In addition to what FrequentFlyer said, you can use libcluster to connect any arbitrary elixir node as long as the nodes can talk to each other. On fly, all instances in your organization share the same internal network, so you can drop libcluster in (or a couple libcluster configuration) into your apps and they will discover one-another via DNS like usual. Then you can send messages, do PubSub, or whatever is needed

In short, .internal gives you an A record of app instances.

_apps.internal gives you a TXT record of all apps in your org.

You can then parse it in your code to pick out the 2 apps and pass that to the DNSPoll bit.

I read in the doco that DNSPoll works with just A records, so the above bit may be needed if you go the 2-app route.

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Uptodown is a multi-platform app store specialized in Android. Our goal is to provide free and open access to a large catalog of apps without restrictions, while providing a legal distribution platform accessible from any browser, and also through its official native app.

I am new in phoenix framework and I love it alots. I have a e commerce app like ebay, and I just use two framework such as django and phoenix. I love performance of phoenix, but I am not sure which framework is best for me, how is the performance of phoenix for e-commerce apps? any idea will be appreciated.

This does not hold true for Phoenix apps. For reasons beyond my understanding, Phoenix apps do not know their context and thus the user needs to tell mix that the new app will be inside an umbrella project.

Hello. First post here by an Elixir convert. Curious where people usually run their Phoenix apps (and Postgres). Both hobby and work. I know Gigaelixir and Heroku, but is there something else good, and reasonably priced, that you are happy with? What about DO? Anyone run things in Kubernetes on CGP or AWS? Also, sorry for a fuzzy question, but how much juice (cpu and mem) does Elixir need compared to Node or Go?

As the size of config files grows about linearly with app complexity, developer time spent in these files increases likewise. In this blog post, I am going to showcase two small adjustments you can apply to the default application configuration setup in Phoenix apps to improve their developer experience.

Following the 12-factor app conventions, our apps exclusively use environment variables for runtime configuration (as opposed to reading .yaml files or similar), and we often end up with a runtime.exs files of several hundred lines.

The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Cross-Platform App Development prepares students for employment in entry-level coding, programming, and software development positions with an emphasis on Windows Mobile apps and web apps. This CCL will help students prepare to take the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Software Development Fundamentals C# certification. Courses in this certificate can apply toward the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Mobile App Development and Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Mobile App Development.

Phoenix is still unaware of our webapp static folder. We must add that to ourendpoint configuration so our Plug.Static can serve it. Head tolib/phoenix_react_web/endpoint.ex at line 23. Add the webapp to the stringlist:

Notice that the /app/settings page will be displayed as we expected. Behindthe scenes, Phoenix kept delivering the index.html file and the React Routermade sure that the right components were mounted. Sweet! Our Phoenix and Reactapps are ready to roll!

I personally believe that the development and deployment of our applicationsshould be simple and while having React as a dependency does increase complexityinto our app, the trade-off of building web apps with it pays off in my case.Although, if you have simple CRUD apps, sticking with vanilla Phoenix templatesand LiveView might be more than enough.

Apps built with Elixir can support massive scalability, real-time interactivity, great fault tolerance, and the language's syntax is actually a joy to use. Elixir is a natural fit for applications such as chat apps, data dashboard apps, and anything needed to support a large userbase.

In the next section, we'll outline the different strategies a developer can use when building a multi-tenant app. It's important to point out that these strategies aren't exclusive to Elixir. Rather, think of them as universal building blocks for developing multi-tenant apps regardless of the programming language used.

The User context will be used for authentication purposes. Instead of generating the User context and trying to integrate it into an authentication flow from scratch, Elixir gives us several libraries we can use, including phx.gen.auth, Coherence, and Pow, a modular and extendable authentication library for Phoenix apps.

It appears that future versions of Phoenixwill support installation via amix archive.install phoenix command.This installs Phoenixand also provide the mix commandto generate a new Phoenix project.

BlueStacks is an app player that can run over 2 million Android apps and games directly on their computers. Toss your smartphone and find out why so many people are switching to playing Android games on their computer.

Today we are pushing forward once again, with new support for Apache Tez (dataflow-driven data processing task orchestration) and Apache Phoenix (fast SQL for OLTP and operational analytics), along with updates to several of the existing apps. In order to make use of these new and/or updated applications, you will need to launch a cluster that runs release 4.7.0 of Amazon EMR.

Note: here we are providing the relative path from config to assets with the :cd option, so that the esbuild command can be run in the assets directory. Given that, if you have a umbrella app, the path should be something like ../apps/your_web_app/assets. e24fc04721

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