ( for the first one) then play later ( for the rest)

Select Artists, if it is not selected already and all the Artists in your library are shown on the left of the screen on the ipad or below on the iPhone. Simply click the photo to left of artists name and it will play all the music by that artist.

OK, thanks for the answer. This will play all songs from the artist but always starts with the first album. If I want to start with a different album from the artist, I need to click on the three little dots to see the next titles of the artist and then select the title from the album I want to listen to. That's very unhandy.... Or is there a different way? It would be easier to just go to the album I want to listen to, select a track and then all titles fromt he artist would be repeated...

Considering this was functionally possible before the introduction of Apple Music a few weeks ago, it's pretty jarring to know that small changes can just pop up and be pretty annoying when it interferes with how you want to enjoy your music. Did the layout with each album's songs displayed **** off a lot of people. I can't imagine.

Downloaded songs (downloaded as playlist) from apple music on my iphone don't show up under songs, artists or albums. I know the songs are physically on my phone because it will play them but only way to see them is from the playlist. Anyone know how to fix this? Phone is 6se and updates are current.

Hmmm, no help yet. Let me try and make it clearer. I have a playlist that I downloaded onto my phone called Kid Rock. It has 10 of his songs in it. They are all physically downloaded on my phone. Now if I go into downloaded music then look st artists he doesn't show up. If I try and go to downloaded music then look at songs the songs down't show up. If I go to playlists I can see the playlist and play the songs. Why can't I see the artist and songs though from the artist category or songs in the songs category? This is going on with 95% of my downloaded music. Driving my crazy!!!!

Because if YES, than that is strange. Only thing I can suggest is force quitting the Music app and then doing a hard reset of the iPhone (holding the HOME and POWER button - unless you have an iPhone 7 where it is the POWER and DOWN VOLUME buttons - until you see the Apple Logo). After the restart see if the songs show in Downloaded Music. Only other suggestion is to go to Settings/Music/Downloaded Music, tap on Downloaded Music and swipe across where it says All Songs to delete everything on the iPhone and then try downloading them again and see if that works.

Yes (and not offended), I am sure the actual tracks are on my iPhone. I can see the tracks if I go to settings/music/downloaded music and I can play the tracks in airplane mode with wifi turned off so they are there. I have tried deleting the songs/playlist from my phone and then downloading again and I have tried doing a hard reset multiple times and that hasn't solved the problem. Any other ideas? Thanks

The second way is to search for the artist's own playlist. Some artists create their own playlists and place all of their songs which can be found under their profiles > artist playlists. Billie Eilish has one for example.

It's an issue for me mostly because I mostly listen to EDM. If the song is not brand new and is a collab or on someone else's album, it can be a major pain to find it without a list of all tracks by that artist, nearly impossible in some cases on the mobile app.

If I want to auto mix or auto play random songs let me initiate that instead of making it default without a button to disable it. Also make it easier to play songs from a single artists instead of requiring to create a playlist, manually fill the queue or select a specific album.

Since this seems to be related to my issue, although on many artists, I cannot get even one song to play, this is HORRIBLE and should be changed immediately. There are ways I can start a mix and if that is what I wanted to do, I would do that. This is annoying enough to make me change subscriptions.

I upgraded to premium so that I could use the artist only mode. Now I read that there's no way to prevent other artists from being played on a station. Seriously? Then why is there an artist only mode? And why are you requiring an upgrade to use a mode that doesn't do anything?

@DebbieJay good Sunday morning, I believe you can, when you click on the artist station it shows a search bar for you to add songs or other artists. Just add the songs in that search bar that you want to be added for that artist station. Have a great Sunday, take care, and stay safe.

A signature song is the one song (or, in some cases, one of a few songs) that a popular and well-established recording artist or band is most closely identified with or best known for. This is generally differentiated from a one-hit wonder in that the artist usually has had success with other songs as well. A signature song may be a song that spearheads an artist's initial mainstream breakthrough, a song that revitalizes an artist's career, or a song that simply represents a high point in an artist's career. Often, a signature song will feature trademark characteristics of an artist and may encapsulate the artist's particular sound and style. Signature songs can be the result of spontaneous public identification, or a marketing tool developed by the music industry to promote artists, sell their recordings, and develop a fan base.[1] Artists and bands with a signature song are generally expected to perform it at every concert appearance, often as an encore on concert tours, sometimes being the last song of the setlist.[2] e24fc04721

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