This research collected the data from 204 millennial customers of Islamic banks in Aceh, Indonesia. Partial least square (PLS) was used to evaluate the effect of service factors (the need for service and service quality), technology-based factors (attitudes towards AI, relative advantage, security and trust) and religiosity on millennial loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking.

This inquiry reveals that service quality, attitude towards AI and trust are determinants important for millennial loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking. Further, this research notes the significant role of religiosity on millennial loyalty towards mobile banking services.

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This study suggests Islamic banks focus on developing millennial trust and attitude towards AI to increase their loyalty towards AI-enabled mobile banking services. Further, Islamic banks operation that complies with Islamic law is strongly suggested to develop millennial loyalty.

Suhartanto, D., Syarief, M.E., Chandra Nugraha, A., Suhaeni, T., Masthura, A. and Amin, H. (2022), "Millennial loyalty towards artificial intelligence-enabled mobile banking: evidence from Indonesian Islamic banks", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 13 No. 9, pp. 1958-1972. -12-2020-0380

Dalam skema ini, nasabah tidak perlu datang ke kantor cabang BSI untuk melakukan proses migrasi rekening dan cukup melakukan aktivasi BSI Mobile. Agar bisa bertransaksi melalui mobile banking, nasabah eks BNI Syariah harus memindahkan mobile banking melalui aktivasi di BSI Mobile.

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The RePEc plagiarism page The effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived benefits on interest in using Bank Syariah Indonesia mobile bankingDiah Ayu Paramita and Anas Hidayat

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Diah Ayu Paramita: Universitas Islam Indonesia

Anas Hidayat: Universitas Islam IndonesiaInternational Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 2023, vol. 12, issue 5, 01-09Abstract:This study aims to analyze the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived benefits on interest in using Bank Syariah Indonesia mobile banking. The research method used is a quantitative approach. The sample size for this study was 250 respondents. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) and processed with AMOS 24.0. The results of the SEM analysis show that perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on attitudes toward mobile banking use. Perceived Ease of Use has a positive and significant effect on the Perceived Usefulness of mobile banking. Perceived ease of use has no significant effect on attitudes toward using mobile banking. Perceived Usefulness has a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention to Use mobile banking. Therefore, attitudes toward using mobile banking have a significant positive impact on behavioral intentions to use mobile banking. Key Words: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Benefits, Attitudes Towards, Behavioral Intentions to Use.Date: 2023

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Beredar sebuah aplikasi mobile banking mengatasnamakan Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Aplikasi mobile banking BSI ini tersebar melalui link download yang dikirim melalui pesan berantai media sosial kepada nasabah BSI. Adapun tampilan aplikasi mobile banking BSI tersebut memiliki dominasi warna hijau toska dan sedikit warna putih.

Dilansir dari, aplikasi mobile banking BSI yang memiliki dominasi warna hijau toska dan sedikit warna putih pada tampilan logo aplikasinya adalah aplikasi palsu. Pihak BSI mengimbau masyarakat untuk mengunduh aplikasi resmi milik BSI melalui Play Store atau App Store. Adapun tampilan pada logo aplikasi mobile banking BSI yang asli terdapat warna putih, oranye, dan hijau toska.

The purpose of this study is to show whether or not there is a difference in the quality of the value of mobile banking at BRI Syariah and Bank Syariah Indonesia. In this study, quantitative techniques were used by straddling a sample of 35 respondents where customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Ex. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah (BRIS) KCP Sumedang Tanjungsari 2 which responded to the quality of mobile banking services between before and after becoming Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). The indicator of the quality of the mobile banking service used is a questionnaire or questionnaire distributed in this study, while checking the hypothesis using a free sample t test. Judging from the results of analyzing the data, it can be seen the average value of mobile banking services at Bank Syariah Indonesia > the average value of mobile banking services at BRI Syariah. It can be concluded that the quality of mobile banking services felt by customers at Bank Syariah Indonesia is better than BRI Syariah, while judging by the results of the free sample t-test data, this study did not get a significant difference between mobile banking services at BRI Syariah and Islamic Banks. Indonesia.

This study aims to analyze the factors that can influence people's perceptions of intention to search for mobile banking information to support daily activities, as well as the influence of mobile banking on public interest or Depositor's Islamic banking and conventional banking. We use the Google Search Volume Index from one of the popular Islamic banking and conventional banking "Mobile banking" keywords in Google Trends to estimate the relationship between individual interest in Islamic banks and Convensional banks, and Islamic bank deposits and Conventional banks. This study shows that the keyword "mobile banking" coefficient has a non-significant correlation with Islamic bank deposits and conventional banks, which cannot be concluded. Although the number of deposits of Islamic banks and conventional banks is determined by many determinants. This investigation proves that the factors that have not been exploited to date, such as variables that cannot be quantified or not measurable (eg, popularity and curiosity), can be examined with the help of Google Trends.

Pegadaian Syariah Digital is a mobile application-based service that allows users to access sharia-based financial services from their smartphones. Developed by PT Pegadaian Persero, this app offers services such as Rahn (pawning) for multipurpose needs, gold investment, gold savings, Rahn for vehicle ownership, Rahn for business financing, Rahn for obtaining hajj portions, payment transactions, and various other financial transactions. The app also includes features such as Smart Access login, CIF/Customer Data connection, and information on gold prices and precious metals. Users can also open gold savings accounts, top up gold, sell gold, transfer gold, print gold, and check gold prices. Additionally, users can access information on Pegadaian Syariah products and services, and make micro payments, installment payments, and repayments for Pegadaian Arrum Mikro, Amanah, Arrum Haji, Arrum Emas, and Mulia Pawnshop products. For security purposes, users are advised to keep their personal data confidential. The app is free to use and available on Android.

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Emiten bank syariah BUMN, PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BRIS) atau BSI, mencatatkan pertumbuhan transaksi mobile banking 97,4% secara tahunan pada periode Juli 2021 atau sebanyak 46,4 juta transaksi.

Transaksi mobile banking merupakan kontributor fee-based income terbesar. Secara performance fee based mobile banking terjadi peningkatan sebanyak Rp 12,9 miliar atau naik 71,85% sejak awal 2021 secara YoY.

Direktur Utama Bank NTB Syariah Kukuh Rahardjo mengatakan saat ini jumlah pengguna mobile banking Bank NTB Syariah baru berada angka 2 persen dari jumlah nasabah. Masih rendahnya pengguna layanan mobile banking tersebut diakui Kukuh lantaran diversifikasi layanan yang masih belum lengkap.

Menurutnya, dengan adanya peningkatan diversifikasi layanan, diharapkan akan meningkatkan jumlah pengguna mobile banking. Nasabah selama ini dinilai mengalami kesulitan dalam bertransaksi lantaran jenis transaksi masih terbatas.

Pengembangan teknologi saat ini merupakan fokus utama Bank NTB Syariah. Pasalnya, nasabah yang melakukan transaksi melalui cabang sudah mulai berkurang dan beralih dengan menggunakan transaksi melalui ATM, internet banking, dan mobile banking. 2351a5e196


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