With Maven Toolchains applied to JDK toolchain, a project can be built using a specific version of JDK independent from the one Maven is running with. Think how JDK versions can be set in IDEs like IDEA, NetBeans and Eclipse, or how you can compile with an older JDK from Maven running with a recent one.

The toolchains.xml file (see below) is the configuration file where you set the installation paths of your toolchains. This file should be put in your ${user.home}/.m2 directory. When the maven-toolchains-plugin executes, it looks for the toolchains.xml file, reads it and looks for a toolchain matching the toolchains requirements configured in the plugin. In our example, that would be a JDK toolchain with "1.5" and "sun". Once a match is found, the plugin then stores the toolchain to be used in the MavenSession. As you can see in our toolchains.xml below, there is indeed a JDK toolchain with "1.5" and "sun" configured. So when the maven-compiler-plugin we've configured in our pom.xml above executes, it will see that a JDK toolchain is set in the MavenSession and will thereby use that toolchain (that would be the JDK installed at /path/to/jdk/1.5 for our example) to compile the sources.

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Whether you need or want to define toolchains and provisioners on the project building the precompiled script plugins or / and on the main build, is independent of each other, as those are separate builds. The same way you need to declare repositories in both, you also need to configure the toolchain provisioner for both if you want for both builds toolchains auto-provisioned.

Even if you configure the same toolchain for the build logic build and for the main build, you should not rely on only having the toolchain provisioner on the build logic build. It will work as the build logic build will already auto-provision the toolchain, even if all tasks are up to date. But you will get a deprecation warning when the main build is evaluated saying:

Using a toolchain installed via auto-provisioning, but having no toolchain repositories configured. This behavior is deprecated. Consider defining toolchain download repositories, otherwise the build might fail in clean environments; see Toolchains for JVM projects

Sounds like it, yeah.

Unless you extract that to yet another convention plugin that you then can apply in your builds.

But usually you would not want the same value.

By setting a Java 17 toolchain for the build-logic build, you are requiring to run Gradle with Java 17 itself.

Because the build-logic build could well run on Java 8, using the toolchain to build the convention plugins, but if you then try to apply those plugins to your main build, it will fail with incompatible class file version as Gradle is still running on Java 8 then.

I recently installed the Swift 5.8 toolchain on my machine via winget following the official installation instructions, and ran into two issues related to DLL loading that were surprisingly frustrating to debug. (I didn't post this in Swift Required DLLs on Windows 10 as that thread seems more related to Swift program distribution, and I'm just trying to run Swift locally here; though, if this is a good fit for that thread, happy to copy this over.)

The first roadblock: attempting to run swift.exe immediately presented dialogs indicating that swiftCore.dll, swiftWinSDK.dll, swiftCRT.dll, and swiftDispatch.dll could not be found, despite the fact that these DLLs had been successfully installed in C:\Program Files\swift\runtime-development\usr\bin, and were in the %PATH%. The solution was to copy the contents of this directory into C:\Library\Developer\Toolchains\unknown-Asserts-development.xctoolchain\usr\bin so that the DLLs were present alongside the executables in question.

The second roadblock: attempting to run swift.exe repl resulted in error: failed to retrieve frontend target info. Vaguely remembering having run into this in the past with LLDB, I tried running lldb.exe from the same directory, and got the same error dialog about python310.dll not being found (also despite being in my %PATH%). The solution was the same: copy python310.dll into the toolchain directory, and run again.

Yes, please continue reporting these issues, even if they are duplicates. The ideal place is on the issues tab on GitHub, but starting threads on the forums for discussions is reasonable as well. The Python dependency issue is something that I'm really frustrated about. I don't know what the best solution here is. Is it better to subsume the responsibility for Python and use the embeddable distribution and distribute it ourselves, increasing the size of the toolchain, vulnerability surface, etc or rely on the user having python installed. I'm not a fan of either option, but I don't see a better solution yet.

A DevOps toolchain is a collection of tools, often from a variety of vendors, that operate as an integrated unit to design, build, test, manage, measure, and operate software and systems. It enables development and operations teams to collaborate across the entire product lifecycle and tackles key DevOps fundamentals including continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and collaboration.

This accelerated workflow is enabled by, and relies on, new tools that allow teams to collaborate across development, testing, and deployment. In particular, a DevOps toolchain helps teams tackle each stage of the development lifecycle, very, very quickly.

A DevOps toolchain includes the tools and technology that enable development and operations teams to collaborate across the entire software lifecycle. It tackles key DevOps fundamentals including continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and collaboration.

If you look across a sophisticated DevOps product, the DevOps toolchain should be able to tackle different parts of the development lifecycle very quickly and offer multiple lenses for different users. It should include development tools that address each phase of the development lifecycle, including continuous integration and delivery, test automation, and high-speed deployment. On the operations side of DevOps, tools should include functionality that helps with monitoring and incident management. Plus, tools should bridge development and operations by providing continuous feedback and logging.

I have installed Version 1.11.0 from STM32CubeIDE and have to install an older toolchain for my stm32H7 project. But Toolchain Manager throws the error "Failed to fetch the toolchain list, please check your network settings."

For all toolchains except Docker, environment sourcing only happens once: the first time the toolchain in used in a CMake profile or upon loading a Makefile. For Docker, sourcing happens each time the toolchain is used.

In the Rust development environment, all tools are installed to the ~/.cargo/bin %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin directory, and this is where you will find the Rust toolchain, including rustc, cargo, and rustup.

When the option specifieds a GCC installation in a nonstandard place, that place is typically a sysroot.

When --sysroot= is specified, Clang auto detects lib/gcc{,-cross}/$triple/$version in $sysroot/usr and $sysroot, and --gcc-toolchain= is not needed.

Many rustup commands deal with toolchains, a single installation of theRust compiler. rustup supports multiple types of toolchains. The most basictrack the official release channels: stable, beta and nightly; butrustup can also install toolchains from the official archives, for alternatehost platforms, and from local builds.

'channel' is a named release channel, a major and minor version number such as1.42, or a fully specified version number, such as 1.42.0. Channel namescan be optionally appended with an archive date, as in nightly-2014-12-18, inwhich case the toolchain is downloaded from the archive for that date.

Because the rust-lang/rust tree does not include Cargo, when cargo isinvoked for a custom toolchain and it is not available, rustup will attemptto use cargo from one of the release channels, preferring 'nightly', then'beta' or 'stable'.

A toolchain refers to the set of build tools (build application, compiler, linker, archiver) that convert source code into a binary artifact, such as a static or dynamic library or an executable file. For example, in Linux, you invoke a toolchain for C files with gmake and set toolchain information in the makefile. For C/C++ code generation, the toolchain is formally defined in a MATLAB object that you modify and load from a toolchain definition file (m-file). Write and use your own toolchain definition file when you perform intensive customizations to the build process.

In the code generation infrastructure, after creating the toolchain object from your toolchain definition file, you save it, and then register the object for code generation. Assign the object name to the Toolchain property of your code generation configuration object. See the featured examples for complete demonstrations.

Picking a compiler toolchainto use is one of the first things you (need to) dowhen starting to use EasyBuild. This can be a daunting task, since awhole bunch of toolchains and different toolchain versions are readilyavailable in EasyBuild. It may be difficult to determine which toolchainwould be most rewarding to use, in terms of stability, performance ofthe resulting binaries and readily available easyconfig files. 2351a5e196

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