Android phones are small portable computers, and like any computer, they can suffer glitches that prevent them from working properly. To resolve certain problems, Android offers Safe Mode, which lets you start the phone with just the most essential features and services. When in Safe Mode, most third-party apps are disabled.

When you're in Safe Mode on your phone or tablet, the apps on your home screen may be grayed out, and your app drawer may be empty. However, your data is safe. When you turn off Safe Mode, your device returns to normal, just as it was before.

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If removing an app fixes the issue, that app is responsible for the errors. Delete and reinstall the app or report the issue to the developers to inform them of your problems. If the issues persist, repeat the steps with the other apps until you find the culprit. It's a slow process, so be patient as you work through the list of third-party apps. When you find the app creating the problems, reinstall the other apps and boot into your device's regular mode.

They appear to be having some issues with random PDF files they are being sent via email from different sources. When they try to open certain PDF files it crashes out outlook. The same PDF file can be opened perfectly fine on another machine, re-saved and sent back to the first user and then it can be opened without issue. Opening Outlook in safemode allows the first user t open the offending PDF without any problems, Thus i assumed that the issue was add-in related. Started Outlook in normal mode and manually disabled all add-in's and tried to open the same PDF but again it still crashed outlook.

I use Octoprint via windows in python virtual environments, but sometimes after rebooting the server, or shutting down the instance for whatever reason, the Octoprint instance will come back online in safe mode. Even after shutting down each Octoprint.exe instance in task manager and then relaunching them again, it might still launch in Safe Mode, which means i have to sit closing and re-opening it until it decides to work normally.

The problem I have is that because i run it in windows, the only way of stopping Octoprint is by using "End Task" on the .exe in task manager.... Which has a 50/50 chance of triggering Octoprint to start in safe mode again... So i'm in a loop of starting it and stopping it until it works.

Safe mode is not triggered by bad shutdown of OctoPrint, it is triggered when it can't start up properly and so tries again in safe mode. So, it would be helpful to upload the log files. It's not because you are running it in windows, it is written to work on all platforms.

In safe mode all the services of sep are disabled...but if you want to scan in safe mode you can run the sep manualy from START--> All programs, it will ask to start the services but choose NO....SEP console will open after choosing NO and then you can run a full scan from console.......

(I think Symantec forgot to keep security in safe mode. If an attacker wants to steal data this would be a good option. Nothing scans so nothing logged in turn nothing reported.... :(

I have the following question.How to disable certain services in safe mode only - they must run in normal start but not in safe mode.We are talking about Win 7 64bit.The problem is that the computer boots normally in normal mode, but restarts at login screen when you try to boot in safe mode, i made clean boot and found that all was ok to login in safe mode, so there is certain service that (haven't identified yet) depends on other service which is not running and that causes the system to crash. It is completely normal and okay if all of services i have to run in normal start, but they should be disabled in safe mode (besides the bare minimum). So I want to disable and thus prevent certain services from starting when I go in safe mode only.Best Regards.

Smartphones are excellent, and they're only getting more polished. However, things can still go wrong, like crashes, slowdowns, and other such problems. When issues arise, it can be tough to find out what the problem is. Is it an app you've downloaded? Maybe it's your phone itself? Not knowing what's causing problems is just as frustrating as the problem itself, but that's where Android's built-in safe mode can come in handy.

Safe mode on your phone, like safe mode on a computer, is the best way to diagnose any problems with your device. When started, it blocks third-party apps from running and turns on airplane mode, sealing your device away from anything that it didn't ship with. If you notice your device speeding up in Safe Mode, then it's likely a third-party app causing an issue. If not, well, at least you've ruled something out.

Before starting safe mode, though, make sure to Google your device's symptoms to see whether anyone else has had similar issues and, hopefully, might have fixed theirs. Historically, there have been problems like the Android System WebView issue, which caused app crashes on a number of Android devices.

Your device will restart, and you will see a safe mode prompt in the bottom-left corner. This method works for most Android phones, though you may have to hold your Power button to pull up your shutdown menu instead if you're not using the latest version of Android.

I wrote a macro that now is causing issues with MS Word. I can only open the document in safe mode and cannot figure out how to delete the macro from safe mode. I don't have access to any of the features in safe mode and the macro isn't even showing up. I tried changing the Trust Center settings but none of those options make a difference. Unfortunately I was very dumb and made it a macro on all documents so I can't open any documents without going into safe mode. help!

An additional edit: the macro is coded to run on open. It was running fine before I added the ErrorHandler. I'm sure this is also a huge part of the problem, but a simple solution may not be the right fix since it automatically runs when I open the document. I can't access anything in safe mode.

To log on to Windows by using the disabled local Administrator account, start Windows in Safe mode. Even when the Administrator account is disabled, you are not prevented from logging on as Administrator in Safe mode. When you have logged on successfully in Safe mode, re-enable the Administrator account, and then log on again. To do this, follow these steps:

You can use the recovery console to access the computer even if the local Administrator account is disabled. Disabling the local Administrator account does not prevent you from logging on to the recovery console as Administrator.

I contacted support and was referred to Sophos KBA 124377 which explains how to resolve this issue by booting into safe mode, modifying the registry to disable Sophos Endpoint Defense, and then booting back into Windows. Unfortunately, this is not a workable solution since we have over 60 affected clients all over the country. I have tried modifying the registry keys mentioned in KBA 124337 using Group Policy (both using startup scripts and using Registry Group Policy Preferences) but this has no effect because tamper protection is enabled before they run which locks down the registry keys I need to change.

Anyone have any thoughts on how I can get Sophos Central Endpoint reinstalled on these workstations without having to boot each one into safe mode and manually modifying the registry? Or how to redeploy the client to these workstations since they do have the AutoUpdate component?

In the batch file or script that runs sophosinstall.exe as part of the migration. Prior to that command, would it help to run:

"C:\Program Files\Sophos\Endpoint Defense\uninstall.exe" /quiet

If the migrations are coming from 10.6.4, then SED is installed but disabled unless you add a registry key locally. but I assume that as part of the migration, as MCS becomes installed and the computer managed by Central a SED policy comes down mid way through the migration and enabled SED at an odd time. Maybe this is why it is intermittent as it's a race condition.

I can't think of a way to disable the SED boot driver without using safe mode. It might be possible to create a batch file/script that will reboot the computer next time automatically to safe mode, e.g.

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal

shutdown /r /t 0

But to fully automate this, say out of hours, it would also have to setup a script to run at next startup (that could run in safe-mode, I think run locations are limited), maybe using the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ shell key to chain explore.exe and a batch file. You can use a comma to declare multiple commands.

The safe mode batch file or script could then:

- edit the registry to disable the SED driver, reg.exe

- restore the shell key to just Explorer.exe 

- restore normal boot with: 

bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot

shutdown /r /t 0

The only issue you'd have is automating the login on reboot, into safemode you'd have to create a temporary admin with net commands and set a password. This account be later deleted but the password would probably just set in clear text in the script. Maybe use -us/sysinternals/autologon.aspx to simplify the auto-logon if that would work.

I suppose if you have some encyption software, safe mode would be even harder to automate.

Either way you slice it that is quite a tricky script but one I suspect has already been done before in some way.

In terms of trying to do something before the SED driver starts, a quick look in the registry ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sophos Endpoint Defense") shows its group to be: "FSFilter Security Enhancer". If I run LoadOrder ( -us/sysinternals/loadorder.aspx) there are a few groups that a driver could belong to to perhaps disable SED before it starts. 

Regards, 2351a5e196

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