I just got my S22 Ultra and I have been transferring things over. I really like the edge lighting for notifications, but the setting isn't there. I have looked up to see if the s22U even has the option (which doesn't make sense as to why it wouldn't) Others say that there is, under Settings>Notifications>Brief Notifications>Edge Lighting, but on my s22U and there isn't even options for "Brief notifications" to access edge lighting.

I noticed when using the default stock Samsung messages the edge lighting works as it should but when I change the messaging app to default as Android Messages or rather Google messages it doesn't work when messages come through the screen does not light up to wake the phone nor does any text come through to wake the phone ,even though I made sure that google messages are enabled in the edge lighting app. This happens with both the standard version of Android Messages and the beta version. :/ Very dissapointing to say the least.

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Edge lighting allows you to use the entire edge of your display as a notification light, giving you the freedom to easily see when you have a new notification, without having to open your phone. With Edge lighting you can change the style and colour of the notification as well as controlling which apps use the feature.

You can completely customise Edge lighting to make your notifications unique to you. Choose between different effects and colours before adjusting the transparency, width and duration of the notification alert.

When your phone starts to glow from an Edge lighting notification there are a few options available. You can choose to open the app as usual, open the app in a pop-up window or just dismiss the notification.

Edge lighting allows you to control which app notifications will appear as normal and which will light up the edge of your screen. You can choose to have all apps use Edge lighting or only use the feature for certain apps.

Yes, by downloading the EdgeLighting+ app from the Galaxy Store you can get more options for your Edge lighting. The EdgeLighting+ app adds the boomerang, celebrate, galaxy, loop and black hole styles.

I just saw these and thought it might be an easy, no solder, fast option for edge lighting or other lighting needs in laser projects. Cut to length, powered by USB or USB wall adapter and various color/diming/flashing options.

I'm a very technical person, and I noticed my edge lighting was missing also and you know how girls are they like stuff like that lol. I tried the settings, they're right there and very easy, yet it will not turn on! Even customer support could only give me the same solution you did. I really miss it is there any other way to get it back? The settings are perfect and I have it set to glitter. I only need it for texting. And the texting I use is Textra. And it has always worked with the colors. So I'm stumped. And my phone is the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 ultra 5G

Do you ever need a cheap, quick way to make an impressive display? Do ever want to show more than a blinking LED but want something easier to use than a LCD? Do you want to make light appear to hover in mid-air? Then edge lighting may be for you.

When light passes between two different materials (like plastic and air) at a very high angle it will get reflected back rather than passing through. You can see this in a glass of water. Look at it from above and you can see right through it. Looking at it almost edge on and it will be very reflective. This means that if we shine a light into the edge of clear plastic the light will bounce around inside until it finds a way out. By etching and/or carving the surface of the plastic we control where it escapes.

Really interesting lighting... nice sketch in so many ways! I thought of you while painting in Chadds Ford a few weeks ago... I needed your orange cones! I was precariously perched on a tiny strip between a pasture fence and the curve of a winding country road. Hope all is well.

I'm a big fan of that cool effect Samsung phones have when you play a song and the edges light up blue in a pattern like way. How could I begin to emulate that effect as a border for a video for example? Sort of as if Tron neon blue lines 'drew' the border of the video?

Show us a screenshot of what you want to do and we can give you an idea of how to do it. I've already given you the basic workflow and an easy way to make a bluish glow around the edges of a layer respond to an audio track.

Hi Rick, thanks a lot for this. I've attached a video in the comments of the sort of thing I'm looking for. I should have specified that I'm not actually looking for it to respond to an audio track, just the edges graphic effect on its own. I hope the video helps.

I did tests between a standard 160 LED direct-firing light (about 3 x 4 inches) and a 10 x 8 inch edge-lit panel. They had roughly equivalent brightness. It was near-impossible for subjects to look into a camera when the 160-light was at full power, mounted on a hot shoe. They could more easily look at the camera when the light source was the larger edge-lit panel.

