{ "@context": " ", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is Appium inspector?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Appium inspector conducts Appium inspection, a standard procedure to identify the unique UI elements of any mobile app. It can support Android emulators, iOS simulators, and real devices." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How to use Appium Inspector?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The first step is to download and install Appium Inspector. It consists of Windows and OS X versions (.exe and .app). While opening the app, the Appium server will get started with the default IP address set to 0.0." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can Appium Inspector run on Windows?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, it can run as a desktop app for macOS, Windows, and Linux." } }]}

I was able to solve this issue. I anyone has this issue with running appium or appium inspector for the the first time to this page. I was able to solve my problem very quickly. It was the perfect answer -can-t-be-opened-because-apple-cannot-check-it-for-malicious-software

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I just used Appium-desktop to see logs during the connection with my smartphone and Appium-inspector to inspect the DOM too, I'm new in this exercise and I search a lot without any result for the moment. I can see my smartphone is well connected and the server seems to work.

At its core, Appium Inspector is an element inspector tool. It is similar to UiAutomatorViewer for Android Studio, and it works with the same logic to provide us with the ID, class name, accessibility ID, and XPath.

As you can see, there are excellent, platform-specific inspector tools and frameworks for each respective platform. However, this is extremely difficult to scale when you have a web, hybrid, and/or native mobile application that needs to be able to run on all platforms. For mobile specifically, that is two separate ecosystems to set up, configure, inspect, create, and execute: one for Android and one for iOS. To solve this platform fragmentation, the folks over at Selenium, who pioneered web automation, created Appium for mobile and thus Appium Inspector.

When you installed Appium 1.x, all available drivers would be installed at the same time as the main Appium server. This is no longer the case. Simply installing Appium 2.0 (e.g., by npm install --location=global appium), will install the Appium server only, but no drivers. To install drivers, you must instead use the new Appium extension CLI. For example, to install the latest versions of the XCUITest and UiAutomator2 drivers, after installing Appium you would run the following commands:

This will install Appium and the two drivers for you in one go. Please uninstall any existing Appium 1.x npm packages (with npm uninstall --location=global appium) if you get an installation or startup error.

When you installed Appium 1.x, all available drivers would be installed at the same time as the main Appium server.The path was /path/to/appium/node_modules.For example, appium-webdriveragent to build WebDriverAgent manually was /path/to/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent.

Appium 2.0 installs such dependencies in APPIUM_HOME environment variable. The default path is ~/.appium.So, the path to appium-webdriveragent could be $APPIUM_HOME/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent after installing the XCUITest driver package.

Some drivers have done away with CLI args entirely in favour of default capabilities instead. Withthe above-mentioned --chromedriver-executable param for example, you now need to take advantageof the appium:chromedriverExecutable capability supported by the UiAutomator2 driver. To set thiscapability from the command line, do the following:

To update the Appium server itself, you do the same thing as in the past: npm install --location=global appium. Now, installing new versions of the Appium server will leave your drivers intact, so the whole process will be much more quick.

These standard capabilities continue to be used as-is. All other capabilities must include a "vendor prefix" in their name. A vendor prefix is a string followed by a colon, such as appium:. Most of Appium's capabilities go beyond the standard W3C capabilities and must therefore include vendor prefixes (we recommend that you use appium: unless directed otherwise by documentation). For example:

This requirement may or may not be a breaking change for your test suites when targeting Appium 2.0. If you're using an updated Appium client (at least one maintained by the Appium team), the client will add the appium: prefix for you on all necessary capabilities automatically. New versions of Appium Inspector will also do this. Cloud-based Appium providers may also do this. So simply be aware that if you get any messages to the effect that your capabilities lack a vendor prefix, this is how you solve that problem.

To make everyone's lives a bit easier, we've also introduced the option of wrapping up all Appium-related capabilities into one object capability, appium:options. You can bundle together anything that you would normally put an appium: prefix on into this one capability. Here's an example (in raw JSON) of how you might start an iOS session on the Safari browser using appium:options:

(Of course, each client will have a different way of creating structured capabilities like appium:options or other ones that you might have seen such as goog:chromeOptions). NB: capabilities that show up in appium:options will overwrite capabilities of the same name that show up at the top level of the object. (The new appium:options syntax support by cloud providers may vary.)

Some Appium-internal NPM packages have been renamed (for example, appium-base-driver is now @appium/base-driver). This is not a breaking change for Appium users, only for people who have built software that directly incorporates Appium's code.

The inspector functionality of Appium Desktop has been moved to its own app: Appium Inspector. It's fully compatible with standalone Appium 2.0 servers, but also works with later versions of Appium 1.x servers. Appium Desktop itself has been deprecated and is not compatible with Appium 2.0.

Appium Desktop ( -desktop) provides Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux. The post below explains how to use Appium inspector together with the devices hosted by Mobile Center.

In contrast to the other costly licensed tools, you can record and playback the mobile applications using the open-sourced Appium inspector. QA engineers can directly perform any actions on the application and generate the test scripts by inspecting DOM in any desired language.

Hopefully, by reading this, you now have an abstract understanding of the Appium inspector and are ready to link any mobile application with the Appium inspector. If you want to learn more about the Appium or schedule a demonstration, please visit www.alphabold.com or contact us at [email protected].

Appium comes with a nifty inspector desktop app that can inspect your Application under test and help you identify element locators (i.e. ways to identify elements on the screen) and even play around with the app.

As discussed in the two prior blogs about identifying and locating the UI elements, the XPath can be also identified using the uiautomatorviewer or Appium inspector. The indexes can be given the same way for native apps as those are given to websites, for example: (All UIAButtons, with parent UIAWindow index 1, with parent UIAApplication index 1)

After trying and summarizing the two inspectors briefly, Dogu Inspector has the advantages of supporting game apps, having a low learning curve, and no limitation on device distance. On the other hand, Appium Inspector has advantages such as recording and scripting capabilities and various device commands.

The Appium developer community has created a new driver, appium_flutter_driver.This has enabled test automation engineers to automate flutter-based apps just like how they would automate android and iOS mobile apps.

Debugging mobile app tests is not as straightforward as the web as dev tools is not available. In order to debug mobile app tests, Appium inspector will have to be setup and attached to a test session e24fc04721

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