EDIT: I had a glance at the code (api/todoist.go) where IsDeleted indeed is an Int64. Also I double checked the Sync API Reference (v8 & v9) from Todoist and they are also stating that is_deleted on the Reminders is an Integer. I have the feeling at some point the value from Todoist (either 0 or 1) is parsed into a boolean value?

Hi there, I am trying to make it so if I put a pulse in Monday it automatically makes a new task in todoist. Maybe when the due date is reached it creates a task in todist. Or can that be done maybe with google calender not todoist? Thanks so much!!

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Do not mind you asking at all. Basically 2 reasons

I am in social media marketing and content creation.

First repeating tasks. I can schedule repeating tasks in todoist. I have clients that are realtors. And they want say every monday to showcase a property for sale. Todoist allows me to set a reocuuring task for that. And I can easily check it off when done but it automatically repeats the next Monday.

3. least importantly, I love todoist and I want to be able to have a task assigned to me in Airtable show up with its associated link, record, and all the data around it in a todoist task.

Todoist also comes with an additional service, todoist.new_task that offersmore advanced attributes when creating a Todoist task. You can specify labelsand a project, or you can leave them blank, and the task will go to yourInbox project.

AuthURL returns the url users need to authenticate against@Summary Get the auth url from todoist@Description Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from todoist to Vikunja.@tags migration@Produce json@Security JWTKeyAuth@Success 200 {object} handler.AuthURL "The auth url."@Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"@Router /migration/todoist/auth [get]

Migrate gets all tasks from todoist for a user and puts them into vikunja@Summary Migrate all lists, tasks etc. from todoist@Description Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from todoist to vikunja.@tags migration@Accept json@Produce json@Security JWTKeyAuth@Param migrationCode body todoist.Migration true "The auth code previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/todoist/auth."@Success 200 {object} models.Message "A message telling you everything was migrated successfully."@Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"@Router /migration/todoist/migrate [post]

Name is used to get the name of the todoist migration - we're using the docs here to annotate the status route.@Summary Get migration status@Description Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.@tags migration@Produce json@Security JWTKeyAuth@Success 200 {object} migration.Status "The migration status"@Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"@Router /migration/todoist/status [get] 006ab0faaa

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