The Edge Lighting filter finds edges based on pixel-to-pixel differences in any chosen channel in the source image or in the Edge Source Track and applies light to these edges. Highlights and Shadows are independently computed and can be blurred and applied separately to the source.

The Edges From menu determines which source channel is used to compute edges. You can create edges from the Alpha, Luma, Red, Green or Blue channels. PixelChooser lets you create edges based on the PixelChooser settings.

Edge Lighting uses a synthetic light source to light the edges. The position of this light source is controlled by the Light Direction and Light Elevation settings. Light Direction controls the direction that the light comes from, and Light Elevation controls the elevation of the light source above the image plane. Increasing Light Elevation makes the edge lighting less directional. At a Light Elevation setting of 100, Light Direction has no affect.

Threshold determines how sensitive the filter is to differences between pixels when finding edges in the source image. The effect of this setting depends on the nature of the source image. Changes to the Threshold value affect both Shadows and Highlights.

The filter eliminates edges whose intensity is lower than the Edge Floor value. Increase Edge Floor to eliminate stray edges from the output if you want to enhance or light only the strongest edges in the image. Adjustments to the Edge Floor affect both Shadows and Highlights.

Ambient Light adjusts the total amount of diffuse light on the image. The default setting of 100 does not add or subtract ambient light from the source image. Decreasing this setting makes the image darker before the other light is applied. Ambient light illuminates or darkens the image evenly, and is unaffected by any other lighting parameters.

The Alpha From menu determines how the filter creates the output alpha channel. When Alpha From is set to Source, the filter uses the input alpha channel. The other options allow you to use only the Highlight edges or a combination of both the Source and Highlight information or of the Highlight and Shadow edges. Full creates a full on (completely opaque) alpha channel, which is helpful if you want to use the PixelChooser with this filter.

Yes, I just wanted it as an eye catcher and the colored edge should also be animated like a neon running light. I had already thought about the Battery Overlay 2 app, which would have to be rewritten. But animating it is certainly time-consuming because it has to stop when sleep mode starts. So not making any effort was just a fixed idea. Thank you

While standard, back-lit downlights deliver light in a more vertical pattern (putting more light directly on the work surface), the wafer's edge-lit technology uses a reflective panel that disperses a wider pattern of light with a smoother distribution that reduces glare.

If you think it should be this way, let me tell you that (at least in my flying experience) it is not. Actually, actually I found some cases where edge lights are well below expected brightness, but normally they are very little airfields, that are mostly in the middle of nothing or near little towns that already have also very low luminic emmision, and you can find them.

LIRL edge_lirl_omni_w is 50 cd intensity (this is absolutely undetectable) (1% of a HIRL)

Those figures, IMHO, are too low.

In my flight experience, I would say that MIRL's are probably around a 30 - 50% of a HIRL (1350 to 2250 cd) and LIRL's might be around 10-20% of a HIRL (450 to 900 cd). That would be (I think) much more appropriate figures in terms of intensity.

I am curious how come nobody seems to complain regarding this issue. That's why I am still wandering if it is my computer and not X-Plane itself.

I don't know.

What do you think?


In the next image you will see a screen capture of a test scenery I made to compare approach lighting and runway lighting. From left to right I set all the approach lighting systems in X-Plane, and at the end, I set 2 simple runways, being the last one (farest-right) illuminated with LIRL, and next to it to the left another illuminated with MIRL. (both pointed with red arrows). As you all can see both of them are practically invisible.

Another thing I've noticed is that if you approach transverse to a runway, lights are even much more dimmed. It's like somehow, runway edge lights seems to illuminate in the direction of the runway, which is not real at all. Runway lights are visible 360 around. Directional lights are only used at runay ends (yellow-white, red-green, red-white, and so on) but all of them will project their lights without any gap, like what it seems in X-Plane.

You can see it in the pictures below. Seems light is projected to the front and to the rear, but not sideways. e24fc04721

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